Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Vol 3 Chapter 1538: Dispel doubts (thanks to the book friend "The Royal Armed Thunder Fury&quo

Going south was an opportunity for Fang Xing to get out of the center of the whirlpool, but he was not happy.

"I can't bear to worry about it."

Fang Xing hugged Wuyou and was feeding Hua Niang meticulously. The look of reluctance made Zhang Shuhui smile and Xiao Bai pouted.

Xiaobai said, "Master, it will take a long time to go."

Fang Xing cautiously fed Wuyou a spoonful of mash, and then Wuyou tossing to eat by herself, put her in the special armchair beside her, staring at her, and said: "The prince is going to be a long time away. But you can come back halfway and have a look."

Xiaobai turned to joy after hearing this, but Zhang Shuhui said leisurely: "Jinling is good, the branches are pretty, and the husband should not be reluctant to think about Shu."

Fang Xing said awkwardly: "No, no."

Zhang Shuhui glanced at Potato and Ping, who was eating with her head, and smiled: "Don't worry, husband, concubine body and Xiaobai are not the same, if it is convenient, you can live in."

Fang Xing coughed dryly: "She won't."

The two children didn't know what the adults were talking about.

Dad is not at home, so can we be at ease?

According to Fang Xing's understanding of Mo Chou, she was a woman who was extremely insecure in her heart, and she was a little cautious, and her biggest fear was to cause trouble to others.

Zhang Shuhui's eyes flowed, and Xiao Bai exchanged glances, and both felt a lot more relaxed.

Fang Xing said sternly: "After I went to the south, Beiping should be much quieter, but remember, our family does not cause trouble, and we are not afraid of it. If anyone dares to provoke it, then don’t worry, I will stay at home. Call it out."

Zhang Shuhui responded and said, "You don't need to worry about your husband, as long as you are a concubine, you won't be afraid of your concubine."

Xiao Bai also stared, "When the time comes, I will fight out."


Wuyou waved the small spoon and threw it away in front of him. The voice of milk screamed.

Fang Xing immediately followed and said, "Okay, let's fight!"

Worry-free, but he didn't pay attention to Fang Wake, and continued to dig his own glutinous food with a spoon, all over his face.


After eating, Fang woke up to find out about Jin.

"If you go to the south, there is no need to worry about the college."

Xie Jin's clouds became lighter, and his eyes seemed to be able to see through the world.

"You once said that Confucianism is a good thing, but it shouldn't be a Confucianism with power. The old man thought about this for a long time and realized that you were right."

Fang Xing argued: "During the Warring States Period, Confucianism was only one of a hundred schools. Until the early Han Dynasty, it still could not become a prominent school. Later, Dong Zhongshu changed some things. The monarch power was granted by heaven and emphasized the unification. This was the emperor's great use, and gradually gained the emperor's favorite……"

"But in the Sui and Tang Dynasties, Confucianism, or the imperial examination, became a tool against aristocratic families, and it became more and more impure. In the Song Dynasty, Cheng Zhu and King Lu made Confucianism too metaphysical, and until our dynasty, so far, in fact Confucianism It's just a stepping stone to the privileged class."

Fang Xing said sincerely: "Mr. Jie, there are many good things in Confucianism that are worth inheriting, and they will be worth it after a thousand years. But their eyes are only moving in the circle of Ming, but they can’t... Yes, I admit that the territory is too large. There is a risk, a great risk. But we can't stop eating because of choking, right?"

Xie Jin sighed: "The Confucianism of the Tang Dynasty is more controlled by aristocratic families, and Li's bones are not Confucian people, so the two sides hit it off quickly and spare no effort to expand abroad. When the Song Dynasty, the imperial examinations were glorious. Confucianism has been imprisoned, hey..."

Fang Xing nodded his head and approved: "Yes, the imperial examination was originally a way to break the channel of the wealthy family's control of the government and officials, but it confined thoughts and became more and more rigid. As far as the Donghua gate vocalist Fang Haoer's words were said As soon as it came out, in fact... Confucianism has already taken shape. Confucianism can only take a metaphysical path no matter how high it is. It is only a group of vested interests who are waving the flag and shouting, but even they themselves have not figured out what they agree with is saying What is so ridiculous!"

Xie Jin smiled and said, "So you really don't oppose Confucianism, right?"

"No, I just oppose them to misinterpret the words of the sages indiscriminately, and then work for their own benefit. What I oppose is that they hug each other."

Fang Xing knew what Xie Jin's words meant, so he solemnly said: "Confucianism is helpful to the stability of Ming Dynasty and helps maintain the great unity. No one can deny this, nor can it abandon it."

Xie Jin nodded and said, "Okay, the old man is relieved. Confucianism will continue to be taught in the college in the future, but... it's just a subject."

Fang Xing smiled and said: "Confucianism has already infiltrated our bone marrow. I have never thought of eradicating it completely, and I am unwilling to eradicate it."

Xie Jin felt relieved, and he also smiled and said, "I feel comfortable when you say that. Okay, since you go to your south, the old man's congregation, you will recruit students when you need to enroll, and you will graduate when you graduate."

Fang Xing said: "Whatever, these students are actually just kind of fire, and I value those who teach themselves by buying books, they are the group of people who have the greatest impact on the future."

Xie Jin said: "The old man knows that he will send some students to give lectures in turn."

"Thank you, Mr. Xie!"


The most important thing to visit Jinling is safety.

I woke up early in the morning and went to Xishan.


Fang Xing saw that it was all black faces, and even many people's skins were peeling, looking black and red.

Wang Yan has always been indifferent, but after learning the news, it is inevitable to show joy.

With more than a thousand people standing on the clearing ground, Wang Yan said: "Xing He Bo, say a few words~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Fang Xing nodded his head appreciatively. The Black Thorn was originally Zhu Di’s personal power, to Zhu Zhan. After base allegiance, the degree of loyalty is worth considering.

And Wang Yan was very keen to make Fang Xing speak to these people, just to prove himself.

——I am absolutely loyal to the prince, and I can even hand over command.

Fang Xing looked at those indifferent eyes, and said solemnly: "Your existence is to protect the first emperor, and then become the protector of the prince. You have stayed here, far away from the world. On behalf of your highness, Fang has done something for you! NS!"

Those eyes were still indifferent, Fang Xing continued: "After this time, you will enter the eyes of the world without any need to hide. This is what you deserve, and Fang feels that it is not enough, but please believe your Highness, he does not I will forget what you gave, never!"

Those eyes became warmer, Fang Xing folded his hands and said, "Going to the south now, Your Highness's safety depends on you, all the monarchs try their best."

"Wish to die for Your Highness!"

Fang Xing nodded slightly, and said to Wang Yan next to him: "Let the brethren be reunited with their families in the past few days. Is there enough money and food? After all, Your Highness can't send hungry soldiers!"

Wang Yan said, "I made up the money last time, it's enough."

Fang Xing groaned for a while, and said, "It's all hard work, so, when I turn around, I will go to your Highness to report it and get everyone more money to settle down."

Wang Yan frowned and said, "Uncle Xinghe, would this be a taboo?"

Fang Xing smiled and said: "Your Majesty has made up money and food. This is the person who assumes that the black thorn is your Highness, and it is not a taboo for Your Highness to make up some money and food in private."

This means that in the future, the Black Spurs will only be responsible to Zhu Zhanji, which is equivalent to a private guard.

Thinking of the recent drill, Wang Yan pursed the corner of his mouth slightly, and a cold color flashed in his eyes.

After practicing according to Fang Xingjiading's model, who can stop such a guard? ...

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