Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Vol 3 Chapter 1496: repel

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Thanks to the book friend: "Xuantian Ziwei Xingjun" for the great reward!

Tang Saier ran out, even though the sergeants all over the street were patrolling, but she still ran out with her own skill.

She evaded all the way, even escaping the wall and entering the room. When the military family members saw her, they smiled and persuaded her not to be curious.

In Xinghe Fort, Tang Saier made three shots, all of which were justified and brave. His skill was praised by the soldiers as the first in Xinghe Fort.

At this moment, the Xinghebao heroine was under the city, surrounded by more than a dozen sergeants armed with spears, embarrassingly persuading her to go home.

Zhang Yu was responsible for guarding Xinghe Fort and inspecting spies, and it was a headache to see her.

"I said Tang Saier, go home!"

Zhang Yu had a headache and wanted to drive it away, but Tang Saier had merits in Xinghebao.

Don't drive it away, in full view, some can't justify it.

Tang Saier raised her head and shouted, "Master Zhang, the wife wants to help."

Zhang Yu said helplessly: "Hundreds of thousands of troops, what do you want a woman to do for you! Go home."

After he turned around, he heard an exclamation, and then a person rushed out beside him, it was Tang Saier.

Tang Saier lay on the edge of the city wall, but couldn't see the battlefield, and was immediately extremely disappointed.

"Boom boom boom boom boom!"

At this time, there was a faint roar from a distance, and Tang Saier said with joy: "It's the big gun, the big gun in the uncle's army! Daming will definitely win!"

Zhang Yu murmured: "Yes! With Your Majesty, we will definitely win!"

"Beep beep!"

"Boom boom boom boom!"

Before the battle was filled with gunpowder smoke, before the flesh and blood channel created by the iron bullets had time to make up for it, Zhu Di ordered: "Let Fang Xing stay away. Before the Harem’s heavy cavalry strikes, the artillery should not be fired too densely, so as not to Time is not needed."

The shortcomings of artillery are well-known-the frequency of firing is high, and the time is long, the temperature of the barrel is too high, so I dare not charge, and I am even more afraid of bombing.

Someone sent an order, and Fang Xing immediately ordered to go down.

The lead bullets in front are dense, and those Hariths probably know that today is the last battle, and they are coming in madness.

"They won't last long, at most half an hour, they must be withdrawn to restore morale, otherwise a counterattack will destroy them."

Fang Xing stared at the front, he believed that Agudamu also understood this truth.

"Uncle, Your Majesty has an order, don't stop the trebuchet, even if it is a stone or a kerosene bomb, shoot it out!"

Fang Xing was startled and annoyed: "Why did I forget? Come here, let the trebuchet throw things, it's messy, whatever they throw."

"Boom boom boom boom!"

A row of guns in front, a gust of wind blew the gunpowder smoke to Fang Xing's side, he coughed dryly: "Mad! If you get closer, please call them with a grenade!"

The Harlem ahead bravely approached the array, and then threw an axe javelin.

Dozens of people fell in front of him. Although it had little effect on the array, it hurt morale a little.


A piece of grenade was thrown into the middle of the Harlem, and suddenly there were explosions everywhere.

The horse hissed frantically, the knight's ears were full of buzzing, frantically looking for a way out.

"Boom boom boom boom boom!"

The artillery took the opportunity to fire a round of shotguns, **** arrows filled the sky in front, the horns of retreat sounded, and the Hari people retreated like a wave.

"Your Majesty, do you want to pursue it?"

Zhang Fu asked a little movedly.

Zhu Di's gaze stared at the retreating Harem like a falcon, and shook his head: "They still have more power. If we chase, then we will entangle. Remember, don’t entangle in this battle. If you don’t move, you’ll be defeated. them!"

Zhang Fu understood, so he was asked to suppress the two-winged cavalry, not to attack.

After receiving the order, Meng Ying looked up to the sky and howled depressed.

