Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Vol 3 Chapter 1483: Line up

, The fastest update takes the warehouse to the latest chapter of Daming!

Thanks to the book friend: "Vagrant Rabbi Zero" rewards


In front of Xinghe Fort, the flags blown by the wind were hunting.

There are too many people, at first glance, you can't see the sides, and you can't see the head behind.

Zhu Di rode his horse to the front of the array, and the generals gathered behind him.

The sky is beautiful, and the sun is out.

Bathed in the sun, Zhu Di looked at these solemn formations, waiting for his orders, and said solemnly: "The Harits are here, go! Defeat them!"

Zhang Fu shook his arm and shouted: "Da Ming Wan Sheng!"

"Da Ming Wan Sheng!"

Amidst the cheers of the mountain whirring and tsunami, the army slowly moved out.

Zhu Di rides the horse in front, lonely at the forefront.

You can already see the scouts running in the distance, and Zhu Di is waiting for them.

The scout approached, and said anxiously: "Your Majesty, Harleh's army is attacking, the distance is more than 30 miles."


Zhu Di nodded slightly, the scout trembled with excitement, and turned his horse around and ran away.

"Your Majesty, the little one will go to the sentry again!"

These scouts immediately showed off the ability to keep changing horses in front of Zhu Di's eyes, and then went away proudly.

Zhu Di's face was condensed, and he said, "Chen Mao will be ashamed and brave. I don't want to see defeated soldiers!"

Zhang Fu followed closely and said, "Your Majesty, Chen Mao won't take risks. You should return to the army."

Zhu Di shook his head and said: "This battle is important. I want to see the forward return to boost morale."

Zhang Fu turned his head and smiled bitterly, Fang Xing and others had to follow closely, and the preparations were wrong, and immediately took Zhu Di back to the army.

Zhu Di didn't feel threatened at all, he only had the excitement before the war.

Gently pinched the horse's belly, Zhu Di took the lead to get up, and then the army followed, and the vibration gradually became louder.

Less than ten miles ahead, a returning scout appeared in front of him, and immediately came the brigade cavalry.

"Your Majesty, the Harits are five miles away!"


Zhu Di did not slow down, but rushed to meet the cavalry.

"Keep up!"

With a wave of Zhang Fu's hand, more than 10,000 cavalry rushed out of the array, guarding Zhu Di's wings tightly.

Chen Mao rushed at high speed, saw Zhu Di in front of him, he was shocked, and then he approached and shouted: "Your Majesty, the minister has defeated Harley's 30,000 forwards and retreats when he encounters the enemy's main force."

Zhu Di looked at the forward who was missing more than 2,000 and nodded: "Okay!"

Chen Mao flushed with excitement, and said excitedly: "Your Majesty, the minister can fight again!"

Morale can not be vented!

Zhu Di approvingly said: "I have promised, your ministry will go to rest first, and listen to my orders during the war!"

Chen Mao arched his hands, and then led his subordinates around the back.

The forward fought a turnaround today, with a vigorous momentum, and when he saw Zhu Di actually greet him, he cheered.

"Long live your majesty!"

"Long live your majesty!"

In the cheers, Zhu Di nodded slightly. The breeze blew, and some gray beards fluttered slightly, with a proud look.

This is my subordinate!

This is my invincible teacher!

Zhu Di proudly remembered his record, and then waved without looking back.


With an order from Zhang Fu, the cavalry took the lead.

In the rumbling of horseshoes, the cavalry was like two torrents, rushing out from the left and right sides of Zhu Di.

Zhu Di stood still in the middle of the torrent. When the middle army was in place, he commanded: "If the Harleh striker is defeated, if it is the Agudam ruled army, he will definitely not attack immediately, and the army will follow in turn. Yes, don’t throw away the artillery."

"Passing the orders to the army, don't fall behind."

With military orders, the army is booming-->>, the fastest update will bring the warehouse to the latest chapter of Daming!



On the opposite side, Halle's army was constantly deploying troops.

