Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Vol 3 Chapter 1531: Fang Xing threw a **** at you

"It was Xing and Uncle who caught Cao's second child, and then he handed him over to the Dongchang factory, and finally went to the palace to plead for crime."

Lu Zhen kept dragging behind, and after passing by a little **** at the corner, he ran after him and told Yang Rong and Jin Youzi the cause of the matter.

"That man is really a stalker, and he refuses to give up going to the West! Hateful!"

Jin Youzi's words did not resonate with Yang Rong. He looked sadly at the setting sun to the west and said, "It is good for the treasure ship to go into the sea, but... Daming should rest!"

The sunset is slowly setting, as if going to rest for a night, waiting to come out again tomorrow morning.

Fangjiazhuang was bathed in the afterglow of the setting sun, and Fang Xing was also enjoying the radiance of the setting sun.

The temperature was good at this time, Fang Xing paced and thought in the inner courtyard.

Xiaobai hugged Wuyou around outside the door and muttered, "Worry, what is the young master thinking?"

Worry-free raised his head, reached out his hand, grabbed Xiao Bai's long hair hanging on the side of his face, and pulled it hard.

"Ouch! Madam, help..."

Fang Xing looked back at this scene and couldn't help laughing, then Zhang Shuhui came out to rescue Xiao Bai.

"Master, please see Brother Seven."

Fang Xing nodded, and took one last look: Zhang Shuhui was coaxing Wuyou to let go, while Xiaobai tilted his head and kept calling for help. The two sons were also making a noise on the side, and the scene was lively.

After leaving the inner courtyard, Xin Laoqi was already waiting.

"Master, second Cao has died in prison."


"Cao's second child is dead, he died in prison."

The book in Yang Rong's hand fell to the ground, in the dim light, the butler continued: "Those people from the Criminal Ministry have checked, and the cause of death has not been found. The news has already passed into the palace..."

Under the light, Yang Rong waved his hand. After the housekeeper exited, he murmured: "The tree wants to be quiet but the wind does not stop, the tree wants to be quiet but the wind does not stop!"

Yang Rong knew very well that Cao's second death was like a **** bowl, which had been buckled on the head of the civil official.

Extinct? Vent your anger?

"Fang Xing, you really are magnanimous!"


Zhu Gaochi was strangely silent, and did not respond.

But the queen unexpectedly summoned Fang Xing.

Fang Xing was unwilling to enter the emperor's harem, so he refused on the grounds of non-compliance. The queen seemed to have guessed that he would be like this a long time ago, but just a word made him have to smile and enter the palace.

The queen formed a big array-a bunch of court ladies and eunuchs ‘welcome each other’.

Fang Xing looked at the ‘road’ composed of people in front of him, muttering in his heart: "Are you better than the Harith?", then calmly walked in.

The back of the emperor sits on his head, and she stands on the side. Seeing Fang wake up, the queen snorted coldly: "Even if you have three children, in the eyes of this palace, you are just that tired kid."

Wanwan held her face, she couldn't help but bend her brows when she heard this.

Little kid!

You wake up in the eyes of this palace as that little kid, pretending to be an adult! What a taboo!

Fang Xing saw Wanwan cover her mouth and snickered, so he glared at her, and then said embarrassingly: "Niang Niang, the minister is just...just..."

Seeing the scene of him staring Wanwan, the queen stared at Fengyan and shouted: "You are a guilty conscience!"

"Chen has no guilty conscience, my mother!"

The queen sneered: "You haven't been guilty? My palace is here to ask you, who did Cao Er's hands and feet?"

Fang Xing was stunned. Seeing that he didn't refute, the queen nodded slightly and said: "It seems that you are still honest, you! Why is this temper so stubborn? You have to fight with those civil officials, fight back and forth... you Just one person, how to fight?"

The queen's position is supernatural, and no one would dare to point fingers at her without interfering in the affairs of the state.

Fang Xing lowered his eyes and said: "Manny, many of them also have their own ambitions, but they are different from the ambitions of the ministers. They want to close the door outside of Daming and get up and have the dream of a central country, but the example of the former Song Dynasty tells us, That is idiotic about dreams!"

The queen's complexion became faint, she glanced at Wanwan, and then pressed down what she wanted to say.

"This world is very big. Daming occupies only a corner. There are also powerful nations outside. They are thinking about how to cross the sea and find new land. And we have the legacy of the first emperor, and Zheng He's fleet has been many times. When I went to sea, I found many new places, so..."

"So Daming shouldn't stop exploring outside, right?"

The queen looked at Fang Xing with complicated eyes. She deliberately asked the British lady-in-law to inquire about the last battle of the Northern Expedition and what happened after Zhu Di left, knowing...

"What do you want to be Zhan Ki..."

Fang Xing raised his head and said, "The prince should be bold, wise, and calm."

The meaning of these three words is very deep, but the queen understood. She said: "Zhanji has been taught by the first emperor since he was a child. You must assist him well and don't cause trouble to your majesty."

Fang Xing also understood, and he said, "Don't worry, Niang Niang, the minister knows it."

"You just have to count!"

The corners of the queen's mouth curled up slightly, and said disdainfully: "Some people are making ideas, making shameful ideas! But this palace believes in your majesty, believes in Zhanji, and believes in you! If anyone dares to do those shameful things, this official To their lives!"

Fang Xing knew what the queen was talking about.

After Zhu Di went to ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ the crown prince of Zhu Zhanji became the coveted target of some people who wanted to come back, so they would praise Zhu Zhanyi.

Even when Zhu Zhanyong was made the king of the county, they persuaded Zhu Gaochi, saying that Zhu Zhanyong was young and ignorant when he made a mistake, and now that he is much better, he should be able to make the king.

But these careful thoughts were naturally invisible in front of Zhu Gaochi and the Queen. Zhu Gaochi didn't care, but the Queen would not remain indifferent.

So Zhu Zhanyi was awakened by the queen and went to Zhu Zhanji to explain in fear.

And Zhu Zhanyong...


"Brother, I'm not interested in being a prince."


Zhu Zhanji put down the long knife, Yu Jia handed over the towel, he wiped off the sweat on his face casually, pointed to the front and said, "Let's go."

This is the martial arts training ground opened by Zhu Zhanji, which is quite wide.

Zhu Zhanji was in front and Zhu Zhanyong was behind. The two brothers were walking in silence.

"I said to Zhanzhen, you don't need to think too much if you are selfless in your heart. Remember, Da Ming is very big and will be bigger in the future."

Zhu Zhanji huódòng slapped his wrist and said lightly: "Daming is not just what you see, it is very complicated, and my house is in the middle, with countless pairs of eyes staring at us, a few of them are kind, most of them are unpredictable... "

Zhu Zhanyong said nonchalantly: "I know, they just want to encourage us to fight, and then they will fan the flames on the side, watching who is the most obedient and who is the weakest, then they will try their best to help whoever, I know all this. "

Zhu Zhanji nodded and said, "Well, that's the case. They want to control us, they want to control Daming, but they don't have the corresponding ability and structure, so Grandpa Emperor suppressed them."

"Well, Grandpa Emperor is great."

Zhu Zhanyong felt that his father was a little bit awkward, and he was very kind to the civil servants. (Tianjin Novel Network https://)

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