Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Vol 3 Chapter 1497: Tragic offense and defense

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Taking a nap on the battlefield, most people are sitting on the ground, drinking water, or thinking about things.

Zhu Di paced in the passage between the queues, walking calmly.

"Zhan Ji has written a letter, he said a lot of things, said he would recognize people, but he recognized her mother most, which made Zhan Ji a little gloomy, hahahaha!"

There are hundreds of thousands of enemy troops ahead, and Zhu Di is still strolling leisurely, talking about housework calmly.

"Wan Wan said that she missed me, she said that she had prepared a lot of food for me, so I waited to go back and enjoy it..."

Zhu Di's tone was softer, if Fang Xing was in front, he could see Zhu Di's eyes were smiling.

"There is no worries about national affairs. I only need to defeat the Harits, and I can naturally play around with politics. What do you think about Zhanji?"

Fang Xing was stunned, and blurted out: "Be forbearance first, this is also tempering."

Zhu Di stagnated and said: "Yes, he is too smooth, he has not been wronged much since he was a child, and no one dared to make him wronged, but he was not aggrieved."

"I have been in Peiping when I was young, and have been fighting. After that...I was forbearing, until I couldn't bear it, I sent troops to wipe out those things that made me bow my head..."

Fang Xing felt a shock and said, "Your Majesty, you are here."

Zhu Di has rich experience, so he can naturally think of ways to learn from Zhu Zhanji.


Zhu Di suddenly turned around and walked back, his pace gradually quickened.

Fang Xing was a little puzzled, but he couldn't get distracted right now, so he had to return to his position and stare at the movement of the Harith.



King Halli knew that this was a tentative attack, so he didn't get angry.

Agudamu solemnly said: "Wang, the Ming army's array is not unbreakable. The minister is going to use Qingqi to open the gap in the next round, and then heavy cavalry to keep up with the assault and defeat the Ming army in one fell swoop."

Sitting on the chair inlaid with precious stones, the lord stood up and said, "Let go and do it. This king wants to live in Xinghe Fort tonight."

Immediately, the lord of the country rode to various ministries for inspection, which was also to appease.

Agudam took the opportunity to summon the captains to discuss war.

Yisi has been driven far away, and is isolated from his own troops.

He sat on the grass without an image, staring into the distance blankly.

"Sweat, there is no more inside of Yili."

When a nobleman saw him pitifully, he came to comfort him.

Yisi glanced at this former hand, and said indifferently, "You are gone, too."

I don't know what is good or bad!

The nobleman pointed to Agudamu, and he looked in the direction of his fingers, and saw that the nobles who also tried their best were ten steps away from Agudamu and the generals, smiling flatteringly.

Weisi smiled: "You are not slow to find a new owner."

"Sweat profusely, the sheep must not lose their heads, otherwise they will drift around and eventually become the food of wolves or shepherds, so... this is not shameful. It's just that you..."

"Yeah! You can all go to the Harem, but Ben Khan can't. If the Harem doesn't kill Ben Khan, he can't take care of it without worrying about annexation..."

Yisi got up and patted his buttocks vulgarly, but the traces of grass juice could not be patted. He smiled and said, "Go, you all go, Ben Khan will watch how Harleh defeated Mingren."

The noble stepped back, shaking his head and sighing, then turned to his companion.

They must make their position clear before Harlem defeats Daming-we can be part of Harlem's army.

And the crooked thought will become their sacrificial offering for their allegiance to Halle!

Weisi looked over there coldly, and saw that the chiefs of Kharewan suddenly became excited, waving their fists and yelling.

Then Agudamu pointed at the Ming Army and shouted, and the ten thousand chiefs set off with their heads high.

"The war is on, fight, fight hard..."

Weisi coldly watched the ten thousand chiefs go back and screamed, then mounted their horses and pointed their swords at Ming Jun's side.

"Harlem! Harlem! Harlem!"


Thousands of horses galloped, and the Harlems marched like a wall, showing their riding skills and training level.

"Uncle, the Harits are almost out!"

"The artillery is ready!"

Fang Xing was not worried, because most of the Ming army was still accumulating strength behind him, ready to strike the Harlem at any time.

"The trebuchet is ready!"

A trebuchet was placed behind the pikemen. Following the order, the sergeants who operated placed the kerosene bombs in the metal pockets, and then lighted the torches on standby.

"Pikemen get ready!"

Fang Xing was very calm, knowing that he couldn't tolerate the slightest mistake this time.

The cavalry on the left and right wing are also preparing. They not only have to cover the flanks of the musket array, but also shoulder the heavy responsibility of counterattack.



A cannon in the middle is fired and tested, and they will test the maximum striking distance of the cannon.

This is a move to fight for one more round before the enemy reaches the range of the musket.

The iron bullet landed more than a hundred steps in front of the Harith, and then rebounded without causing any damage.

But a test firing of this gun is enough. When the Harlem rushed past the place where the iron bullet hits the ground, the gun groups sent an order to fire.

The gun smoke was blown out of the barrel along with the iron bullets, but no one cared about the choking smell. The gunners were desperately cleaning the barrel, charging packs, and loading bombs.

This round of artillery fire was nearly half lost, but the half of the iron bullet that hit the target successfully cost the Harlem.

The vibrating sound of horseshoes became more and more shocking, and the musketeers had begun to raise their guns.


After another salvo of artillery, Fang Xing saw in the binoculars that an iron bullet hit the head of a Harlem, red and white splashed in his sight, the iron bullet continued to sweep down, but the man lost his head and fell down. .


Those thousand officials screamed desperately on the side.

The Harlem rushed over ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ wherever they looked, they were all enemy riders.


As the enemy rides get closer, the thousands of officials become more and more crazy.

A thousand household officials even rushed out of the array. He slashed forward with a long knife and shouted: "A salvo!"

"Boom boom boom boom!"


Thanks to Shen Yao's coordination, under his coordination, the artillery group finally made the third round when the enemy rushed forward.

Moreover, in order to ensure that the firepower is not wasted, the artillery group also adopted the method of sub-ignition.

So Fang Xing saw waves of shotguns rushing from left to right towards the Harlem, and the scene was terrible.

The volley of muskets was well organized, and the dense lead bullets formed a large net, which effectively blocked the Harits from eighty paces away.

The artillery fire from time to time can further weaken the enemy.

The two sides fell into a stalemate, blood gradually formed a pool of blood on the ground, and the trampled grass greedily sucked in nutrients.

"Your Majesty, is the Harit trying to fill this place with corpses?"

Yang Rong and Yang Shiqi were both behind Zhu Di, and they were also stunned by this tragic force.

Zhu Di shook his head, "Harems will not be so stupid, so..."

After half an hour...

The enemy forces were assaulting desperately. When the artillery was fired too frequently and caused high temperatures, the Ming army could only intercept the enemy by relying on muskets.

And the Harith took this opportunity to approach the life-and-death line of thirty steps.

Without arrows, after seeing the protective power of the Ming Army's plate armor, the Hares gave up their bows and arrows and replaced them with javelins and heavy weapons.

The sharp javelin pierced the plate armor, and heavy knives and iron rods knocked down a piece of Ming army.

The first two rows of arrays were already in chaos, Fang Xing roared: "Grenade! Grenade!"

The grenade exploded among the Harits, the attack was stagnant, and then the musket array resumed its normal rotation.

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