Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

: Regarding the consequences of the author's substitution of the role in the book, it is very t

To reiterate, including Bell, I have never deliberately arranged their (their) process and ending.

And all of this is just a consequence of me substituting into this book.

When I wrote Chapter 1499, I suddenly thought of bells, and somehow thought of them. When the spear came through the air, I thought of bells somehow.

Then I wrote this chapter with tears, chapter name: At that moment, sorrow!

A dog, who uses the word 殇, knows that his inner world is richer, this is the inner portrayal of the author.

Then the mood suddenly became agitated and tragic.

Then, I want to put Zhu Di, the last great emperor of the Han people, his majesty and unyielding, and the immortality of the veterans. I suddenly wanted to write these out and tell everyone that the Ming Dynasty was not what you saw. It has The unyielding king, the king of the world

Regardless of whether I'm looking for the bottom line or thinking out of thin air, I think that Daming, the last dynasty of the Han people, has never lacked spine and blood!

My body was trembling at the time, and I vowed to write these out, and write them well!

But starting from Chapter 1499, I didn’t write about it. Maybe it was the qi that supported me. I kept writing, I wrote the war, I wrote Zhu Di.

I did my best, my blood boiled, and it was done overnight!

I feel that from Chapter 1499 until Zhu Di's departure, I was writing the condensed life of an emperor and a soldier with instinct and self-consciousness.

Burst into tears!

Then my emotions began to sink, and I began to feel sad, which continued uncontrollably until now.

When deciding to write Zhu Di's final moments, I knew what this *** would bring. Maybe some people would feel happy and it was time to leave! Some people feel depressed and leave temporarily

But until now, I still have no regrets!

I am very satisfied that I did not write down Zhu Di, the great emperor, otherwise I will regret and feel guilty, and I will not have the intention to write the following estimates.

Then, in the dark, who will light up that lamp, that solitary lamp

Too much substitution has made me feel extremely depressed these days, almost haggard.


Never knew the consequences of completely substituting a book would be so tragic!

But no regrets!

I have begun to adjust my emotions. I will slowly describe the night and the lamplighter (Tianjin Novel Website https://)

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