Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Vol 3 Chapter 1537: Light up the lamp (thanks to the book friend: "Niu Niu Little Cat" be

The big case is not a problem, and a fellow Daoist is not a poor Dao.

Therefore, the ministers unanimously demanded severe punishment, and even Jin Youzi took the initiative to ask for orders to go to Taiping Mansion to investigate the case in person.

Zhu Gaochi glanced at Zhu Zhanji with a stern look, then at Fang Xing who sneered, and said: "This incident was detected by Jinling Jinyiwei, but there is no movement in the place. It can be seen that the south is a little scattered..."

Is this going to be expanded?

Huang Huai went out of the class and said, "Your Majesty, the minister thought that the case was handled first, otherwise, the Southerners would be panicked, but no one was sitting on the ground, out of control!"

It is rare for even Jin Zhong to say: "Your Majesty, be cautious."

The south is a rich place for Daming, and once it changes, Daming will be turbulent.

Zhu Gaochi said coldly: "What a great achievement the first emperor has created, how can I tolerate those younger generations!"


Zhu Zhanji's heart jumped and he came out to answer.

Zhu Gaochi turned his eyes, glanced at Fang Xing, and said: "You go to Jinling to investigate this matter, and by the way, look at the South."

The group of ministers had mixed joys and sorrows in an instant, which meant that Zhu Zhanji was transferred to the south, away from the political center.

It makes sense to be happy, right?

But everyone thought, Zhu Zhanji went to the south to sit in the south, that is, half of the Ming Dynasty is sitting on it!

And it's half of the richest territory!

But the only consolation is that Daming's strong army is in the north, and no matter how rich the south is, there is no force to support the rebellion.

Thinking of this, most people smiled and felt that this decision couldn't be more correct.

"Yes, Father Father."

Zhu Zhanji did not hesitate, and immediately agreed.

Zhu Gaochi swept the courtiers, and finally stayed at Fang Xing's place and said, "Hebo Xing."

Fang Xing had clenched his fists, and was waiting to go out and compete with Zhu Gaochi.

"The minister is here."

Zhu Gaochi smiled and said: "The prince went to the south. I am worried about his safety. You can accompany him. By the way, you can bring Wang Yan and the others. If it is not enough, you can also go."

Fang Xing's fist loosened, and he could hear a disappointed sigh beside him.

"The minister takes the decree, but Wang Yan can do it, gather the Baoshan Guards to move the crowd, and stay outside the city."

Zhu Gaochi's complexion loosened, and he softened his beard: "That's fine, if it's not enough, you can dispatch on the spot when you arrive in Jinling."

Fang Xing responded, he knew that Jubaoshan Guard was a bait, and wanted to test what attitude he held towards Zhu Zhanji.

If Fang Xing agreed to take away Jubaoshan Guard, he would be wary of Zhu Gaochi, and is always ready to resist, even...

Zhu Gaochi finally said: "The south is the rich place of our dynasty. I have a shallow morality and fear that the people will suffer under the turmoil. Only let the prince go to sit in the south, and the princes must cooperate more."

This is an explanation, otherwise it would be enough to send a yushi to this case, where is Zhu Zhanji needed!

As for cooperation, it is to warn the officials that if the prince has any requirements after he arrives in the south, he should try his best to satisfy him.

Zhu Gaochi glanced at the expressions of the officials, and said: "They all retreated, Zhanji stayed."

After the officials left, Zhu Gaochi saw that Zhu Zhanji was in a daze, so he waved: "Come here."

Zhu Zhanji looked up and saw the touch of kindness just disappearing.

When he walked to the imperial case, Zhu Gaochi said kindly: "Your temper is still a bit anxious. If you go to the south, you should have a good life and see what national affairs are."

Zhu Zhanji nodded silently, and Zhu Gaochi smiled and said: "Your grandfather emperor has a bad temper and is eager to do things, but he has decades of experience and can naturally see through everything. And...the most important thing is that your grandfather has a bad temper. Wu ascended the throne, so no one dared to provoke his authority, do you understand?"

