Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Vol 3 Chapter 1485: God of war

, The fastest update takes the warehouse to the latest chapter of Daming!

Thanks to the book friend: the great reward of "Royal Family Haoye"!


"How far into range is there?"

The slow movement of the artillery made Agudamu anxious.

"My lord, it's not far..."

The ‘expert’ who was in charge of artillery production wiped the sweat from his head and said.

Agudam nodded slightly, and was about to order the cavalry to start assault from both wings...

"Boom boom boom boom..."

There was a sudden burst of roar from the Ming army, and the roar continued one after another. At the same time, gunpowder sprayed out, covering the Ming army.

"Ming Army artillery fired!"

Agudamu was shocked in his heart, and hurriedly looked back, only to see...

More than a hundred iron bullets whizzed through the air, and then the gunners of the Harley Artillery Team ran and screamed.


An iron bullet directly hit the body of a bronze cannon, and the impact directly knocked the low-quality artillery over.

Another iron bullet hit the carriage of an artillery on the side, and the carriage suddenly fell apart. The heavy bronze gun overturned on the grass, fragments splashed everywhere, and the Harley gunners who did not run away screamed and fell down. On the ground.

Under the cover of more than one hundred iron bullets, only less than ten hits the target. The ultra-low hit rate made Zheng Du furious, cursing and reloading.

However, Agudam had lost his stability, and he asked the ‘expert’: “Why the artillery of the Ming army can hit so far?!”

The ‘expert’ was already stunned, and said, "I don’t know..."

Agudamu was cold in his heart, knowing that his side's secret weapon was in vain.

"My lord, withdraw back."

Agudamu shook his head and said, "It's too slow to come back."

In order to allow these artillery to catch up with the cavalry, the Harits used many civilians, chariots and horses, and even people stopped the artillery, and chased them day and night, which made it possible to catch up with the war.

But before he went to the battlefield, he had not fired a shell, and it became a delicacy in the mouth of the Ming army, which disappointed Agudam.

The Lord will be disappointed, what mentality will the people below be?

Agudamu solemnly said: "Assault!"

Since the artillery battle can't be fought, let the Harley cavalry, who have never been afraid, tell the Ming army what a battle is!

The Harleh cavalry, who was jogging, heard the sound of the horn, suddenly yelled, and began to accelerate.

"The enemy rushes into the battle..."

The sharp voice made Zhu Di frown, then raised his binoculars and watched the Harleh cavalry charge, which obscured his vision.


The enemy rider had already left the remaining artillery behind him, and Zheng Du ordered the ignition without reminding him.




The roars of the various artillery groups one after another, immediately burst into a series of bursts, and the smoke filled with gunpowder.

"Boom boom boom boom..."

This was probably the largest artillery team in the world at this time. After more than two hundred irons were ejected from the chamber, the trajectory could be seen with the naked eye, and then they plunged into the middle of the Harley cavalry that was just starting to speed.

The impact of the Harlem full of confidence and murder was hit instantly.


The iron bullet passed effortlessly through the shoulders of a Harley cavalry, and moved forward again with a rain of blood. It smashed through seven people all the way, and finally broke the front leg of a horse in the process of landing. Bounce again.

The soil softened in spring, the iron bullet fell, and the rebound strength was greatly reduced, but it still interrupted the legs of the three horses, which consumed energy.

The iron bullet rolled on the ground, and the contaminated blood was warmed by the heat. In the misty mist, a war horse stepped on it, and immediately fell forward, and the knight on the horse was trampled into flesh by the horse behind.

The horses and horses neighed in more than a hundred flesh and blood passages, and they were immediately annihilated.

The captains who led the team shouted loudly and constantly urged to accelerate.

"Speed ​​up! Only when you get to the front of the formation can you slash the Ming army!"

So the hooves slammed, and the pierced passages were filled.

