Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Vol 4 Chapter 1748: Mad coalition

"Who did it?"

A few meat fan guards guarded Pugu, and someone eagerly called someone to treat the wound on the broken arm.

"Come on!"

All suspicious eyes turned to Wun's body.

Just now the two of them were alone in front, and Pugu suddenly fell off his horse, then severed his arm, except Wu En, who else could have this opportunity to start?

Suddenly the camp was fried, and the people on both sides were gathering, and then they gathered here. There was also a clash on the way, and more than three people were killed and ten people were injured.

U En retreated to the side with a pale face, all Hariths in front of him.

The two horses lined up and confronted each other.

Pugu has been screaming, his right arm has completely lost control, and it has also been dislocated. The process of treating the wound was too bloody, and the unbearable pain made him feel that he was out of his body.

"not me!"

Wu En didn't want to go out, but if he didn't go out, Huo Mei was right in front of him.

He lined up the guards in front of him and saw that Bugu had been guarded by someone, and said: "I was in front of Bugu just now. If I wanted to do it, it wouldn't be a broken arm!"

A commander over there said angrily: "Who is that? Wu En, you have always been dissatisfied, but if you disagree, we can go right away. Why do we want to attack Lord Pugu? Kill you!"


Bugu's voice made people feel sore.

"grown ups!"

Qianfu grew up to hate, and Pugu was immediately carried over.

His right arm was covered with stubble, but he was still dripping blood.

The pale-faced Pugu nodded to Wu En, and said with a strong smile: "It has nothing to do with Wu En, someone did an assassination!"

"Who? My lord, who?"

In a roar, the meat who treated the wound for Pugu looked up charmingly: "The adult's arm is not cut by a knife, it's like...like it was broken. The shoulder was dislocated, and the flesh of the upper arm was all shattered. , The right arm is scrapped!"

Everyone looked at Wun, Wun stretched out his hands, and apart from a knife on his waist, there was no other weapon.

So his eyes turned to Woon's guards, but they were all behind before, unless they flew over, it would be impossible to hurt Pugu.



So the camp is in chaos!


Pu Gu gasped, "Mingren...Mingren should have long-range weapons!"

Wu En turned and looked behind him. He was behind Pugu just now. If Ming Ren has a long-range strike weapon, who is it aimed at?

Looking around, but could not find a suspicious place.

Woon roared: "Go and check! Check around!"

U En hid behind the guards for the first time, but he always felt that there were dangers both front and rear, and looked around, but couldn't find a safe place.

Pugu lay on the grass, and a man next to him who didn't know if it was a doctor or something chopped off the end fragments of his stump, and then sprinkled gray-black powder on his stump.


The powder didn't know what it was. As soon as it was sprinkled, Pugu went crazy, and the three big men almost couldn't hold him back.


Pugu's face had been distorted, it was all blood red, as if it was swelling.

Unhiding in the middle of the two horses saw this scene, and couldn't help shivering.

"What kind of weapon is it?!"

Wu En was also crazy, he turned his body, yelling frantically.

"Go! Check it all! Take that person out, I'm going to kill him alive!"

Wu En hysterically kicked his subordinates and drove them out, and then only the guards were left beside him, so he felt safer.


Pugu was still screaming and struggling. Those big guys who pressed him could no longer hold it, and shouted, "Press again! Come on!"

Several sergeants rushed over, and only the trembling body and... fear were seen in the screams.

Fear of the unknown!


The cavalry in the big camp went out and looked around carefully.

"Be careful, don't miss every grass!"

The requirements were very strict, so everyone dismounted and looked carefully.

But every grass is a bit exaggerated, but I just want to find traces.

People on both sides mixed and searched together to ensure that they were not concealed or entrapped by their opponents.

As his gaze swept, the fields were vast.

"There are traces here!"

A meaty charming suddenly squatted on the ground, pointing to the ground and shouting.

People around rushed over immediately, and a Harlem stared at the ground, rubbing the trace with his hand.

"Someone is lying here for a long time!"

"He must have ran away, chase after!"

It is a good thing to find the trail, so the coalition cavalry rushed out, chasing the trail to the left and right and in front of the trail.

