Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Vol 3 Chapter 1532: Flirt

"Your Majesty, this move by Xing He Bo will help balance the government and politics. The minister thinks it is enough to sit back and watch. If you want to come, whether it is a civil official or Xing He Bo, will not make any more moves, but balance will come."

Zhang Mao's attitude is still neither humble nor overbearing, and looking at Fengshen's handsome, he compares the somewhat dazed Wen Fang next to him.

The weather is good, and even some mist has just disappeared, which makes people feel refreshed.

A bowl of fish soup was placed on the left of Yuan, and Zhu Gaochi slowly drank it.

"Wanwan is good at cooking."

Zhu Gaochi put down his spoon in satisfaction, and the comfort between his brows gradually dissipated.

"Who is loyal to me?"

Zhu Gaochi suddenly asked these words expressionlessly.

Zhang Mao was still thinking about the meaning of Zhu Gaochi's question, and the text bubbled up.

"Your Majesty, most of the Chaozhong is naturally loyal, but the rewards and punishments are all from the top. Your Majesty, Cao's second child should be punished severely!"

Rewards and punishments all come from above, this is the only way to establish the authority of the king.

Speaking in general terms, there is nothing useful!

Zhu Gaochi lowered his eyes to look at the paperweight, and a coldness flashed in his eyes.

"Your Majesty, the minister thinks... loyalty must depend on authority, blindly rewarding, that will only make the courtiers...

Zhu Gaochi asked with interest: "Since I inherited Datong, I have rewarded and punished, what do you want to say?"

Zhang Mao was silent for a moment, and said with resolute expression: "Your Majesty, it's not big enough!"

Wen Fang retorted: "If you have moved the honorable ministers, everyone will be in danger, and your majesty has only taken the throne. It is not appropriate to go into war at this moment!"

Zhang Maochui said: "The minister is arrogant."

Zhu Gaochi looked at the argument between the two with cold eyes, and said softly: "Speaking freely, I won't blame it. As for...not big enough!"

Zhu Gaochi said blankly: "I just sent people to Fuyang Houfu. Starting from Li Rang, I won all the honors, took back the iron tickets, and demoted them to the common people!"

Wen Fang was horrified, but Zhang Mao's calm was broken.

Only then did the two realize that the emperor above had been grind by Zhu Di for many years. How could he be a role at the mercy of others? !

Zhu Gaochi smiled slightly, looking a little honest, but what he said was shocking.

"Tell them, Daming needs stability, I need stability, I will decide what matters naturally, no need for others to intervene!"

Zhu Gaochi rubbed the paperweight and continued with a smile: "The follow-up matters of the Northern Expedition have not been dealt with. Is it leisure? Then hurry up."

"Yes, Your Majesty."

The two leaned back, but did not see a sneer on Zhu Gaochi's simple and honest face.

After leaving the Palace of the Qing Dynasty, Wen exhaled, and said with lingering fear: "I thought it was your Majesty...it was the Emperor Xian who was sitting on it, which scared people to death!"

Zhang Mao remembered Zhu Di’s style and shook his head: "Unlike, the first emperor is like thunder, which will fall to the top of his head if he is not careful, but now his majesty is water, seemingly soft, but... you think about flooding. I'll know in time."

Wen Fang said in surprise: "Are you saying your Majesty is gaining momentum?"


Zhang Mao felt that those civil servants might have underestimated Zhu Gaochi, and this underestimation might pay a price.


"Your Majesty is naturally alert and dissatisfied with Wu Xun...This is..."


"Maybe, your Majesty can't alienate civil servants even after being dissatisfied with Wu Xun, then he will become a lonely man."

Wen Fang's eyes flickered, and he hesitated: "But those civil servants don't have a good impression of us either."

Zhang Mao said with a firm gaze: "That needs to be managed. Think about it when we were in the south, that reputation was not managed by it? Just use some means."

Wen Fang said depressedly: "I have been a little worried lately, confused, and a little abnormal."

Zhang Mao said sincerely: "You and I come out together, naturally you are in the same spirit, brother Yancheng, don't let it go!"

Wen Fang gritted his teeth and said: "Thanks to the truth, I will try my best. It's just...someone is going to try to wake up..."

Zhang Mao was shocked, staring and asking: "Who? Is he crazy?"

Wen Fang smiled and said: "Those scholars are the easiest to instigate. As long as you light a fire, no one can find out who did it. We don't need to worry about it, just watch the excitement."