He wanted to fight happily, and even wanted to die on this grassland.

So Amber Chen Ying knew his thoughts and persuaded: "Baodinghou, you really can't chase it. But don't worry, after the Harlem rests, the second attack is estimated to be ruthless!"

Meng Ying's emotions affected the horse. He desperately strangled the tempered horse and said with bloodshot eyes: "Not enough! Not enough!"

If Baoding Houfu wants to be stable, if it wants to redeem sins, it must do a lot of work!

What will it look like after Zhu Gaochi ascended the throne?

Meng Ying bet that Zhu Gaochi would be indifferent to Wu Xun.

And Baoding Houfu, which has bad deeds, will definitely be targeted, and when a small mistake is made, it will be caught...

Chen Ying sighed: "Relax, your majesty has said forgiveness, who dares to reverse the case?"

Meng Ying's cheek trembled, and with a hey, she put the long knife into its sheath.

"All sit down and rest!"

At this time, an order came from the musket array. Meng Ying was thinking about something, and Chen Ying followed to let the cavalry dismount and rest.

"Clean up before leaving! Remember, don't move the corpses of the enemy army, it is a natural barrier."

The next time the enemy strikes, they must step on the corpses of those horses and horses, and they will trip over a few at that time!

Before leaving, the Minfu confined the corpses and the wounded of the Ming army, and then packed up the weapons. As for them, they stripped the Harles away, and everyone, including Zhu Di, did not see them.

When these folk husbands came back again, everyone was full of gains and smiled.

No one will gather these bits and pieces, which is a benefit to the people.

The seizures on the battlefield mainly consisted of weapons and horses, as well as the other party's baggage.

Everyone sat silently on the ground and rested, and Fang woke up to Zhu Di's place.

Zhu Di also got off his horse and was drinking water. When Fang woke up, he asked, "What is the will of the Harith today?"

"The belief in a fight to the death is very strong."

Fang Xing said: "I almost broke in the previous few times. Fortunately, someone who throws grenade is prepared, otherwise the trouble will be big."

Zhu Di had already looked at the previous details and said: "The trebuchet can throw kerosene bombs to disturb the opponent's horses, but you don't need to read the book www.uukanshu.com. You just think about the last moments, which shows that you are not thinking about it. , Think more before the next war!"

This is an insidious teaching, Fang Xing bends himself to be taught.

He didn't consider everything, and put everything separately, so that although the function is clear, it is out of overall planning.

Zhu Di loosened his eyebrows, and said, "But you can do this well. If you fight more, you can become a famous general in the next generation of Ming."

As soon as he said this, Fang Xing felt his body heat up in an instant, and the scorching eyes of the generals could almost melt him.

Zhu Di personally made a statement, thinking that Fang Xing would become the leader of Ming's next generation of military commanders. This...

This love is really the first person besides Zhu Zhanji in the Yongle reign, and it can't help but make people jealous.

Even Zhang Fu felt sour in his heart, and one can imagine the reactions of others.

At this time, Yang Rong, who went to the front to lead the civil servants, returned, and said: "Your Majesty, there are about 8,000 corpses left by the Harits."

The record of more than 8,000 people is a great victory no matter what.

Zhu Di didn't have the slightest joy. He said: "This is just a drop in the bucket for the Harits, so I warn the soldiers not to be slacking and not to be proud. After this battle, they can't help themselves."

The generals shook their hearts, and hurriedly went to beat all of them.

Zhu Di stopped Fang Xing and said, "Go with me."

It is tiring work to observe the situation on horseback and constantly think about how to respond.

Fang Xing followed behind, and further behind, Deng Feng followed with a medicine box on his back.

"The key to this battle lies in the opponent's heavy cavalry, but you don't need to worry. I will carry the heavy cavalry in the army and will attack when necessary."

Zhu Di walked forward with his hands shouldered, and looked at the broad back in the past with a feeling of thinness.

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