Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Vol 3 Chapter 1534: Hands-on

Fang Xing's eyes were red, with a crazy color.

Fang Wu was the most calm. He grabbed Xin Laoqi, who was about to actually kill the scholar, and said, "Brother Seven, I have already interrupted many people's hands and feet."

Old Xin said indifferently: "Master said to kill him, let go!"

Fang Wu was taken aback by the look in his eyes, and he couldn't help but loosen his hands.

"Stop it!"

There was a sound of horseshoes, accompanied by this shout.

The hundred officials looked up and said with joy, "They are from the palace."

Panting, Liang Zhong rushed forward, jumped off the horse and shouted: "Xin Laoqi, stop!"

Xin Laoqi has rushed over, looking at the posture, just wanting to end up with the guy who is running away.

After seeing Liang Zhong, Fang Xing became more sober, he shouted: "Old Qi is back."

Seeing Xin Laoqi stop, Liang Zhong smiled bitterly: "Xing He Bo, you are too ruthless to start."

There were more than 20 people lying on the ground, either with broken hands or feet, and the horrible howling made the scalp numb.

Fang Xing smiled and said, "I don't provoke people, but they are persecuting, so you can set up a battle, single-handedly and group fights at will."

Liang Zhong said helplessly: "Your Majesty knew it when they gathered together, so I sent our family to clean them up. You can wait and wait for Uncle Xinghe! No matter, go to the palace."


"Your Majesty, those scholars blocked Ma Su because of a clerk in the household department. Then Ma Su retorted and aggravated the matter. Just in time Xing He arrived, he ordered Jia Ding to do it, and he himself...interrupted The hands and feet of several people."

Huang Yan went out for a trip, then returned with a low eyebrow and said pleasingly.

Regarding Huang Yan, whether he is a civil official or a martial artist, he generally despises him.

I thought that this guy would definitely be cleaned up, but I didn't expect it to be able to jump around. There was something wrong with the smell inside, but no one went into it.

Zhu Gaochi covered his forehead and asked, "What's the matter with that little official?"

Huang Yan's eyes lit up and he was about to add some private goods, but Xia Yuanji was out of work.

"Your Majesty, that Shen Cong was originally an accounting official. Ma Su found out that he had made many mistakes and omissions and ordered him to make a heavy nuclear. Unexpectedly, Shen Cong yelled at him. He heard more than one person, and the minister later dealt with him."

Huang Yan glanced at Xia Yuanji, bitterly in her heart.

"That's it!"

Zhu Gaochi rubbed the paperweight, his eyes were faint, and his voice said coldly: "This class of people will only cost the people and the people, and that's it."

Xia Yuanji said: "Yes, the minister has already removed him, and there should be a record on the official side."

Jian Yi naturally didn't know the ending of a small official, but he still believed Xia Yuanji and nodded.

Zhu Gaochi's eyes were cold, and he couldn't see any emotions.

During the period of Zhu Yuanzhang and Zhu Di, the scholars did not dare to make any big battles, otherwise they would probably all go to the frontiers to enrich the local population.

But not long after Zhu Gaochi became the throne, someone unexpectedly made such a fuss, and all the officials were secretly thinking for a while.

Zhu Gaochi glanced at the ministers, with a little coldness in his eyes, and said, "When will the political affairs...can interfere? Or are scholars, what do they want to do?"

At this time Liang Zhong came back, and he told him: "Your Majesty, those people blocked Ma Su, and then wanted to fight in a group. Unexpectedly, Xing He Bo happened to arrive, so he ordered Jia Ding to do it, and more than 30 people broke their hands and feet. "

Gang fight?

Zhu Gaochi turned his gaze to Huang Yan, and Huang Yan said blankly: "Your Majesty, the old slave is guilty, and the person who just reported it didn't say this."

"Really? That's good."

Zhu Gaochi's tone was plain, but that glance made Huang Yan sweat.

"Your Majesty, Xing He uncle is here to apologize outside."

Seeing Huang Yan deflated, Liang Zhong was in a good mood and hurriedly remedied it.

Zhu Gaochi nodded, and Liang Zhong went out and called Fang Wake in.

Fang Xing's eyes were still a little confused. After the salute, Zhu Gaochi asked, "Why do you want to make a heavy hand?"

"Too much deception, the minister wants to kill!"

Fang Xing felt a little tired, mentally tired.


