Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Vol 3 Chapter 1510: Comfort each other (77th leader, thank you everyone...

The convoy moved slowly all the way, and when it was more than ten miles out of Beiping City, Zhang Shuhui suddenly called Muhua to send a message.

"Master, the madam said that the car was boring, or you should go to the side of the road to rest."

There was a mountain on the right at this time, and the mountain was verdant, and there was something to behold. Fang Xing responded.

The female relatives got out of the car, and the big insects lying on the front of the car also jumped off, sticking out their tongues and patrolling around.

The temperature is good now, but standing at the bottom of the mountain, I feel a little harsh.

Xin Laoqi and the others found a mountain road, but Fang Xing didn't want to go up.

Wanwan said joyfully: "Fang Xing, go up, maybe we can still catch the hare!"

Fang Xing looked at the plain dress that Wanwan was wearing, and said, "It's inconvenient for you, that's all, find a place..."

There was the sound of horseshoes from behind, a little hurriedly, Fang Xing turned around, and then smiled.

"Big Brother!"

Wanwan beckoned towards Laiqi, her brows and eyes curled up with a smile.

After leaving the palace, it seems that the air should be freer, which makes people relaxed physically and mentally.

Zhu Zhanji came first, and after he got off his horse, he smiled and said, "I only knew that Wanwan had come out. It happened that I was very bored, so I asked for an errand to protect Wanwan and came out to relax."

Then Jia Quan and others followed one after another, and the official road suddenly became lively.

"Let's go."

Fang Xing felt that going up the mountain was not a good idea, so the group walked along the official road.

Coming over to this mountain, the front is bright and cheerful. Zhu Zhanji took a few deep breaths and said: "Dong Guo and Fuyang Hou were exempted from the crown. At this moment, the DPRK and China are discussing how to deal with them."

"Who else?"

Fang Xing felt that there must be more than the two of them.

The so-called mourning, and the object is still the Emperor Daxing, it can only rely on supervision and personal integrity.

Fang Xing couldn't believe in the morality of Ming officials.

Zhu Zhanji shook his head and said: "There are also Cheng Guo Gong Zhu Yong, Xin Ning Bo Tan Zhong, Guang Ning Bo... There are also some servants who are participating in the meeting. Some are returning home from funerals, some are faceless, and some have eaten wine and meat. Now The DPRK and China are discussing how to deal with them."


Fang Xing felt that this was Zhu Gaochi's three axes, or three fires.

It's just that he actually burned Xunqi's head first, so he was still sober.

There is a connection between Xun and Qi, but there is no leader. And Zhang Fu and Zhu Yong, who are qualified to be the leaders, both learned to be a literati, and they were very well-measured.

As for the civil servant...

"Those low-level officials are probably out of luck."

It's okay to take the sword, but it can't be biased. It's just that the civil servants are not easy to deal with. If Zhu Di is changed, he must use a few servants to kill the chickens and the monkeys. But Zhu Gaochi would not do this.

Zhu Zhanji smiled and said: "My aunt found the palace, and heard that it was a lot of noise, so I took the opportunity to come out."

Princess Yongping offended Zhu Gaochi too harshly back then, so she probably felt that she couldn't make it through this time, so she went to make a fuss.

Although Zhu Zhanji didn't elaborate, Fang Xing guessed that it might be because Zhu Di was crying in court.

After shuddering and sympathizing for Zhu Gaochi, Fang Xing discarded these things and said: "This matter has nothing to do with you. When he was in Xinghe Fort, the first emperor had the idea of ​​rectifying his honor, and his majesty has fulfilled the first emperor's wish."

The speed of Daming Xunqi's degeneration was beyond Zhu Di's expectations, and probably also beyond Zhu Gaochi's expectations. At this time, the whole world of the Ming Dynasty rose to peace, and the emperor Zhu Gaochi would be too useless if he did not rectify it.

A group of people walked over slowly, and finally found a village, and eagerly said that they wanted to cook, so almost all the women were dragged away.

This is the best family in the village. The male owner has read for several years, and his two sons are polite and likable.

"Come on, my dog ​​won't bite people indiscriminately. Come on, let's play."