"My lord, Mingren’s artillery... is very powerful, but if you can defeat them and seize some artillery, then we-->>, update and bring the warehouse to the latest chapter of Daming as soon as possible!

We can..."


The chattering ‘expert’ was taken away, and Agudamu said with a cold face, “The Ming army’s wings are extremely wide, and their artillery is there. We have no other choice. Charge! Charge in!”

The leader of the Chinese army has received the battle report just now. He rubbed the handle of the short sword and said lightly: "Everything will be handled by Agudamu. This king believes in him, and believes that Harleh's warriors can defeat Mingren. "

As long as he is not a conceited monarch, he will not easily make a decision in a battle that determines the nation's fortune.

"This king believes him!"

The ruler of the country is decisive.

The consequence of changing the generals is chaos, and once the emperor on horseback finds an abnormality, Zhu Di will definitely take the opportunity to launch an attack.

"Can't mess!"


"Don't panic, hold on!"

He said don't panic, but the only large-scale cavalry in his life rushed into the battle, but Fang Xing's forehead was sweaty.

"Stay steady..."

There has been a commotion in the musket array, especially Xuanwuwei, Chen De screamed frantically, kicked and beat the thousands of officials, and drove them to the front line to suppress the formation.

In comparison, the veterans of the Shenji Camp seem to be at ease.

They have experienced several northern expeditions. When facing the Tatars and Oalas, they fired at the front line. Before the retreat order came, they never stepped back.

"The shotgun is loaded!"

"The shotgun is loaded!"

The sounds of the artillery groups seemed to be trembling under the vibration of the horseshoe, but Fang Xing had already recovered his calm.

With such a wide frontal impact, unless dozens of machine guns came at this time, the Ming army could only rely on musketeers and artillery to block the enemy.

"Three hundred steps!"

The Harits on horseback have bows and arrows in their hands. As long as they are close to the shooting range, they will not hesitate to let the Ming army know what arrows are like rain.

"Two hundred steps!"

Zhu Di watched quietly, Wang Fusheng beside him was about to cry anxiously, but he was indifferent.

"One hundred steps!"

The speed of the Harlie is mentioned as the fastest. When the horses are running, the knights have already opened their bows and arrows, and the arrows will cover the front of the Ming army in the next moment.




"Boom boom boom boom boom!"

More than two hundred artillery roared together, and the gun smoke covered the muzzle, and immediately spread.

But no matter how much it spreads, Zhu Di can't stop Zhu Di from seeing the dense shotgun pounce on the enemy.

Blood arrows splashed all over the sky, and the horrible howling of the horses and horses covered the sharp whistle.

Countless harley cavalry companies led their horses to flew out, and the cavalry behind them suddenly fell down as if they had encountered a horse-strap.

The sound of broken bones spread across the grassland, and the rhythm of the volley that made people confused at the same time enveloped the battlefield.

"Boom boom boom boom..."

Li Jia's ears can no longer hear other sounds, he rotates forward while silently reading poems.

"... There is a bright moon in front of the bed, suspected to be frost on the ground, look up..."

"Boom boom boom boom!"


Through the smoke of gunpowder ~www.wuxiaspot.com~, Zhu Di saw that the Harlem in front was unable to advance under the blow of the platoon of guns, and said: "Make the two wings be vigilant...no, it has already started."


The Harits on the two wings suffered less blows, so they successfully ran into the Ming cavalry.

"Let the arrow!"

The two sides fired arrows almost at the same time, and the arrows staggered through the air, and then rushed towards each other.

There were casualties on both sides, and just when the Harem thought that they could fight hand in hand so that they could pierce through the flanks and attack the waist of the musket array, a row of black spots flew out from behind.

These black spots fell among the Harits and exploded. The horse was shocked, and there was a chaos.

The Ming cavalry obviously wouldn't miss this opportunity, so they rushed out decisively and went in.

The two wings suddenly fell into a stalemate, and the artillery in the middle continued to show their might, slamming the slightly advanced Harlem back again and again.

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