Lu Zhen left the class with his long beard fluttering, and said in a righteous manner: "Uncle Xing He, now, your Majesty, who do you want to kill? Who can you kill?"

Jin Zhong was shocked when he heard the words, and when he looked sideways, he saw Fang Xing's head raised fiercely, and his eyes immediately turned red with ferociousness.

"Xing He Bo..."

"I can kill you!"

Zhu Gaochi was thinking about how to deal with the matter, and when he saw Fang Xing pounced on Lu Zhen, he hurriedly shouted: "Hold him! Hold him!"

But there was no Wuxun present today. The civilian officials saw Fang Xing's fierce appearance, or bit his fingers, or his complexion changed drastically. Instead of going to the rescue, they backed away again and again.

Lu Zhen just wanted to make a fire, but Fang Xing was angered when he didn't expect it. Looking at the blood red in those eyes, he knew that Fang Xing was not joking, so he turned and ran without hesitation.

So one person chased and the other ran, but Lu Zhen was a civil official, and he would be caught up wherever he ran before.

Zhu Gaochi shouted with a headache: "Take him! Take him!"

The Dahan General in the hall crawled and intercepted from both sides, and after Fang Xingfei kicked and overturned Lu Zhen, he finally hugged him.

"Lu Zhen, you Sabie! Lao Tzu is going to kill you!"

Fang Xing didn't struggle, but the eyes staring at Lu Zhen made people shudder.


Lu Zhen demonstrated to everyone what is called escape: He rolled a few times on the ground with the fastest movements, and by the way observed Fang Xing's subsequent attack direction.

After seeing that Fang Xing was under control, he immediately stopped rolling, and then groaned YIN in a low voice, like a dying person.

Zhu Gaochi shot the imperial case loudly, and said angrily: "Lawlessness! Unscrupulous!"

Seeing Zhu Gaochi's face flushed with anger, Jin Youzi's eyes flashed, and he said: "Your Majesty, Uncle Xinghe... there are too many fights. I heard that too many fights will cause disorders..."

Jin Zhong retorted: "If it is abnormal, today Xinghe Bo is not a stick, but a knife! Lord Jin, don't talk nonsense!"

Yang Rong looked at Fang Xing with a complicated look at ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and said, "Your Majesty, the minister thinks that Xing He Bo is a sorrow for the first emperor."

Jin Youzi frowned and glanced at him, then lowered his eyes.

Yang Shiqi also sighed: "Your Majesty, Xing He Bo has fought countless battles. Of course, he won't be abnormal. It's just the first emperor..."

The three Yangs present were all pulled up by Zhu Di with a single hand. At the moment when Yang Shiqi mentioned this, even Yang Pu looked down.

Fang Xing didn't excuse him, but felt a little regretful that he didn't take the opportunity to break Lu Zhen's leg.

Lu Zhen had been helped by the Dahan General. He was clutching his waist and screaming for pain. After seeing Fang Xing's eyes, he couldn't help taking a few steps back, and then shouted, "What else do you want?"


Zhu Gaochi's fat face was trembling, and he pointed at the ministers and said, "Look at you, look at you, how can you look like a courtier?"

Each group of ministers thought of their own reaction just now, and they couldn't help but feel ashamed.

Zhu Gaochi squinted his eyes and said coldly: "Be steady!"

This sentence was struck hard, but it meant a lot, and the officials quickly pleaded guilty.

Fang Xing had recovered his calm, he lowered his eyes to hide the sneer in his eyes.

Do the officials think that Zhu Gaochi is a soft guy?

As Fang Xing, who is familiar with Zhu Di and Zhu Gaochi's family, naturally knows that Zhu Gaochi's temperament is not a good old person.

Zhu Gaochi didn't think about it, and said directly: "How did the students learn about the news? Who confuses them? Check it out! Also, those who participated this time are not allowed to participate in the two subjects."

Two subjects are not allowed to participate, that is a waste of time.

Fang Xing suddenly asked, "Your Majesty, but those who can't pass the exam, don't want to take it?"

Zhu Gaochi pointed to Fang Xing, laughed angrily, and shouted: "Get out! Go home! Be honest with me! Or let you go to Myanmar!"

Why go to Myanmar? Most of it is to be the leader of the garrison, and then all day to extinguish those rebellious, soaking in the jungle.

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