Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Vol 3 Chapter 1488: Double Royal Club

, The fastest update takes the warehouse to the latest chapter of Daming!

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The heavy cavalry of Harie retreated, but the Ming army did not pursue it.

The lord has come to the front, looking at the Ming army from a distance, he praised: "Yes, this king asked a wise man who understands the history of the Han people yesterday. He said this is called hunting, the meeting of two kings."

Agudamu said: "Wang, the Han people like false names, so they give these conquests a good name, but killing is killing, and it won't change the **** inside just because it sounds good."

The lord smiled slightly and said, "Go and ask someone alone. This king wants to meet with Emperor Ming."

Agudamu's face tightened, and he immediately said, "King, the minister is willing to follow."

The host nodded appreciatively, and then watched his guard rush out.

This is the time to show courage!

The guard rode his horse and galloped, his body and the horse's ups and downs were exactly the same.

This is the unity of man and horse!


Of course, the Ming army also saw this man, but seeing that he was riding solo, they sent out two horses to intercept.


The crossbow arrows were aimed at the ride.

"My king invites Emperor Ming to meet, dare you?"

The guard sits upright with his chest straight, his head tilted back slightly, his pride is not concealed.

The two Ming troops were startled, and immediately turned around and shouted: "King Halle, please see your Majesty."

The guard understood Chinese, so he sneered when he heard the words: "My proud son of Wang Tian, ​​is Emperor Ming also worthy to say please see you?"

The two Ming troops were furious when they heard the words, and one of the thin ones shouted: "King Halle is a thing, and it is a begging for mercy in front of His Majesty!"

The guard sneered at the Ming Jun who was talking: "Get off the horse!"

"Yo! Going to have a game? Okay!"

The Ming army dismounted with a smile, and then the two walked to the side and stood on their guard.

The other Ming army did not go to help, Harleh also took a ride when he saw it, but stopped ten steps away.

The guard saw that the opponent was just smiling, so he rushed forward, spreading his hands, like a falcon spreading its wings, covering the opponent.

Harleh wrestled, the world is number one!

Ming Jun's smile was still on his face, and his body slammed forward. When the opponent puts his hand out of his leg, his body leans and flies up, and his right leg is lifted...


The guard knelt on the ground slowly with his legs clamped tightly, with a desperate expression on his face. Even the Harlem who was watching the battle on the side showed an unbearable expression on his face.

The skinny Mingjun stepped back and said grinning: "Remember, my name is Xiaodao."


"King Harie wants to see me?"

Zhu Di sat on horseback, his beard fluttered slightly, and nodded: "Go to someone and tell him, I, here comes!"

I, here comes!

Fang Xing only felt a steam of heat in his chest, and begged: "Your Majesty, the minister is willing to go."

Zhu Di glanced at him, squinted his eyes and said, "Okay! Let the Harlem look at the heroic appearance of my Daming Erlang!"

Looking at the relatively young Fang Xing, Zhujiang couldn't help feeling decadent in his heart.

"Give me the banner!"

Fang Xing took the banner from the flag bearer, closed his visor, nodded to Zhu Di, and then rushed out of the array.

"Hao Erlang!"

Zhu Di couldn't help but praise.

"Good! Xinghebo is mighty!"


Lord Halle also saw the vague scene of his guard being knocked down. He frowned slightly and said, "Is Ming Emperor timid?"

Agudamu felt ashamed in his heart. Just now he thought that the Lord wanted to fight for the strong and eager to win. Only now did he know that the Lord wanted to use this opportunity to invigorate the decadent military spirit.

"Wang, Emperor Ming is getting old, and he has to cherish his life."

Agudamu smiled slightly, thinking that this was a great move, not only boosted the morale of his side, but also hit the morale of the Ming army after the initial victory.

"Wang, there is someone from Mingjun, so fast!"

Fang Xing held a big flag in one hand and drove the horse to the extreme. The flag was blowing in the wind, hunting and hunting sounded, he only felt extremely happy.

In this way, an armored Ming army rushed to the front of Harleh's army.

He put the banner on the ground, as if this is Daming's site, then looked around the array, and finally stared at King Harley and shouted: "His Majesty the Emperor Daming has instructed Harley-->>, the fastest update with The latest chapter from the warehouse to Daming!

