Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Vol 3 Chapter 1484: Super cannon, go to war

, The fastest update takes the warehouse to the latest chapter of Daming!

Behind the musket array, rows of pikemen are already in place. After the musket array is breached, they will pounce on them, blocking the enemy's horses with their long lances, and gaining time to restore the battlefield situation.

Dozens of trebuchets appeared, they were arranged behind the pikemen, and those carts with medicine packets were not allowed to stand within ten steps.

This is the secret weapon of the Ming army, Zhu Di asked Fang Xing to prepare in advance!

"Will he not want the Wuxue Qianhu Institute?"

Zhu Di teased when he saw that the Ming army had arranged in an orderly manner.

Relax before the war, Zhu Di knows this well.

Zhang Fu was in the middle of the dispatch, and upon hearing the words, he said, "Uncle Xing He is afraid that he wants to keep them to guard your Majesty!"

Zhu Di glanced at the Wuxue Qianhu on the left, and said, "I don't need a guard, so I sent him to serve as a reserve team."

Zhang Fu nodded, and then people sent the order.


Compared with Yan Gu, who was a little restless, Hu Jinzhang seemed calmer.

However, Zhang Lichun was somewhat uneasy. He was temporarily transferred here to lead the army, but now it seems that he has become the emperor's personal soldier, which is really boring.

"Your Majesty has an order, your ministry will go to the front immediately and follow the dispatch from Xinghebo."

After the military order, Zhang Lichun breathed a sigh of relief and turned around and said, "Listen to Lao Tzu. If anyone can't fight well, Lao Tzu will kill him himself! Let's go!"

Thousands of martial arts students lined up, and there was a lot of ridicule around along the way.

"Isn't this the martial arts who went to the capital to be promoted? How come you become a recruit? Hahahaha!"

"Don't shake when you walk! Oh! What about you! Look at your feet are getting knotted..."


When he got to the front, Fang Xing had received the order and said: "You are a reserve team, ready to fill the gap at any time!"

Zhang Lichun said with a bitter face when he heard the words: "Uncle, these people are arrogant, Xiaguan wants to take this opportunity to open their eyes..."

Fang Xing shook his head without hesitation and said, "This is a national war, not a school field. There is no tolerance for mistakes, rest assured, wars, and some fights!"

Zhang Lichun went back disappointed, and Yan Gu asked, "My lord, is it possible to go?"

Zhang Lichun shook his head and said, "Uncle doesn't trust the combat effectiveness of our department so much. He can only wait for the opportunity."

Yan Gu raised his head and sighed, but Hu Jinzhang confidently said, "My lord, don't worry, this battle won't happen overnight. We definitely have a chance."

In the front, the Harits have been in place one after another, and everywhere they look, they are all cavalry.

Hundreds of thousands of troops faced each other across a space five miles wide in the middle, and the atmosphere gradually became tense.

There was silence, and no one went to break it until there was a stern shout from the Ming Army.


The Ming army's original silent array immediately began to work, and everyone began to help each other. As for the Harits who took the opportunity to attack, it was their own death.

Those pikemen and cavalry who were skilled in the armoring process were envious of them.

The guards of the capital city didn't want this plate armor, but after some tossing, they found that the plate armor was a disaster for the swordsman class. Wearing it would no longer be able to perform various actions flexibly, so they gave up.

"If they attack, at most two miles at the moment!"

Fang Xing said to Liu Sheng confidently.

Liu Sheng sighed: "This way, there is no need to march in armor, which can save a lot of things!"

If a sergeant marches long distances in armor, it will be a torture to both physical strength and spirit, and the combat effectiveness will naturally decrease sharply.


"Sure enough to lure the enemy!"

The opposite Agudamu sneered and said: "The Ming army has been in place long ago, and it is only now in armor. It's too fake!"

A general on the side asked: "My lord, the Ming army will not move. It can be seen that it will not take the initiative to attack. What should we do?-->>, the fastest update and bring the warehouse to the latest chapter of Ming!


Agudam closed his eyes and passed the situation of both sides in his mind. When he opened his eyes again, his face was full of determination.

"Our army and the Ming army have fought against each other many times. The only threat of the Ming army is firearms, sending orders and protecting those big guys."

The horns sounded long, and the rear array split into several passages, and twelve large-caliber tubes were dragged up by humans and animals.

"Your Majesty, the Harith have artillery!"

The latest news came from the car, Zhu Di frowned and said, "Go and ask Fang Xing."

The Harit had artillery, and the war was immediately overshadowed by it.

Soon Liu Sheng came back from the front and told him: "Your Majesty, Xing He Bo has seen it. He said that the caliber is larger than ours, but the wall of the tube is twice as thick. It is difficult to carry, and the range is definitely not as good as ours. The artillery, so please rest assured, once it enters the firing range, our army will naturally give a blow, and will not let a shell fall in our army formation!"


Zhu Di looked back and said: "It's going to start right away, and the generals will follow me to the front."

Zhang Fu persuaded: "Your Majesty, you can also observe the enemy's situation here..."

Zhu Di's eyes were cold and stern, and he shouted: "I want to see what the Harlem people have, and how dare they dare to attack Daming!"

Zhang Fu was helpless, but he couldn't go by himself, so he had to watch Zhu Di take the guards to the front.

The heavy horse was standing beside the horse in armor, waiting for Zhu Di's call at any time, but Zhu Di couldn't bear his temper and went forward, which immediately disappointed the heavy horses.

"The enemy cavalry begins to dispatch!"

When Zhang Fu heard the words, his face was whole, and he shouted: "Contact the various ministries!"

If there is a firearm guard, don't even think of using any golden horn to convey specific information. The sharp whistle and deafening volley of firearms make people inaudible.

"Ying the flag!"

The Chinese army waved the flag, and all ministries immediately began to respond to the flag. For a time the flag of the Ming army flew, cheering unceasingly.

"Da Ming Wan Sheng!"

Zhu Di rode his horse to the front, watching from the side of the trebuchet.

"The cannon tube, it's a pity it's useless!"

"The enemy is dispatched..."

The Harley cavalry in front suddenly started, and rows of cavalry marched like a wall on the long front.

And just in front of the middle, the twelve artillery pieces were being moved forward by humans and animals, leaving deep ruts behind them.

"If there is no starting speed, let the Shenji camp prepare for a hundred steps within the range and fire the cannon, otherwise they will run."

Fang Xing sneered: "At this speed, they don't even want to run as long as they are within a hundred paces of the range!"


Liu Pu was a little nervous, and Liang Dao, a thousand-household official beside him, said: "Don't worry, the artillery of the Hares is far less than ours."

In addition to the Thunder Guard who has more than 100 artillery under the jurisdiction of the Shenji Battalion, there are also 1,000 cavalry soldiers and three musketeers of the three thousand households ~ www.wuxiaspot.com~ The firepower is so powerful that it can be called frenzied.

Liu Pu looked at Jubaoshan Guard and asked, "My lord, why did Xing He Bo let Thunder Guard take the shot? Jubaoshan Guard's accuracy is much better than them."

Liang Dao shook his head and said, "This official doesn't know..."


At this moment, shouts came from the Harem in front of him, and Liu Pu didn't have the intention to think about it anymore, just tiptoeing to see what was going on.


"Harlem! Harlem! Harlem!"

The Harem’s array began to yell rhythmically, and the voice gradually became regular, and gradually accelerated...

"Uncle, Halley's artillery is within 100 meters of range!"

The Thunder Guard's command made Zheng Du shout loudly.

Fang Xing waved his hand, Zheng Du turned around and roared, "Aim at the enemy artillery...Ignite!"

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