Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Vol 3 Chapter 1533: break out

There were never many officials in Daming. This is the lesson that Zhu Yuanzhang and Zhu Di learned from the former Song Dynasty using official positions and salaries to raise idlers.

Moreover, starting from Zhu Yuanzhang, Daming has been more cumbersome about the salaries of officials. According to Zhu Yuanzhang's words, it is enough to feed your family. Do you still want to have more money to go for fun?

Ke Ren's desires are endless, and he is full of warm thoughts, so the corruption has never been cut off, until the two emperors Zhu Yuanzhang and Zhu Di killed a lot of them before and after.

So Lumi became the only source for officials to support their families.

The Ministry of Household's management of the Lumi warehouse is very strict, and it is afraid of jokes such as some day to leave for the rice, or moldy rice noodles.

Today, Ma Su was sent to Lumi Cang by Xia Yuanji for inspection. After the spot check was over, he left the Lumi Cang and saw a group of people.

A group of scholars!

When the leading scholars saw Ma Su come out, they shouted: "Ma Su, you slandered Master Xia privately, and the murdered brother Mingzhe was removed from the Ministry of Housing, shameless!"

"Aren't you relying on Xing Hehou... Oh no, is it the power of Xing Hehou? Who knows you after taking off this clothes!"

"Today we are going to expose the true face of you, a hypocrite, and let everyone see who the science teaches is!"

"Yes! Ma Su, today we are here to be fair for Brother Mingzhe. By the way, let everyone take a look. Look at you... a robed beast!"

"Improper use of words!"

Ma Su walked out, coldly between his brows, "Then Shen Cong recorded many wrong numbers, so he called him a scolding. Who dares to use these little officials?"

A man dressed in royal blue shouted: "If you want to commit a crime, why don't you have any reason, Ma Su, you are bullying, and you are not allowed to argue? Shameless!"

Ma Su didn't step back, he frowned and said: "Shen Cong's household department has already made a judgment. When does the government need you to point out?!"

The man remembered the old rules at this time, but then a companion said, "You have done something shameful, can't you be told? It's really magnanimous! The same line!"

At this time, many people gathered around, and when they saw that the scholars were making trouble, they didn't dare to come closer, but were pointing at them from a distance.

Ma Su said coldly: "The official will naturally report this matter to the superior and apply for a retrial of Shen Cong's matter. If there is a mistake, the official will naturally bear it. If it is at a loss, today's matter... the official must have a statement. !"

The people looked at each other when they heard it, and then whispered.

Watching this scene, Ma Su couldn't help but think of Fang Xing's evaluation of these scholars.

——Those who have learned a lot about it, but the more they learn, the more they get together!

At this time, the two small officials who followed whispered: "My lord, let's go back first. The people from the Five Cities Soldiers and Mars must be here later."

This is for Ma Su to avoid the edge for the time being, and to keep himself safe first.

Heroes don't suffer from immediate losses, do something, do something not, this is the truth that Fang Xing taught Ma Su.

So he was going to go in and hide for a while.

But just as he turned around, someone in the crowd shouted: "Ma Su is going to run!"

"Cheeky guy, hit him!"

"Hit him!"

"Everyone, today your majesty is jealous of evil and has profound morals, and this holy emperor is in his position! I wait for today to walk the way for the heavens and eliminate harm for the people, and to flaunt the ages! Chong!"

Those scholars who were still hesitating became excited when they heard it.

Yes! The stern old emperor has gone, and your majesty today is ours.

"Hit him!"

Ma Su heard the intensive footsteps behind him, he snatched the long knife guarding Sergeant Lumicang, turned around and shouted: "Bold! Assault Lumicang, the officer is not guilty of killing you!"

The crowd stopped for a while, and someone raised their arms and shouted: "He doesn't dare! He is scaring people! Everyone, it's here to take justice and benevolence! Go!"

Ma Su saw that the crowd began to surging again, he smiled bitterly, ready to retreat.

No matter what, he would not kill people, nor would he kill these scholars.

"Look! Look! He's going to run! Go!"

A group of scholars carried the hem of the Confucian shirt and rushed over with flushed faces.

Ma Su just stepped back and shouted: "Close the door!"

The two sergeants were also a little afraid of this battle. When they were about to close the door, one of the sergeants pointed to the left and shouted: "Xing Hebo is here!"

The man in navy blue clothes pointed at the sergeant and shouted: "My generation has been reading poetry and books, do you think you don’t know what it means to be invincible? That man is hiding at home! How dare he..."

Ma Su stopped and turned around, then looked to the left, bowed and saluted.



In an instant, the scholars stopped and all turned sideways.

From the side, Fang Xing stood on the left with a wooden stick in his hand, behind him was a slip of Jiading.

"The tiger fell to Pingyang and was bullied by a dog..."

Fang Xing held the wooden stick with one hand, glanced over the group of people, and sighed: "I feel a little gloomy in my heart. Since the Northern Expedition until now, I have been frustrated and unable to dispatch. You said...what should I do?"

The scholar in sapphire blue pointed at Fang Xing and shouted, "Uncle Xinghe, now that the holy son is in place, do you dare to make a mistake?"

Fang Xing saw the sergeants running on the opposite side. Those were the soldiers of the Five Cities.

Fang Xing lowered his eyes and said: "The warrior can't stop, but today there is no enemy. I'm depressed, what should I do..."

The scholar saw that Fang Xing didn't do anything, he said proudly: "Xing He Bo~www.wuxiaspot.com~you..."

Fang Xing raised his head fiercely, and said with a grinning smile: "But I'm upset, how can I? Hit! Hit to death!"

Xin Laoqi was the first to rush into the crowd, and he whipped with a wooden stick.

And the second one is Fang Xing...


Fang Xing knocked one person over with a stick. He smirked and caught up with the scholar in navy blue clothes, kicked, and then whipped slowly. Gradually, his eyes were red...

The family members rushed into the crowd and beat them everywhere. The scholars dared to scold a few words at first, but when they saw their companions lying on the ground wailing, and even some people's arms were weirdly folded, it looked terrible, so...

"Help! It's murdered!"

During the wolf rush, someone saw the sergeants and rushed away, calling for help: "Killed! Xing Hebo killed someone!"

The people of the Five Cities Soldier Masi were also a little panicked, and the head of the hundred household officials shouted: "Uncle, stop! Stop!"

Fang Xing had already chased him. He smashed the arm of the person in front of him with a stick, and chased these sergeants in front of these sergeants amidst the horrible howling. It was still a stick, but his head was drawn.


The official faces of the hundred households were frightened, and they flew out and threw the scholar to the ground.

If Fang Xing killed someone in front of him, he wouldn't be able to escape.


The wooden stick whizzed past his head, and the felled scholar ignored the pain of the fall and cried: "Uncle forgive me, the little one is guilty..."

Those sergeants gathered around, and one of them bravely saved Fang Xing from behind, shouting: "Uncle, calm down, calm down!"

Fang Xing's strength at the moment was great, and as soon as he struggled, he broke free, but the wooden stick was grasped by someone.

Then a few sergeants rushed up, holding hands, holding hands, and holding legs, making it difficult for Fang Xing to move.

"Old Qi! Kill him! Kill him!"

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