Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Vol 3 Chapter 1501: All soldiers, follow me to break the enemy!

Thanks to the book friend: "Marriage is a great reward for going to the grave"!


"Wang! The Ming army still didn't fight back!"

The latest news made the country's lord breathe a sigh of relief. He released the short sword he was holding tightly, and ordered: "Tell Agudamu, come back. Harleh surrendered in this battle, let's go home!"

Looking at the back of the guards going to report, King Halle thought of meeting before the formation that day.

What's in those eyes?

The conviction of victory...and the undisguised contempt!

That old lunatic!

The lord of the country sat on the chair as if it were prostration. He knew that the previous hysteria had affected his image in the army, so he needed to rest for a while, and then resume to be the proud lord of the country again!


Yisi was smiling, and the Harem who was watching him not far away had turned his gaze to the battlefield ahead, and had no time to take care of him.

And those who were originally around King Halle, looking for opportunities to flatter, also force the nobles to slowly retreat back.

"Do you regret it? It's a pity it's too late!"

Weisi smiled, watching the group of nobles gather together and whispering, you can see from their faces that they are panicking.

Deserve it!

Crooked eyes turned and saw his head guard.


Agudam looked coldly at the broken soldiers that appeared in front of him, and then waved.

A group of cavalry armed with long spears rushed over, using the previous heavy cavalry method to result in the collapse of these soldiers-meat skewers!

The heavy rider had already lost speed at this time, relying solely on the protection of the armor to stand up hard.

"My lord, just broke in once, the Ming army retired!"

The good news came, Agudamu's eyes lit up and he asked, "What about now?"

The visitor panted and said, "I was beaten back by the Ming army again!"

The hope that had just risen was immediately beaten back, reminding Agudamu of the scene when he saw Zhu Di that day.

That is a tough emperor!

There is no doubt that Zhu Di is the emperor Agudamu has seen in his life and put him the most pressure.

He pretended to be a sergeant in the back that day, but had been observing Zhu Di, wanting to see the character of the emperor from his expression.

As a result, the answer is tough, tough as never before!

"The Emperor Ming hasn't moved, and the main force of the Ming army hasn't moved..."

Agudamu looked up and looked forward when a wave of jars was thrown out.

Amid the explosion, Agudamu shook his head, showing determination, then drew his sword, turned around and said, "Dare you come with me to meet Emperor Ming?"

"The sheep need the first sheep, my lord, we will follow in your footsteps to the death!"


Agudamu smiled and said: "Go to someone and tell the king that Agudamu has failed his hopes, ask him to gather the army, and then slowly retreat. As for the future, that is not what I can predict. May the gods bless Harleh! "

Turning around, Aguda pointed to the front, and then took the lead in galloping.


"Boom boom boom boom boom!"

After a round of shelling ahead, Zhu Di put down his binoculars and shouted, "Heavy ride!"

"His Majesty!"

The heavy-riding commander had finished putting on his clothes, and he mounted his horse upon hearing the sound.

Zhu Di said with satisfaction: "Follow me!"

Then he said to Zhang Fu: "I'm optimistic about each department!"

Zhang Fu arched his hands and watched Zhu Di ride his horse towards the heavy ride.

The 30,000 heavy knights have been assembled, their hands holding long spears, and the boiling warfare spread through the eyes in the visors.

Zhu Di nodded, then turned around.


The long sword came out of its sheath, and the emperor with fluttering white beard raised the sword and shouted, "All soldiers, follow me and break the enemy!"

Zhu Di rode his horse and rushed out first. The heavy cavalry behind followed closely. They cheered. They believed that they would once again follow their emperor to defeat the enemy and be invincible.

"Long live your majesty!"

Before a heavy black ride, Zhu Di's long whiskers were scattered in the wind, and he rushed out of the passage that had just given way with his knife.

"All warriors, follow me to break the enemy!"

"Long live your majesty!"

"Long live!"

