Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Vol 3 Chapter 1480: Dispute over hot and cold weapons

, The fastest update takes the warehouse to the latest chapter of Daming!

Thanks to the book friend: "Luo Feng Fei Ying" rewards!

The density of Harley's rangers and scouts suddenly increased, and the Ming army immediately sent a large number of cavalry to intercept and intercept. For a time, there was smoke everywhere within 30 miles of Xinghe Fort.

Zhu Di stood on the head of Xinghe Fort, silently looking into the distance, watching the cavalry who kept returning, and then watching the new troops take turns to attack.

There were artillery pieces that were originally erected on the city’s head, but Zhu Di ordered them to be withdrawn to their guard.

This is Zhu Di's character, I am not defensive, I want to attack!

Yang Rong and Yang Shiqi were also watching. At this time, the Ming army was gearing up in the large camps on both sides, ready to be dispatched to attack.

The fierceness of the scout war in the battle of hundreds of thousands of people can be imagined.

People were constantly coming back by war horses, and sometimes even a few people came back with dozens of horses, and the owners of those war horses died in battle regardless of whether they were asked.

In the big camp, the doctors were guarding at the camp gate, and they immediately started to check when they saw the wounded.

"The knife in the shoulder... good luck, the knife is not deep, and I'm a good man after raising it for a period of time."

The doctor disinfected and wrapped up the dressing, patted the grinning sergeant, and shouted, "Next!"

At first, Fang Xing just raised a mouth and distilled it several times, so he got alcohol, and then promoted it as a disinfectant in Jubaoshan Guardian.

At the moment, there is a lot of alcohol in the Ming army, and there are even more of them here.

The next one was carried. The doctor cut the clothes on the wounded's abdomen and said sadly: "The organ is injured. Ask him if he has any last wishes."

The wounded howled loudly, and the two colleagues who carried him looked uncomfortable, and then asked his last wish, but the wounded only screamed and couldn't speak at all.

The doctor sighed, then brought out a gourd, "Give him a few sips."

Without hesitation, the two sergeants fed their colleagues a few mouthfuls. Gradually, his screams became low.

"...My wife...can't...can't remarry..."

When the doctor heard this, he couldn't help but shook his head slightly.

"... My son is young... remarried... suffers... loss..."

The hand holding the wrist of the same robe suddenly loosened, and then dropped to the ground. After shaking for a few times, there was no more movement.

Without howling or choking, the two sergeants carried their robes and walked out numbly. Someone will burn them later.

Fang Xing and Atai stood outside the camp. Watching this scene, Atai sighed: "In the past, people from the tribe died in the foreign war. Those who were friendly enough dig pits and bury them. The general ones are left there, leaving the wind and rain and the beasts alone. Kind of erosion, this is the battlefield..."

"You have fallen!"

Fang Xing shook his head, "Originally, you were somewhat decisive, but now you will lament the cruelty of the battle."

Atai smiled bitterly: "I have seen hundreds of thousands of troops fighting, even if it's just an outpost, I think it's better to be a rich man, or I will die sooner or later without a place to be buried."

The sound of horses hoofs in the distance was rapid, Fang Xing turned around and saw a group of cavalry fast heading towards Xinghe Fort, and said: "It is estimated that there is news of Harleh's main army. Go back."

"Your Majesty, Halle's army camped fifty miles away."

Zhu Di looked at the blood-stained Baihuguan, and said, "Okay."

Hundred household officials raised their heads and said with joy: "Your Majesty, those Harlems are all over the world, you can't see the side, the ministers just circled for half a circle, and it is estimated that there will be more than half a million people."

Zhu Di nodded, and Baihuguan went down happily.

It's easy to talk about it in a half circle, but everyone knows that the cost is estimated to be about the same as the annihilation of the entire army.

Zhu Di touched the bricks and said: "It seems to be about the same as what I estimated. The strength of the Harits will not exceed 350,000."

For an expedition of this scale, civilians and sergeants are at least one-to-one, and there must be a considerable number of people transporting grain and grass along the way.

When Zhu Di heard the silence around him, he asked, "Are you afraid?"

