Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Vol 3 Chapter 1500: Ready to assault

Thanks to the book friends in the book city: "Guan Yibei"'s three million rewards!

Thanks to the book friends: "Fantasy Remains", "Swallow Dance Lanxin", "Life Geometry is a Song of Wine"!



The people around were shouting desperately, they wanted to remind Fang Xing to avoid it.

Fang Xing couldn't avoid it anymore, he watched the spear flew quickly in a dazed manner.

This should be lamb skewers, right?

Fang Xing closed his eyes, and countless thoughts flashed in his mind.


Fang Xing only felt a pain in his shoulder, and he was knocked out.

"Seven brothers!"

The family members are too far away, beyond reach. And Xin Laoqi had chased Fang Xing's side and rear, and he flew out with all his might.

Fang Xing fell to the ground, but the spear flew straight towards Xin Laoqi's lower abdomen.

The Harlem who threw the spear saw Fang Xing escape, shouted in disappointment, and was immediately killed by random guns.

Old Xin Qijai was about to split, and the long knife slashed out.

The long knife was lucky enough to hit the barrel of the gun, causing the long gun to change its trajectory.

Xin Laoqi felt a pain in his shoulder, and he fell to the ground.

"Seven brothers!"

Fang Wu fired three arrows in a row, and then ran over to check Fang Wu's injuries.

Old Xin Xin drank: "It's okay! It's just a bruise, go and protect the master!"

Fang Wu glanced at his shoulder and found that he had only been scratched by a finger-deep wound with a spear, and shouted: "Come and take care of Brother Seven!"

After finishing speaking, Fang Wu rushed forward, where Fang Xing was directing Suzaku's volley to fire.

"Boom boom boom boom!"

The trebuchet fired the second wave jar, interrupting the follow-up of the enemy heavy cavalry.

The entire front of the Ming army was pursuing the remaining heavy cavalry, and the gunshots were endless.


Fang Xing's long sword pointed to more than a dozen Hares riding ahead, and gunshots sounded immediately.

Song Jianran had already seen Fang Xing, he had no time to be ashamed, so he called for his subordinates to regroup and start a salvo.

The more than ten riders fell halfway in the sound of gunfire, and the rest of the horses rushed out desperately.

"What about the second round?"

Fang Xing turned around and was shocked to find that there were only five sergeants in the second row.


Suzaku was actually washed away!


The figure of the enemy riding in the gunpowder was looming, only the spear head was shining with cold light.

"Boom boom boom!"

The three grenades only blew up two of them, and the surviving Harlem looked at Fang Xing with a grin through the hole in his visor.

Kill the demon god, and go on peacefully!

Five to five.

Fang Xing ordered a salvo without hesitation.

The smoke cleared, and the remaining two Harie heavy riders had rushed within twenty steps.

Fang Wu behind can't keep up, he opens his bow and shoots arrows...

Song Jianran saw the embarrassment here, but couldn't keep up. He opened his mouth, regretting that he had invaded his whole body, wishing that it was himself who was standing there at the moment.

Fang Xing took the short tube fire gun on his back in his hand, and pulled the trigger with a grinning grin.


Dense shots were ejected from the muzzle, and the two heavy knights were beaten into honeycombs under the close shots.

Fang Xing threw the short-tube fire gun to Jia Ding, who was catching up, and shouted at Song Jianran who was in a daze: "Get organized and line up now!"

The array began to reorganize, and the platoon guns began to return to normal.

Fang Xing looked at the fallen Ming Army gunner in front, shook his head and said, "This is the battle!"


"what is this?"

A reinforcement marquee's eyes widened, watching the earthen jars smashed on top of the Harlem's head, and then exploded.

Gun smoke and fire filled the front, stumps and broken arms flying all over the sky...

The horrible howl reached the rear, and Agudamu solemnly said: "This is the confidence of Emperor Ming! He has been useless, has been useless!"


The lord has lost his temper, and he screams madly: "That cunning old guy, he allows his army to be broken many times but sits on the sidelines indifferently, in order to be our heavy ride! This old madman! Shameless old madman!"

"Wang! Heavy Cavalry suffered heavy losses, unable to break through."

A guard came back from the front to watch the battle, with a pale expression.

The Lord's eyes turned and saw that the heavy ride in front had begun to slow down, which showed that there was a strong force in front of them to stop them.

"Where is Agudam? Where is Agudam? What can he do?"

The lord grabbed the guard by the collar and asked fiercely.

No more elegance, no arrogance, no more reservedness, no more overlooking...

This is a country lord who has fallen to the altar!

The guard said in a panic, "Wang, Lord Agudamu wants to personally attack the Ming army line of defense!"


The lord let go, stumbled back a few steps, and remembered the words without expression: "When a failure occurs, the minister will ride alone!"


The lord stumbled forward and said desperately: "You have let me down..."

"Wang, our main force is still there, at least we can retreat all over..."

"Do not!"

The country lord shook his head and said blankly: "That old madman has been waiting for this opportunity, he will not miss it..."


Explosions continued to be heard in the front, those Hares were very brave, but the horses couldn't bear the close explosions, so chaos began.

"Your Majesty, you can assault!"

The chaos of the previous musket array made Zhang Fu couldn't help but want to send reinforcements, but Zhu Di stopped him.

Now that the enemy is in chaos, it is the time to counterattack!

Zhu Di glanced at him and said coldly: "I am here, why are you panicking!"

Zhang Fu bowed his hand to apologize, and Zhu Di glanced behind him and said, "Prepare for things after the war. Remember, I am here, don't panic!"

Yang Rong and Yang Shiqi hurriedly took their orders ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and then began to convene the generals in charge of civil servants to discuss matters after the war.

The platoon of guns in the front became denser and denser, because everyone knew that once the frequency was reduced, the next moment, those Harley heavy knights who were not afraid of death would use their spears to wear themselves and their robes into meat skewers.

The artillery gradually increased the firing frequency, and every bombardment brought a piece of corpse.

The corpses are everywhere, and the blood is moisturizing the earth...

This is the battle of great powers!

Zhu Di took a deep breath of the smoke filled with gunpowder, staring at the front, and said: "The Harlem has no intention to retreat. If it strikes at this time, the two sides are in danger of a stalemate. What I want is to complete the work in one fell swoop. Defeat Harleh, so that they never dare to peek at it again!"

Zhang Fu was convinced and raised his binoculars to look forward.

"Your Majesty, Xing Hebo informed that the enemy's will to fight is fading."

Zhu Di nodded slightly, and ordered: "Ready to ride!"

Deng Feng, who had passed the news with the generals a long time ago, hurriedly gave Liu Sheng a look, and Liu Sheng said in horror: "Your Majesty, please lead the team to fight back!"

Zhu Di frowned and glanced at him, and said, "Which decisive battle was not ours leading the men to attack?"

Liu Sheng was ashamed.

Zhu Di’s white beard was blown by the wind, and his gaze said sharply: "After this battle, there will be no enemies in the north. After that, I will naturally stay in the capital. And before that, you can’t, and Zhang Fu can’t, only I, In order to stimulate the morale of those sons and sons!"

Who is it for me!

No one dared to look into Zhu Di's eyes, no one dared to say that he would lead his army to complete the counterattack!

"Zhanji will be very good, I hope to see the moment when he led the army to make a surprise!"

Zhu Di finished the lesson, but left the endless reverie of others.

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