Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Vol 3 Chapter 1486: The counterattack begins

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Thanks to the book friend: "Let go of that Taoist aunt"'s great reward!


The sun hung high in the sky and the temperature began to rise.

Liu Pu's body was soaked, he stood on the side of the array and blew the whistle vigorously.

"Beep beep!"

"Boom boom boom boom!"

In fact, the volley on the entire front has begun to be chaotic at this moment. The time between each guard post is different, causing the sound of the volley to affect the whistle command, so these sergeants are actually pulling the trigger according to the inertia of the drill. .

In the smoke of gunpowder, Liu Pu roared: "Quick rotation! Be quick!"

The smoke of gunpowder gradually dissipated, and the hideous face of the enemy rider was looming. As soon as he loosened his hand, the arrow flew over.

"Ding Ding Ding!"


Most of the arrows were blocked by the plate armor, but there were still more than ten people hitting arrows in their hands and feet.

"Drag it down! Make up the place later! Make up the place!"

Liu Pu was horrified, and he worried that the firepower output would weaken after the array was absent.

But the veterans of the Shenji Camp immediately taught him a lesson: The civilians rushed up and quickly dragged away the sergeant who hit the arrow, and then the array behind came up silently, filling the vacancy.


"My lord, the firearms of the Ming army are so fierce that they can't get in!"

A ten thousand chief with the smell of gunpowder rushed back angrily, and said with dissatisfaction.

Agudamu's eyes flashed brightly, and he shouted: "Flee before the battle, cut!"

The captain was startled, and immediately drew his sword and cursed: "Agudamu, you flattering villain, try to kill me..."


Agudamu casually ordered, and then continued to observe the battle ahead.

Commander Wan, seeing more than a dozen people riding their horses, yelled: "Agudamu, you are bewitching your majesty, you are not going to die!"

After scolding him, he turned his horse's head and ran away. More than a dozen people shot bows and arrows...

The arrow hits, the horse falls, everyone is silent!

A ten thousand captain would kill if he said to kill, this kind of behavior is frightening.

Soon, some people took the opportunity of Agudamu to concentrate on observing the battle and went to the Chinese army.

"King, Agudam killed..."

A pair of cold eyes turned around, and the person immediately dismounted and pleaded guilty.

The lord said coldly: "Talking too much disturbs our military's mind..."


The two guards stepped forward and took the person away, and slashed them on the side, then brought their heads back to life.

The lord looked at several generals with frost on his face and said: "This king has said that this battle is a battle of national destiny. To instigate those who are separated, and those who do not try their best, kill!"

Immediately a civil official calmed down his atmosphere and said, "Wang, the Ming army is powerful. This battle is not a day's work, or let's retreat today."


Agudam didn't care about these. He knew that this war would continue as long as one side did not completely collapse.

The most troublesome aspect of Harleh's side is the supply.

At this time, Halle had already allocated more than 700,000 civilian husbands to transfer grain and grass full-time, but the quartermaster’s daily report only saw grain and grass declining, decreasing...

The war must be ended within half a month!

Agudamu made up his mind and ordered: "Let the heavy ride attack!"

The horns sounded long, and the heavy riders who had been waiting mounted their horses with the assistance of their assistants, and then lined up with guns.

The atmosphere of the decisive battle was very strong, but no one knew Agudamu's thoughts.


The heavy ride started slowly...

"My lord, is there a decisive battle?"

Agudamu shook his head and said: "This is just a test, plus a heavy ride, or a test. Try the defensive capabilities of the open arms. Of course, if I can rush in, then I won't let the opportunity go, and the whole army will attack immediately. , Defeat the Ming Army!"



>, the fastest update to bring the warehouse to the latest chapter of Daming!

br/>A wave of enemy riders finally broke through the web of lead bullets and rushed ten paces away. Suddenly there was a rain of arrows, and people in the array kept falling to the ground. The Harlems immediately drew their long knives and screamed at them. .

"Squat down in the front row, volley!"

"Boom boom boom boom!"

The form was urgent, most of the damage in the first row, the second row of sergeants fired at the order, a scream of screams, the front row was too late to squat down two Ming troops.

But the enemy rider rushed into the array, his long sword swung, and sparks splashed on the plate armor.

Several Harley cavalry rushed up at a high speed. The spears in their hands didn't need to use force. With the help of horse speed, they penetrated the musketeer's plate armor... it was like wearing meat skewers!


In the intensive gunfire, the enemy forces continued to rush from this gap, and someone screamed: "Long spear! Don't use knives!"

The spear was on his side, and the Harley cavalry pupa arrived.

"Uncle, Suzaku-guard has been breached!"

Fang Xing had already seen it, and he calmly said, "Go on top of the Wuxue Thousand Households Institute! The spearman follows."

"Martial arts make up..."

Zhang Lichun instantly shouted: "Line up!"

The Harley cavalry in front was raging, but Fang Xing did not use other means to attack.

Liu Sheng had been staring at the Vermillion Bird Guard, seeing that the array had been lost for the most part, and said, "Uncle Xinghe, do it?"

Fang Xing shook his head: "This war has just begun. Good steel needs to be used on the blade. This time it is a lesson and sharpening."

The arrival of the Wuxue Qianhu Institute quickly changed the situation.


"Boom boom boom!"

In the sound of the explosion, the arrogant Harits and their horses were blown to the ground, and Zhang Lichun immediately ordered three rows of volleys.

Dense lead bullets raged and drove out the Harits who came in.

Song Jianran sullenly rushed to him personally, and then brought the crippled thousand households behind.

Zhang Lichun shouted vigorously: "It's our turn. Tell the brethren, follow the orders!"

"Beep beep!"

"Boom boom boom boom!"


The hole in Suzakuwei was filled, and Liu Sheng said: "Song Jianran was a little confused, and asked him to explain."

Fang Xing shook his head and said, "Although I didn't leave a reserve team, every guard has one. Song Jianran felt that the line of defense was indestructible and his response speed was slow."

Liu Sheng saw the spearmen behind Suzaku retreating in angrily, and said: "This war cavalry has become an auxiliary, Dehua, the future Ming...The army, I am afraid it will change the sky."

Fang Xing did not catch up, his energy at the moment was all above the battlefield.

Zhu Di saw the chaos of Suzaku-guard just now, and said to Zhang Fu: "The Harlem attack was too unscrupulous, and the two-winged cavalry made a surprise attack and went down!"

The two-winged Ming army was only suppressing the Harit’s assault, but did not dare to counterattack.

Once the counterattack is successful, the musket array must also move forward. Such tactics are not well coordinated.

"Your Majesty! Xing Hebo told me whether the enemy can fight back with heavy cavalry."

Zhu Di was taken aback for a moment, and then smiled: "He is out of anger? I thought he wanted to endure it all the time!"

Zhang Fu said: "Your Majesty~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Xing He Bo wants to knock down the morale of the enemy first, and then he will be more confident about the counterattack."

Zhu Di said solemnly: "Since he is sure of maintaining the formation, send orders and fight back!"

In an instant the flag of the Chinese army was shaken, and all ministries responded to the flag immediately.

"Your Majesty, counterattack!"

"Fight back!"

"Fight back!"

Lin Qun'an drew his sword and pointed forward, shouting: "Jubaoshan Guard...Go ahead!"

Song Jianran's eyes were full of anger, and he shouted, "Suzaku Guard...Go ahead!"

"Xuanwuwei...Go ahead!"

"Shenjiying...Go ahead!"


"Go ahead! Go ahead! Go ahead!"

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