"King, the striker lost."

"The Ming Army Rangers saw my army retreat."

"Found the main force of the Ming army, Emperor Ming... Emperor Ming appeared! He is here!"

The lord smiled slightly: "Is Emperor Ming here? That would be great. This king will witness an unprecedented battle with him. The winner... is the king!"


The lord of the country said reservedly: "This king will watch you how to defeat Mingren!"

Agudamu calmly said: "King, if the minister fails, he will die on the way to the Ming army."

The Lord said with satisfaction: "Go, this king is waiting for your good news."

Agudamu nodded and said: "King, this battle should be steadily fought, and no quick victory can be sought. The minister will stare at the Ming army. Once a weakness is discovered, the minister will launch a general attack."

The Lord nodded and watched Agudamu rushing forward with his soldiers, and said with satisfaction: "The Emperor of the Ming has Zhang Fu, and the king also has Agudam. It can be seen that the Ming Dynasty is destroyed!"

The few civil servants left behind immediately began to praise, a few painters have begun to paint on horseback, they will draw down the heroic appearance of King Halley, and then bring back to Halle, to live forever.


After discovering each other, the cavalry on both sides quickly stopped, and immediately sent out rangers to cover the battlefield.

The Harley Rangers desperately suppressed the Ming army, and at the same time wanted to infiltrate, the battle was fierce.

Zhu Di took the army in place, he raised his binoculars and looked at it, and shouted, "Fang wakes up!"

"Your Majesty, the minister is here!"

Fang Xing came out over a gangster, Uncle Ho.

Zhu Di put down his binoculars and said, "You have the deepest knowledge in firearms, and the artillery is in place! The middle place is filled by musketeers, do it well, and I will look at you!"

Fang Xing only felt that the blood from all over his body was pouring to his head. He flushed and responded loudly: "Your Majesty, please rest assured, if the enemy forces break through the musket array, the minister will personally fill it up!"

Zhu Di nodded slightly and looked at Fang Xing with encouraging eyes.

Fang Xing turned around and shouted: "Jubao Mountain Guard, Suzaku Guard, Xuanwu Guard, Shenjiying, march forward!"

Liu Sheng was not lost, because he knew that his biggest task in following the Northern Expedition was to watch the Chinese Army with Zhang Fu.

If the Chinese army is not chaotic, the Ming army will not be defeated!

The cavalry in front immediately dispersed to the two wings at the command, and Jubao Mountain Guards took the lead, and the array walked through this super large passage in a dense array, all the way to the forefront.


Following the order, Jubao Mountain Guards lined up in the middle, with Xuanwu Guards on the left and Suzaku Guard and Shenjiying on the right.

"The artillery is arranged alternately!"

For the first time Fang Xing commanded so many firearms troops, he felt that his adrenaline was racing, and he was sitting on horseback to arrange them one by one.

Liu Sheng followed all the way and searched in the Shenji Camp, but because there were too many people, Liu Pu was not found.

"The gun smoke is too big. If it is arranged in a dense array, it will cause difficulties in observation."

Fang Xing explained ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Liu Sheng nodded and said: "Yes, the artillery is arranged so that the firepower is relatively even, and the entire front of the enemy will be hit."

"Get out of the way!"

The artillery of the Shenji Camp came, and more than a hundred artillery pieces were divided into the gap left between the large arrays. The gunners looked excited, and then the civilians who transported the ammunition looked a little excited.

"The war! It's really exciting!"

Rongma Liu Sheng's life, but at this moment he still sighed while looking at the Halle army who was constantly gathering on the opposite side.

The entire front was filled with firearms guards, and the cavalry was squeezed to the two wings, and they would be a powerful deterrent to the flanks of the Harit.

If the Hares do not want to be hit on the flanks, they must widen the entire attacking front to match the entire Ming army's large array.

This is one of the benefits of Firearms!

——Pawn as the main force! Allow the cavalry to relieve pressure and be ready to attack at any time.

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