Zhang Mao shook his head and said: "You all miscalculated Fang Xing. After returning from the Northern Expedition, he seemed calm, but if you think about it, even your Majesty said that he has the deepest feelings for the Emperor, but he didn't cry! No trouble! ! What is this? This is suppressing. And those idiots are on fire right now, who will be burned?"


"The empress is a great person!"

When he returned home, Fang Xing told Know Jin and Huang Zhong about what he had seen in the palace.

"If anyone wants to shake your Highness's position, Niang Niang will let him know what regret is. Even if he doesn't report it at this moment, he will return with the original profit in the future."

Being a mother is stronger, and the queen's temperament is afraid that only Zhu Gaochi can suppress it. Others don't think about it!

Xie Jin stroked his beard and said: "Those people are urging your majesty's other sons. This is the handwriting of the literati. First layout, then slowly trigger, and finally it will be a fatal blow."

Huang Zhong smiled and said: "But they underestimated Niang Niang and His Royal Highness. The Niang Niang naturally wanted to protect His Royal Highness, and His Royal Highness is not Wu Xia Amon, but has been dormant recently. Once you provoke your Highness, Your Majesty will I borrowed a mobile hand."

None of the three present despise Zhu Gaochi, because they are bystanders, but the civil servants are fans of those involved.

Fang Xing got up and said: "Your Majesty will act immediately when he takes the throne. There are so many innovations that he is already in his mind. Regardless of right or wrong, but he is so careful, which shows that he is also on guard against the civil servants and wants to take advantage of this opportunity. Take it. Okay, I'm tired too, so I'll take a good rest at home and stay with worry-free."

Xie Jin smiled and said, "You are careful to spoil Wuyou as lawless, and you will have no place to regret then."

Fang Xing raised his eyebrows and said, "My daughter, Fang Xing, can't we be domineering?"

Huang Zhong smiled and said, "When Wuyou grows up, he can naturally dominate."

After a burst of laughter, Fang awoke back to the backyard.


Because Zhu Di hadn't been there for a long time, the demand for meat in the palace dropped to almost bottomless.

Chen Xiao finally got a vacation, thinking about his wife and daughter at home, and flew into Beiping City all the way.

As soon as he entered the city, Chen Xiao saw a group of scholars wearing Confucian shirts gathering, and then they discussed something in a low voice.

Chen Xiao led the horse and squeezed through the middle impatiently.

"Will Masu run? We..."

The scholar who was talking glared at Chen Xiao who had intervened, and snorted coldly, "Rusty!"

Chen Xiao was tanned and never slipped away. If he followed his previous nature, he would definitely rush to curse at this moment, and then be full of old punches~www.wuxiaspot.com~ but he laughed and said: "I'm sorry! Go away now! !Go right now!"

After leaving the crowd, Chen Xiao bowed his head, then quietly made a circle and left the city again.

All the way to Fangjiazhuang, he was stopped by Fang Er when he was outside the door. Chen Xiao was anxious, pointing to his black face and said: "I am Chen Xiao, and Chen Xiao who is like brother Dehua, go and report. Forget it, I'll go in by myself."

Fang Er also recognized him at this time. Seeing his eager appearance, he shouted: "Come and accompany Young Master Chen in!"

The knife came out to catch up and asked, Chen Xiao said as he ran, "Someone wants to attack Ma Su, hurry up and call Dehua!"

Although Chen Xiao worked hard outside, it was no longer Wu Xia Amon, but there was no knife running so fast that he was thrown away and no one could be seen.

Fang Xing was teasing Wuyou. When the knife called someone in to spread the news, he kissed Wuyou, got up, and handed Wuyou to Zhang Shuhui, and said, "I'll go out."

Wuyou is very close to Fang Xing now. After being hugged by Zhang Shuhui, she shouted: "Father, play."

Fang Xing smiled and saw Xiaobai smiling happily on the side, and said, "Daddy will play with Wuyou when he comes back."

"Master, come back early."

Fang Xing has not been able to sleep well recently, and will dream and talk nonsense at night, so Xiaobai and Zhang Shuhui are worried that his emotions will get out of control.

Fang Xing smiled and said, "It's okay, I will definitely come back."

When he arrived in the front yard, Fang Xing smiled when he saw Chen Xiao, who was swarthy, "You have worked so hard!"

Chen Xiao said anxiously: "Hurry up, Brother Dehua, those scholars are going to stop Masu!"

Fang Xing nodded and said, "It's okay. I just happened to have rusty bones, so I'm going to move around."

While accompanying him out, Chen Xiao persuaded: "There are so many people, hundreds of people, don't mess around!"

Fang Xing said with a smile: "No, I like to convince people with reason."

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