Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Vol 3 Chapter 1487: Intrigue

Thanks to the book friend: "Dark Sonata" for the great reward!

Thanks to the book friend: "faxis" is a great reward!

Thanks to the book friend: "The Cucumber Melon" is a great reward!

Thanks to the book friends in the bookstore: "a spoon" for the great reward!


"Da Ming Wan Sheng!"

The order to counterattack was given, and the cavalry on the two wings went crazy.

Meng Ying drew his sword and rushed out first, shouting: "Kill the enemy! Kill the enemy!"

Meng Ying, who had been depressed for a few years, and suppressed for a few years, broke out. He swung his long knife and ran into the enemy's horse head-on.


Meng Ying's first knife cut off the opponent's head cleanly. He used so much force and the long knife was so sharp that the head just bounced around his neck and then fell back.

The commander took the lead, greatly boosting the morale of the Ming army. The two-winged cavalry succeeded in the assault, and the enemy cavalry was retreating.

In the middle battlefield, there are five thousand households in one guard station, which is five arrays.

Three guards, plus Shenjiying...

"Beep Beep Beep!"

"Boom boom boom boom!"

The battle line was filled with gunpowder, and the enemy horses in front were astonished when the musketeers of the Ming army dared to counterattack, they fell one after another.



At this time, the various artillery groups fired the last round of shotguns. Watching the dense black spots pounce on the enemy, the gunners were tired and sat on the ground. Some people even accidentally touched the hot body and were injured.

Zhu Di smiled slightly and said: "The children broke the enemy, I have a leisure time today."

Zhang Fu asked: "Your Majesty, do you want to attack from all sides?"

Zhu Di shook his head and said: "The enemy's heavy cavalry has come out, and the Chinese army still has half of its strength. At this time, the total attack is not time."

Zhang Fu nodded, and then closely watched the battle ahead, ready to deploy troops to support.


"My lord, the Ming army is starting to fight back!"

There was a sharp cry in his ear, and Agudamu frowned and said, "Shut up!"

Harleh's wings are retreating, which is annoying.

The intensive gunfire in the front proved the stability of the Ming army, which was very hopeless.

"My lord, heavy ride..."

Someone reminded Agudamu that Heavy Cavalry was about to approach the battlefield.

"Heavy Cavalry is in the formation, protect Qingqi from withdrawing!"


In an instant, the eyes around them all turned into doubts, they were questioning Agudamu's commanding ability.

"My lord, you can't retreat! Morale is gone!"

The roar of a ten thousand captain represented everyone's heart, but Agudamu said coldly: "Pass the order! Heavy ride in the formation, withdraw!"

"grown ups……"

"Those who don't follow... kill!"

Agudam knew that he didn't have much prestige in the hearts of these generals and nobles, so he could only use killing to subdue them.

"As soon as Qingqi passes, Zhongqi makes an impact and then withdraws!"

After Agudamu gave his orders, he rode his horse to the Chinese army, and he would go to plead for the crime.

"My lord, what should we do if the entire Ming army is overwhelmed?"

No one is willing to take the blame, and at the moment of defeat, it is definitely whoever is in charge and who bears the responsibility.

Agudamu didn't look back, and said lightly: "Most of our army is still here. As long as Emperor Ming is not crazy, he will not attack in an all-round way."


There was a loud gunshot in the front, and the sound of fighting shook the fields, but the commander-in-chief, Agudamu, went to see the lord.

Although the country's lord is in the Chinese army, people keep telling him the latest battle situation, so he knows very well.

Seeing Agudam, the Lord said lightly: "But is it defeated?"

Agudamu lowered his head and said: "Wang, the firearms of the Ming army are indeed powerful. The only time our army broke in was also beaten back by them. The minister was going to withdraw the people and turn around to prepare something to fight again."

With a keen gaze, the lord stared at Agudamu and asked, "So in today's temptation, have you found a way to conquer Ming's firearms?"

Agudamu nodded and said: "Yes, we should temporarily abandon the long knife and use the long spear. In addition, the Ming army has a small thing that can explode. The minister thinks they have it, and we also have it. We will make some when we look back, and let the warriors Throw it in and open the passage!"

The lord of the country said in deep thought: "You are fine, this king is very relieved, let go and do it."

Agudamu looked up and said calmly: "King, our army doesn't have much supplies. The Ming people must know this weakness, so the main attack must be Harleh, and the Ming people will only wait."

The lord nodded and said: "This king knows that transfer is not easy. Most of the young people in the country have been mobilized. If this battle fails, you and I will all be Harlem's sinners!"

Agudamu solemnly said: "Don't worry, the minister still said the same thing. If he fails, the minister will launch a counterattack alone, and he will die on the road of impact!"

The lord said: "Go, welcome back the warriors."


The front line has collapsed. With the platoon guns advancing step by step, the morale of the Hares, who have fallen to the bottom, turned around and ran.

If you don't run, the two-winged Ming army with intermediate firepower will start to flanking.

"Excellent cooperation!"

The musket array was advancing in rotation, and it was able to keep the entire formation from being out of touch, which allowed the two-winged cavalry to boldly charge up.

Liu Sheng looked for Liu Pu, then praised him.


"His Majesty!"

Fang Xing and Liu Sheng quickly turned around after hearing the sound.

Zhu Di looked at the defeated Harlem in front and said: "Today's firearms performed very well, our army has few casualties, and we have merit!"

"Thank your majesty!"

This is a huge affirmation, Zhu Di said that the position of the firearm guard in Daming will be stabilized in the future.

Zhu Di squinted his eyes and looked ahead ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and said: "The enemy's heavy cavalry is not in place. It seems that he is preparing to strike back and the order is stopped!"

Fang Xing was startled, Zhang Fu had already called someone to pass the order.

The Ming army in front was gaining momentum, and when he heard the order to retreat, he immediately thumped his chest and his feet.

But at this time, the Ming army had strict discipline, so they had to withdraw.

At this time, you can see the accomplishment.

The two-winged cavalry retreated slowly, protecting the flanks of the musket array.

The Musketeers were not in a mess, turned and walked quickly, still maintaining their formation.

When Harleh Qingqi evacuated more than five hundred steps, he suddenly drew away to the sides, revealing the heavy horse draped all over.


Without order, the generals issued orders one after another.

The array of muskets instantly turned back, and when he saw the Harleh heavy rider who was ready to go, he couldn't help but breathe in a cold breath.

If they ran into it just now, and they were caught off guard, they might be smashed directly by the heavy rider.

Those Harleh heavy cavalry were originally prepared to make a surprise attack, but seeing that the Ming army hadn't followed, they suddenly felt a little at a loss.

"My lord, it was seen through by the Ming army."

Agudamu, who had just returned, received the bad news. He said: "Look, the Ming army has begun to retreat, but the formation is not chaotic at all. This is a strong army, not weaker than our strong army. Ride back and retreat!"

Although the counterattack was unsuccessful and morale was low, Agudamu was not discouraged. He calmly dispatched various ministries to cover the defeated army back, and then pacified the generals one by one.

On the side of the Ming Army, Fang Xing had already admired Zhu Di's keen sense.

Before the heavy rider arrived, the observer on the car was blocked by the gunpowder smoke, and for a while, he was hiding behind the heavy rider.

And Zhu Di only used a little information to determine the Harlem’s plan. This is really unsatisfactory.

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