Wang, can you dare to meet in front of you? "

A loud voice, the voice echoed in the visor. Those eyes looked at King Hallie through the hole in the visor, with disdain.

A interpreter translated this aloud.

The array was angry, and the sound of countless long knives rubbing in the scabbard combined into a piece of music.

The host smiled slightly, nodded and said: "Excellent, so let's meet."

Looking back, the lord said lightly: "This king needs a warrior and an interpreter."




Countless people raised their hands high, and the faces were full of anger.

King Halle nodded slightly, and then clicked on one person plus the loud interpreter of the one just now, and the three of them rode out the array.

Fang Xing turned his horse back, holding the flag and running again.

King Halle looked at the big banner, his expression was dark, and said, "Bring the banner of Halle!"

So King Halle took the lead, and someone behind him rushed to the middle of the battlefield carrying a banner.

The Ming Army also split the channel, and Zhu Di galloped out with an interpreter.

Fang Xing rode his horse to the middle of the battlefield and stopped, and then he looked at Zhu Di as he galloped.

Zhu Di's equestrian skills are also at the top, his body just swayed slightly, and his armor made him look a little more slaughter.

When he got closer, Fang Xing said loudly: "Your Majesty, King Halle is willing to meet."

Zhu Di nodded slightly, then rode his horse to the front of Fang Xing.

The Lord Halle’s riding skills are equally good, but in Fang Xing’s eyes, such riding skills are almost like a nobleman.

But Zhu Di is an emperor and a soldier!

King Halle began to slow down when he was a hundred steps away, and slowly got ten steps away from Zhu Di, looking at the legendary emperor of Ming Dynasty.

Zhu Di's gaze was sharp, he glanced at King Halle, and said, "What does Hallie want?"


Fang Xing originally thought Zhu Di would say something about Harleh's unrighteous soldiers, but he didn't expect it to be sharp and sharp.


Lord Halle and Zhu Di looked at each other, and immediately said: "The Ming people attacked the grassland, causing bones everywhere in the grassland. The cattle and sheep lost their masters, and the woman lost her husband and children. The king thought that the Ming army should retreat. Return the grassland to its owner!"

The atmosphere freezes, and only two flags are fluttering opposite each other.

Zhu Di looked at King Halle expressionlessly, as if looking at a bug, and said faintly: "Where the army of Daming goes, where is Daming's territory!"

When Translator translated this passage, his voice was trembling, his complexion flushed, and he couldn't help himself with excitement.

Fang Xing carried the banner behind Zhu Di. At this moment, he just wanted to roar out loud, venting the already overflowing pride.


A gust of wind blew, just to roll up the banner of Harleh. The standard bearer couldn't carry it anymore, his body was slanted, and he was about to fall off his horse as he watched.

The translator just finished translating Zhu Di's passage, and hurriedly helped him when he saw it.

Lord Halle's complexion was cold, his eyes were also cold, and his voice was so cold that he could drop the icy scum.

"Harley is confident that you can stop your footsteps, and then run away, regretting not in the beginning!"

Zhu Di shook his head and said disdainfully: "I thought you should be a brilliant and rough king, but when I saw you today, it was just a yellow-mouthed kid! I disdain to fight with you for the benefit of tongues. If I refuse to go, I will I will let you know how lucky it was for Old King Halle to die halfway."

The Lord Halle was startled and was about to refute, but Zhu Di's cold eyes swept over him, and what he wanted to say was instantly forgotten.

"go back!"

Zhu Di rode his horse to turn around, then gave a soft drink, and the horse hissed and ran forward.

Fang Xing glanced at King Hallie ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and said: "Myself, Da Mingxing and Bo Fang Xing, the Lord is in front of Your Majesty, really like a child!"


Fang Xing grabbed his horse's belly and followed Zhu Di with the flag.

The translator also wanted to say something ambitious, but felt that his identity was not clear, and finally turned into...


"It's the devil!"

Translate the mumbled Tao.

But the warrior holding the flag regretted: "If you knew his identity before, you should shoot him indiscriminately in front of the formation!"

Lord Halle looked at Zhu Di's back, and his green complexion gradually eased.

It happened that the interpreter was worried that the Ming army would take the opportunity to attack and persuaded him to go back.

The lord shouted: "The advantage of your tongue! In the future, I will let you wait for the Ming people to know what killing is! Go back!"

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