Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Vol 3 Chapter 1479: March! March!

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Thanks to the book friend: "jascasvkb" for the great reward!



Inside the magnificent big tent, the lord of the country sat on a beautifully decorated chair and asked indifferently.

Agudamu knelt in front and said calmly: "Wang, Emperor Ming is decisive and dared to invest in reinforcements, but the minister has been defeated."

"Agudam, you are just a trash!"

A general suddenly cursed with outrage.

"Yes! Fifty thousand iron knights and twenty thousand reinforcements, you are actually like this, shame! Harleh's shame!"

"Also famous! What else can you do besides causing Harleh's failure to such a famous general?"

"King! Such a defeated general, the minister thinks he should be killed! To warn the whole army!"


The lord ignored the noise, he looked at Agudamu coldly.

Agudam didn't care about these words, just bowed his head and waited for punishment from the country's lord.

The lord looked at those people coldly, the noise disappeared, and then he asked, "Why are you defeated?"

Agudamu raised his head and said: "The ministers besieged the Ming army and did not fight. As expected, reinforcements have arrived. The leader of the army is the British official Zhang Fu of the Ming people. His command is flexible and he has the talent of a general..."

"The Ming army lost its horsepower from a long distance, so the ministers dragged them down, preparing to wait for the Ming army to break through the siege...it was already blocked, but the Ming army's second wave of reinforcements..."

For the first time, Agudamu showed a cautious expression, and said in a deep voice: "They first defeated our ambush, and then after a little defeat, they rushed to the battlefield here... and the cooperation between him and Zhang Fu is very tacit. He immediately surrounded three sides, leaving only the open space in the direction of Xinghepu. The minister wanted to assault their pawns, but saw... the firearms, so he could only turn to flee."

"This way, the Ming army kept pursuing and killing them. The minister organized several counterattacks and brought back most of his subordinates."

The Lord’s expression remained unchanged, and he still asked faintly: "Who is the second wave of reinforcements? How many?"

Agudamu smiled bitterly: "Ten thousand cavalry, more than five thousand foot soldiers."


Some people couldn't help muttering, everyone exchanged glances, some were happy, some looked solemn, some... expressionless...

The head of the country swept his eyes, and then asked: "Who?"

"Wang, it's that Demon God..."

The Lord's eyes flickered sharply, and then he was calm again.


This is the name heard from the Tatar and Oala populations.

According to rumors, the demon **** led thousands of subordinates invincible, and every battle must cast a view of Beijing. On the grassland, the name Demon God can stop children from crying at night.

"Ten thousand cavalry, thousands of infantry, our 20,000 cavalry is so defeated?"

A civilian asked in disbelief. Everyone nodded one after another, feeling incredible.

After all, the previous few times you have gained an advantage by playing less and playing more, how come your advantage has disappeared in the hands of your Agudamu?

Is that Demon God really that powerful?

So all kinds of eyes focused on Agudamu's body.

The lord squinted his eyes and asked, "Is Ming Ren's firearm really that powerful?"

Agudamu said with a solemn expression: "Wang, very powerful. Their big guns can hit iron bullets as well as small things. The damage is too great, and it has a great impact on morale."

The lord sighed softly: "We also have it. How have you compared it?"

Agudamu shook his head and said, "We are big, but we can't hit far, while the bright ones are small, but we can hit far. King, it's difficult!"

The head of the country suddenly tilted back, and then he shouted: "Nonsense, take him down!"

 -->>, the fastest update will bring the warehouse to the latest chapter of Daming!

; Everyone is ecstatic, this is going to be over!

The most trusted general around the country's lord, usually everyone wants to put on a face that is almost uncomfortable. At this moment, seeing Aguadamu is unlucky, and everyone is immediately overjoyed.

Agudamu did not call for grievances, did not struggle, and followed the guard out with a calm expression.

The lord looked at these people coldly and said: "The Ming people have failed several times, and their morale is low. Agudamu is defeated. As long as the Ming Emperor is not stupid, he will certainly take the opportunity to boost his morale. Therefore, Agudamu should be punished, but you Woolen cloth?"

The Lord stood up, holding a short sword in his hand, and said with a staring look: "The Emperor Ming must be cheering up the Ming army. This is our opportunity!"

The people below shuddered, knowing that the chief of the country had made a decision, so they all listened.

The light in the big tent was a little dim, and the face of the country lord looked a little fuzzy. He was holding a short sword, and the gems on the hilt occasionally reflected light on his face, reflecting that he was like a god.

"If you wait for the Ming army to catch your breath, our army will be greatly injured even if it wins, so..."

The lord drew out the dagger and threw it away, and the dagger was stuck on the ground. He opened his arms, leaned back, his face facing the sky, and he was muttering words...

Everyone is waiting, piously waiting, waiting for their king to communicate with God.

The big tent was quiet, filled with a mysterious smell.

The Lord gradually straightened his body, his face flushed, and he screamed, waving his arms, "Advance!"

"Advance! Advancing! Advancing!"

The shouts from the tent spread out...

Looking down from the sky, a huge and unparalleled super camp stretches out all the way, countless tents, countless carts, countless sergeants and war horses, countless civilians...

When the shouts from the big tent came out, the sergeants drew their knives and shouted wildly.

"Advance! Advancing! Advancing!"

The shouts came and went one after another, and the horses shook their heads uneasyly and scratched the grass.

The shouts spread out like a wave of air, and countless voices echoed from near to far, from far to near.

The lord walked out of the big tent, listened to these shouts, and said with satisfaction: "The military will be available. If Emperor Ming saw this scene, would he be afraid?"

The people behind him felt the overwhelming power and couldn't help being confident.

"King, Halle will win!"

The lord closed his eyes and felt, and muttered: "I feel the breath of summer, hot! Zhu Di, do you feel it? This is...the powerful Harleh!"


"Da Ming is very powerful, and Harley is definitely not an opponent."

In the Peking Imperial City, Huang Yan was standing next to Zhu Gaochi, just like Zhu Gaochi's personal eunuch.

Liang Zhong stood just below, listening to Huang Yan's flattery without expression.

Zhu Gaochi was looking at the memorial, and there were more than ten copies accumulated on the side. It was a memorial to be sent to the front line to advise Zhu Di~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Huang Yan saw that Zhu Gaochi didn't pay attention to him, and when he turned his eyes, he bent over. Whispered: "Your Highness, there are rumors outside..."

Zhu Gaochi remained calm, Huang Yan felt a little anxious, and his body leaned forward even more.

"His Royal Highness, some people say that your Majesty is in the Xuan Mansion...it seems to be sick..."

The brush in Zhu Gaochi's hand was still not stagnant, Huang Yan was disappointed, and when he got up, he suddenly smiled inexplicably, causing Liang Zhong's eyes to shrink, guessing what this guy meant.

Huang Yan bowed and retired, Zhu Gaochi didn't raise his eyelids. After he left, Zhu Gaochi continued to deal with political affairs.

Liang Zhong was still standing, waiting for Zhu Gaochi to finish dealing with the political affairs, and then went to gather the memorial.

While gathering the memorials to be sent to the front line, Liang Zhong suddenly saw Zhu Gaochi's fat right hand... his fingers tapped on the table, the rhythm was very fast.

Liang Zhong took a few steps back, and when he turned around holding the memorial, he caught a glimpse of Zhu Gao's eyebrows... it seemed a little melancholy.

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