After several encounters and battles, the impression of the brave and brave Hares has been on everyone's -->>, the fastest update will bring the warehouse to the latest chapter of Daming!

It's finalized in my mind.

Yang Rong glanced at the Wuxuns and stepped back with Yang Shiqi.

Zhang Fu was the first to say: "Your Majesty, you are not afraid of more than 100,000."

Zhu Yong also expressed his stance: "Your Majesty, no matter how many Hares, can it be better than the previous Meng Yuan people?"

Meng Ying said radically: "Your Majesty, let's take the lead!"

Zhu Di glanced at him, his eyes drifting, staring at Fang Xing who came up and asked, "How do you look?"

Suddenly a sour smell filled the city, and everyone turned around, looking at Fang Xing in amazement.

"The Harib should be around 300,000."

Zhu Di's expression was cold and solemn, but it gave everyone a strong confidence.

"What do you think of this battle?"

Fang Xing stepped up and said, "Your Majesty, this battle will be very bloody. The numbers of the two sides are almost the same. There is no surprise attack at all. They can only line up and fight step by step. So the minister thought that the key to this battle is the firearms. Play and maintain morale."

As soon as these words came out, the hearts of the generals of the city suddenly became delicate.

"Uncle Xinghe, does this battle depend on the firearms guard station?"

New Ningbo Tan Zhong couldn't help but questioned.

"If there is no firearms guard station, would Daming have to defeat the battle? Then, his Majesty had made several northern expeditions before, but only Shenji camp was there."

Liu Sheng lay innocently with a gun, and said with a wry smile: "Xin Ningbo, Xing Hebo means that the firearms guards are amazing soldiers."

Tan Zhong was questioning, but when he heard Liu Sheng's words, he blushed and said: "Then can I wait to rest?"

Zhu Di watched this scene coldly, but didn't speak.

If he speaks and suppresses it, although there is nothing wrong for the time being, the contradiction will be intensified.

Fang Xing faced the challenge and calmly said: "Previous defenses were mostly short-armed, but with muskets and artillery, it became possible to reject the enemy beyond the range of the bow and arrow. If this battle is based on the previous style of play, then it is. Use human lives to pile up, and pile up a victory or defeat."

No one can question Fang Xing's words, the previous battlefield was short-handed, until one side completely collapsed.

But with the firearm army, under the protection of the cavalry, they can firmly suppress the enemy within a certain distance, thus gaining the initiative.

"Artillery can disrupt the enemy's formation at a long distance, but when it comes to close range, the shotguns and volleys of the artillery can provide continuous interception capabilities. I dare to ask you, is it important to firearms?"

Facing the challenge, Fang Xing could have turned around, but he couldn't, and he didn't want to show weakness.

These people standing on the top of the city are almost the elites of the Ming military. If he is subdued, who will promote the development of firearms in the future?

Tan Zhong retorted and said, "Without us, you go and try?"

"Ha ha!"

Fang Xing smiled very badly, and said: "A battle has never been a place where only arms can decide victory or defeat. Just say the cavalry. Take the battle when I intercepted the Harleh reinforcements, ten thousand cavalry and five thousand firearms. Only by cooperating with the soldiers can they defeat the 20,000 Harlems. I dare to ask how this battle will be fought if we break away from either side?"

With the spear of the son, UU reading www. uukanshu. com attack the shield of the child.

Tan Zhong flushed, but could not speak, which greatly increased Fang Xing's affection for him.

This class of people is reasonable anyway, and if you encounter the kind of stubbornness, he can sophistry enough to make you doubt life.

"All right!"

Zhu Di opened his mouth, and Tan Zhong said, "Your Majesty, the minister is arrogant."

Zhu Di turned his eyes to observe the expressions of these people, and then said: "Both firearms and swords are indispensable. In the future, each department will gradually distribute firearms. When you wait for this battle, you have to look at the methods of firearms. It will be of great benefit to the future. ."

These words seem to be a fight, but they raise the status of the firearms army to the point where everyone must learn.

Seeing the subtle atmosphere, Zhang Fu smiled and said, "Your Majesty, the thousand households of martial arts have to see the blood too!"

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