Countless Ming troops were cheering with their swords and guns in their hands, watching their emperor launch the final general attack on the enemy.

"Uncle Xinghe, Your Majesty..."

Wang He blushed with excitement. He pointed to the cheers that gradually spread, and shouted: "Your Majesty has attacked! Your Majesty has personally rushed into the battle!"

Fang Xing turned his head, only to see a lot of swords and guns, and countless people cheered.

"Long live your majesty!"

Fang Xing blankly watched the horse galloping forward, Lin Qun'an took over the command and ordered the array to withdraw, giving way to the passage.

"All warriors, follow me to break the enemy!"

There is no emperor better than Zhu Di when he is more than sixty years old and still able to get on the horse to rush into battle!

Fang Xing shook his head and shouted, "Get the horse!"

Xin Laoqi came over with the war horse, Fang Xing mounted, and said to Lin Qun'an, "Look at this place, let Baoding Hou...let him take over the firearms army!"

Lin Qun'an said in shock: "Uncle, where are you going?"

Fang Xing immediately drew his sword, followed Zhu Di, and said, "I will follow your Majesty!"

Countless people were cheering, and just amidst the cheers, Fang Xing led the family to chase after him.

"Break the enemy! Break the enemy! Break the enemy!"

The musketeers withdrew to the side, raised their arms and shouted, and then the final round of shelling began.

After the shotgun flew horizontally, Zhu Di rushed into the enemy line with a long knife.

The long knife slashed in from the neck, but because of the thin iron sheet, Zhu Di felt that he needed more strength to cut off the head.

He closed his sword and was about to meet the enemy, but Wang Fusheng had already rushed up with a heavy sword, invincible!

"Shoots! I can still kill the enemy!"

Zhu Di was stunned, he stroked his scattered beard, and then rode forward.

"Long live your majesty!"

Zhu Di on the battlefield was like a killer, his long knife pierced through the opponent's body sharply, and then pulled back with force.

The emperor with white beard is fighting together!

"Long live your majesty!"

Countless Ming troops rushed in the direction of Zhu Di frantically.

They want to protect their emperor, they want to protect this forever fearless man!

"Protect Your Majesty!"

Fang Xing came up with the spear ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and the long knife was now sheathed.

"Protect Your Majesty!"

As Fang Xing stabbed the spear forward and pierced through the two Harlems, the heavy cavalry of the Ming army rushed up with cheers.

The spears penetrated each other's bodies, and then the long knives were swung. Everyone was competing faster with whose knives.

The heavy cavalry of the Ming army swarmed, and the musketeers gradually approached under the unified command, and then the marksmanship started to sniper.

The artillery was also pushed forward, and Shen Yao shouted: "Hold the muzzle high and hit the iron bullet!"

Countless iron bullets were shot out, the trajectory was very high, and then they plunged into the enemy group.

"Fight! I peeled your skin if I missed it!"

The artillery groups were crazy, no longer caring about blasting, and desperately speeding up the loading speed, just wanting to hit the enemy in front, in that case, the emperor would be able to reduce some pressure.


"Emperor Ming dispatched himself?"

The country's lord has calmed down, but the news broke his stable mind.

He got up and looked forward, where countless Ming troops were rushing frantically, iron bullets and arrows flying in the air.

"Where is Agudamu?"

The Lord thought of the guy who had sworn to defeat Emperor Ming, and the knuckles of his hand touching the hilt were all whitening.

"Wang, Lord Agudamu has already ordered Emperor Ming to be killed!"

The Lord’s face was cold, "Can he kill?"

Someone was confused, and then interpreted the matter from another angle.

"Wang, Emperor Ming committed suicide and entered the heavy cavalry formation, the Ming army... morale boosted!"

The visitor looked at the country lord with expectant eyes. He hoped that his king would throw away his short sword and lift the long sword like the Ming Emperor, and lead the warriors to attack the Ming army's defense line and counterattack the Ming Emperor's counterattack!

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