Potato hépíng all the big worms and small worms, and then beckoned to let the two children of this family come to play.

The host saw Zhu Zhanji and others' dignity, and wanted to stop it.

"It's okay, kids just have to play."

Xin Laoqi glanced at the wing, and the hostess had already hid in.

So the four children got together and played with two big dogs in the yard.

And Fang Xing hugged worry-free, and chatted with the male host.

"Are you farming or doing something to earn a living?"

The man said embarrassedly: "I usually teach some students at home, and my wife does some needlework."

"Don't want to do something else in the past?"

"Student... Back then, my father paid some money to send the students to school, but he never went to school and later returned home to teach the children nearby."

Although the words were cryptic, Fang Xing could still hear it. This person doesn't know anything except reading.

At this time, Wuyou lay on Fang Xing's shoulders, and kept yelling daddy. Fang Xing turned around and saw that it was four children digging for earthworms.

The man wanted to scold his child with an angry expression, Fang Xing persuaded: "The child should play as he pleases, don't force it too hard."

The man said unconvincedly: "The nobleman doesn't know. It is better to start with the child when studying."


Fang Xing said helplessly: "Yes, it's best to start with a child."

Seeing Fang Xing's reluctance, the man reluctantly left. Before he left, he wanted to call his two children back, but in the end he was frightened by Fang Xing's group of people and didn't dare to speak.

Fang Xing shook his head and laughed. When he turned around, he saw Zhu Zhanji actually directing a few children to find crickets.

"Hua Niang, let the dishes! Let the dishes!"

Wanwan and cheerful voices came from the kitchen, and the two brothers and sisters finally relaxed when they arrived here.

After a meal of vegetarian dishes, the group headed home.

When they arrived in the capital, they hugged Wuyou and kissed again, and then they got in the car and went back.

Before leaving, Zhu Zhanji said, "Don't worry about things in the near future, don't worry about anyone who asks."

Fang Xing nodded and smiled: "I have always been nosy, you just need to take care of yourself."

Zhu Zhanji seriously agreed: "Okay, it is not convenient for me to come out in the palace now, brother Dehua, often help me go to the black thorn."

Fang Xing's heart tightened, staring at him and said, "I said, if you can't do anything, I can take you away! Remember, no one can stop it!"

Zhu Zhanji suddenly laughed~www.wuxiaspot.com~The brows are full of hearty: "Brother Dehua is too worried, I just can't bear the things left by Grandpa Emperor."


Back home, Fang Xing called Huang Zhong.

Huang Zhong grumbled as soon as they met: "Uncle, our mansion used to be somewhat of a face in the capital, but now those people seem to be smiling and not smiling, they are all watching!"

Fang Xing pointed to the other side, motioned him to sit down, and then slowly made tea, and said: "The first emperor made four northern expeditions, and I went out quite a few times. Why don't you bother the villain."

Huang Zhong shook his head and said, "Uncle, you rejected Fenghou, those people...hey!"

"Why do I want to seal the prince?"

Fang Xing took a sip of tea and said faintly: "You remember, uncle Gonghou is actually the same, honor and disgrace are all between the above thoughts, if you want to do it, what use is it for you to be a Guogong? Today's Wei Guogong Isn't it a ready-made example? If it weren't for the country's relatives, it would have been cut long ago!"

Huang Zhong frowned tightly, and whispered: "Uncle, but there is a problem with your majesty's attitude?"

Fang Xing shook his head and said, "No, at least not at the moment. The rest depends on the prince. My bottom line is that the prince can't move and cannot be humiliated."

Huang Zhong sighed: "Once the emperor and the courtier, now your majesty had a benevolent name when he was a prince, but now it seems that the means are not bad, and those who think wrong are probably going to be unlucky."

"I don't care about this."

Fang Xing knows that it is a stable period, so the movement will not be big. After Zhu Gaochi sits down and uses the New Year's number next year, his life may not be easy.

"The first emperor went north four times!"

Fang Xing murmured, his eyes faint.

Is it five times... or four times?

It's all messed up! (Tianjin Novel Network https://)

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