Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Vol 3 Chapter 1536: Give a head

When Zhu Gaochi came in, a group of Yingying Yanyan in the hall stood up and saluted.

"I and the queen have something to say, we are all separated."

So a group of women went out from him, and finally it was Guo Guifei.

There was a hearty smile on Concubine Guo's face, and she said, "Your Majesty is tired, and your concubines will make some soup later, and please taste it."

Zhu Gaochi nodded slightly, but didn't reply.

After everyone was gone, the queen saluted and said, "Your Majesty has worked hard."

Zhu Gaochi sat down, his eyes swept over the queen, and said, "I am busy with everything these days, but the affairs in the palace have made you work hard."

The queen smiled and said: "There are fewer people, so it's not troublesome to manage."

Zhu Gaochi nodded slightly, moved his neck, and said with a smile: "You should watch Zhanji's side more so that he won't lose his sense, and Wanwan's place, let her move more, don't be bored all day."

The queen took the tea from the palace maid, changed hands and put it on the table, and said: "Zhanji has a sense of measure. There is no need to worry about this. As for Wanwan, the girl has gradually improved in recent days, and she is willing to take it with her. A dog came out and went around."

"Xiao Fang?"

Zhu Gaochi smiled, then held up his teacup.

The couple was silent for a while, and Zhu Gaochi asked someone to help him up and said, "You have been working hard after the father is gone. If you can't be too busy, you can ask someone to help. I'm leaving."

The queen pursed her lips and did not answer, but sent Zhu Gaochi to the outside of the hall, and then kept looking at his staggering back, before going back for a long time.

At the moment of turning around, the queen's complexion suddenly turned cold.

"Don't want that person to interfere!"


Ma Su returned to the household department, Xia Yuanji also returned and called him.

"Do you know why?"

Xia Yuanji was very busy, but looked good.

Ma Su said frankly: "Those people probably didn't dare to directly challenge the teacher, so they started from the lower official, and that Shen Cong was just an introduction."

Xia Yuanji smiled and said: "Xing He Bo knew that someone was going to target him, so he took this opportunity to make a heavy hand. Now his reputation for magnanimity is getting louder and louder, even Lu Zhen was kicked sick by him, haha Ha ha!"


Hearing that even Lu Zhen was knocked down by Fang Xing, Ma Su couldn't help but smack his tongue secretly.

Xia Yuanji laughed and said, "You don't need to worry about these things, but it's just the disaster of the pond fish. From now on, the people in the household department want to attack you again, or they have to be sure, otherwise they can only stare."

Ma Su said sternly: "My lord, you must go forward and retreat with the teacher."

Xia Yuanji nodded and said, "Well, your Majesty didn't deal with Uncle Xinghe. It's like beating those who are restless, and you should get better after that."


However, Chen Xiao was driven away by Fang Xing on the way today. Later, he was not reconciled, so he followed and took a look, only to be shocked.

"Father, you haven't seen it! Brother Dehua carried the stick with the family members, like a tiger into a flock of ferociousness, if it weren't for Liang Zhong to come, he would definitely be killed today."

Chen Jiahui frowned and looked at his black face, and said, "My father already knew about this matter. Dehua was suffocating his stomach. Taking advantage of this opportunity, those people are looking for hardship. As for Lu Zhen, That is his own mouth, deserves it, your majesty will not sympathize with him."

Chen Xiao said in amazement: "Lu Zhen? Father, what's wrong with Lu Zhen?"

When Chen Jiahui thought about it, he couldn't help but smile: "He wanted to provoke his majesty, but he was chased by Dehua and ran all over the hall. Finally, he was kicked over. I heard that he was already lying at home."

"Great, brother Dehua!"

Chen Xiao imagined Fang Xing chasing Lu Zhen under the eyelids of the courtiers and the emperor.

"Go home, your wife is waiting for you!"

This is the Shuntian Mansion. Chen Jiahui didn't want to keep his son, so he blasted him away.



When Fang Xing returned home, he only felt relaxed. He took a shower first, and then ran away with worry-free when he came out.

"Madam, the master seems very happy!"

Xiao Bai felt a little sour when she saw that Fang Xing's eyes didn't have him and Zhang Shuhui at all.

Zhang Shuhui nodded, and then told Mu Hua to ask Xin Laoqi.

After a while, Mu Hua came back and said vividly, "Seven brothers said, the master discounted a lot of scholars' legs today, and kicked Lu Zhen. There is nothing wrong with it... Uh, ma'am, the slave and maid are wrong."

Zhang Shuhui waved her hand, and then said: "Is your husband famous as a teacher?"

Xiaobai said confidently: "The young master will definitely think of a way out first when he does things."

The person next to your pillow is the one who knows you most!

Zhang Shuhui said: "Our house hasn't opened the running water table for a long time. Let Uncle Jay make an arrangement and we will open it today."

"Madam, why don't you ask the young master first."

"No, my husband now has no worries in his eyes."


After getting off the office, Yang Pu and Huang Huai went out of the palace together, chatting as they walked.

"I'm very happy to hear that there is a water table in Xinghe's house today!"

Yang Pu said in surprise: "Will this be too much? After all, the students with broken legs are still lying at home, Master Lu is not well, it is said that they can only lie on their stomachs."

Huang Huai sneered: "Lu Zhen is responsible for his own sake. Those students are stupid. After a few words of bewitched, they are enthusiastic. He thinks that he can enter the DPRK tomorrow and become an official book in the future, and he cannot take the two exams. Almost all scrapped."

Yang Pu shook his head. He just wanted to stabilize his position first, observe slowly, and start slowly.

"Then why don't we go and have a meal?"

Huang Huai shook his head and said, "I can't go to ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ I can't tell you!"

Yang Pu smiled and said: "I just want to see what Xinghe's family looks like, but I really can't go. Hey! Mrs. Huang, you said that Xinghe is so confident today. Let your Majesty not talk about it for the time being, isn't he afraid of becoming Is it a public enemy? As far as possible, it will end without disease!"

Huang Huai squinted at the setting sun, and said in a deep voice: "He is known for being magnanimous. Everyone thought he would lie dormant. Who knew he would take a bold blow. This is telling others, don't mess with me.

At this time, a ride came in front, and rushed over quickly, it seemed that it was mostly entering the palace.

Huang Huai turned around and said, "What will happen?"

Yang Pu stood still and said, "Wait a minute."


It didn't take long for Kuai Ma to come out of the palace. Two of them shouted after seeing Huang Huai and Yang Pu: "Two adults, your majesty is calling."

"Sure enough, something happened!"

Huang Huai and Yang Pu hurriedly entered the palace, only to see an emperor with a sinking face.

Zhu Gaochi grabbed the paperweight, picked it up several times, and finally put it back.

"Someone in Taiping Mansion is rebellious!"

When everyone arrived, especially Zhu Zhanji and Fang Xing came, Zhu Gaochi hated him and said: "Someone drank and rebelled against the emperor, and the Taiping Mansion was daring and suppressed the matter. I just hate not being able to kiss..."

Zhu Gaochi didn't say anything specific, but it seemed that he was really outraged.

Zhu Di's bones are not cold, who dares to be so rebellious?

Yang Rong went out of the class and said: "Your Majesty, the minister thinks that he should immediately send the Yushi to investigate!"

There is nothing to say about this. Going down from the censorship, when the time comes to pull out Rob and bring out the mud, it must be a big case.

However, the new emperor ascended the throne, and it is also very good to take a group of people to sacrifice the flag.

This is giving away heads! 8)

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