Zhu Zhanji was a little surprised by these words. He looked up and said: "Father, you mean...Is the government actually a bit difficult?"

Zhu Gaochi nodded and said: "The emperor is not a god. He cannot be comprehensive and cannot see everything about Daming, so he has to rely on his courtiers. The courtiers are the eyes, hands and feet of the emperor. But how can I control these courtiers? Xing He is not telling you. However, is human nature inherently greedy? How to control what is caused by this greed... The decree does not leave Beiping City, and the emperor becomes blind. You can slowly think about it when you get to the south."

Zhu Zhanji was shocked in his heart and said: "Father, Wu Xun must not completely abandon him, and the martial artist must not suppress it too much, otherwise he will lose control."

"I know."

Zhu Gaochi rubbed the paperweight, and slowly said: "Civil and martial arts should not be neglected, but this is a long-running thing. It needs to be done slowly, not in a hurry, it will cause big problems in a hurry!"

"I can still try my best to support it, but when it's time for you..."

Zhu Gaochi looked at Zhu Zhanji with a look of panic, and smiled: "You don't need to be afraid, I won't think about the future, I just want to wait for you, the minister will probably look at you coldly and see how you move, and then ...But the Wuxuns will probably rejoice, but I know that most of you don't have a good impression of the current Wuxuns, hey! Go ahead."

Zhu Zhanji's lips squirmed, and finally he said: "Father, the clique of civil servants is the most harmful to Daming, and the partisanship started here..."

Zhu Gaochi nodded and said: "I know all these. Those people think that I am a puppet that can be manipulated, but they are not. Otherwise, your grandfather will not bear it and will not leave me behind."

Zhu Zhanji instantly remembered the day Duan Duan was born. He laughed and laughed, but secretly he was already fighting silently.

"Yes, my father takes care."

Zhu Zhanji retired, and Zhu Gaochi's eyes followed until the young figure disappeared.

"What did Xinghebo say?"

Zhu Gaochi seemed to be talking to the air, but a **** suddenly floated out from behind.

Yes, it's like floating!

"Your Majesty, Hsing and Uncle said to hibernate, but you can't just hibernate."

Zhu Gaochi chuckled and said, "Chengdu University, have you ever thought of accepting disciples?"

The **** looked at the black and thin, and he bowed his head and said, "Your Majesty, no one can suffer anymore~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Zhu Gaochi sighed: "Yes! Entrepreneurship is harder and harder to stay in business. If you can't endure hardship, then you have to break the inheritance! Go ahead. "

Zhu Gaochi was left in the main hall. He looked at the darkened hall and said quietly: "Dormant...who's dormant?"

Liang Zhong brought people in, lit the candles one by one, and light gradually fell.


Zhu Zhanji returned to the study, he has been thinking, thinking about what Zhu Gaochi said just now.

"His Royal Highness, shall we have a meal?"

Yu Jia asked outside, Zhu Zhanji shook his head, he had no appetite.

In the past, Zhu Gaochi felt amiable and rarely lost his temper.

Such a king is probably the favorite of the courtiers, and it is easy to play around.

But judging from what he said today, he knew the current situation of the Ming Dynasty government well, but he was trapped among the civil servants and was unable to extricate himself.

Zhu Zhanji remembered his previous thoughts: If the civil servants are disobedient, or if they are not obedient, they will be dismissed directly.

But now seeing Zhu Gaochi's appearance, it is clear that he can only do it step by step.

Can't bear it?

Zhu Zhanji felt that there should be some. After all, Zhu Gaochi and the literati were close for a day or two. It was not until he sat in that supreme seat that he changed his angle and felt that it should not be the case.

Without enough prestige, without Zhu Di's prestige, rashly falling out with the civil official group, the price is chaos.

"New learning..."

Zhu Zhanji suddenly realized that the reason why the civil official group was so confident was because they did not feel threatened.

Who is it for me!

Who else can you use for your old Zhu family besides us?

The study gradually fell into darkness, and the **** who wanted to come in and light the lamp was stopped by Yu Jia.

The darkness continued, and I don't know how long it took, Zhu Zhanji's calm voice came.

"Light up!"

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