After being carried into the tent, Pugu was already in pain. Someone found a towel and bit him, and his voice changed. The whimper from his throat made Wu Endu stand upside down.

After snorting for a while, someone came in and told him, "I found the trace of the assassin, and I have been chasing it down."


Wu En said bitterly: "Tell them, try to catch alive, and then skin him, and then drag him to death!"

Pugu opened his mouth suddenly, and the towel fell from his mouth. He gasped and said, "Pay attention to the movement of the Ming army. Don't be raided by the Ming army just to find the assassin!"

Wu En nodded, the little abacus in his heart dissipated a little, and then ordered people to chase the order.

Pugu hummed, intermittently: "...I'll just say...I'll just say that Demon God...How can he swallow...Be careful, be careful...call it back, recall half of the people...Quick... …what……"


The chasers were half recalled, but Wu En also spoke: Look, he will definitely not be able to escape the encirclement and suppression, and the earthshaking will also find him!

So the coalition forces have been looking for it from the morning, and the camp has also arranged for rotation.


"What's the matter? Are the Harlem and the meat charming mad?"

Zhang Yu looked at the Harley scouts who refused to leave in the distance, and felt that there was a conspiracy.

Atai stood on the head of the city and frowned, "Do they have reinforcements?"

Lin Qun'an shook his head and said: "The Harlie people can't react so fast, they travel thousands of miles, how can they quickly gather from the civil strife?"

Huang Zhong has made up for a lot of the situation of Harleh and the meat fans in the past few days. He stroked his beard and said: "Uncle is not there, but here is a little bit strange about this. If reinforcements come, then either hide it and wait for the general attack, or It is a big offensive, and sending some scouts will arouse our vigilance, and the wise can't do it!"

Wen Jianjian's words made people uncomfortable, and Wang He pointedly said: "Send someone to search, and fight if you want. Who is afraid of the treasure mountain guard?"

Lin Qun'an nodded and said, "Yes, the officer is a little too cautious, send orders and drive them away!"

So the cavalry brigade dispatched, they chased the coalition scouts, and gradually disappeared from sight.

"Where did Xing He Bo go?"

After Atai left, Wang He asked.

"The officer doesn't know."

Lin Qun'an shook his head, but Wang He didn't believe it. He jumped and cursed: "Lin Qun'an of Gouri, are you beginning to hide our family? You treat our family as outsiders?"

Lin Qun'an said helplessly: "Mr. Huang is here, you can ask him."

Huang Zhong was stared at by Wang He, and smiled bitterly: "I don't know when I'm down."

Wang He's expression is not good, Lin Qun'an also stares at him, Huang Zhong raises his hand and swears: "If you know, then go to the hut and fall into the pit."

This is a vow that the military likes. After things are exposed, even if God doesn't punish you for falling into the pit, everyone will let you go down to'bathing.'

The leading general disappeared without even telling his whereabouts. Wang He felt that this was a truly eternal wonder.


When the sun gradually set to the west, the chasing cavalry returned.

"My lord, Halle and the charming camp of flesh have not changed. Searching around has not found any enemy troops."

This means that the coalition is still a bit of a man, and Lin Qun'an entangled: "Then they are crazy?"

The use of troops emphasizes suddenness, and there is absolutely no suddenness in the emergence of the coalition forces today.

Lin Qun'an couldn't decide offense and defense, so he could only look outside the city and sigh.

"Uncle, where have you been? Come back soon."



Zhang Shuhui is sewing clothes, all three children are growing up, and every year the clothes have to be remade.

She put down her clothes, looked at Wu You who was sitting by the stove, resting her cheeks in her hands and looking at the door, and said, "Your father will be back tomorrow."

Wuyou turned his head and pouted: "Mother, I miss my father."

Zhang Shuhui put down the needle and thread in her hand and sighed: "Your father has gone to work."

Carefree's big eyes dimmed suddenly, and he sighed unexpectedly.

"Mother, I miss my dad~www.wuxiaspot.com~ This is what she said today that she missed dad more than 100 times. Zhang Shuhui shook her head and reached out her hand in a daze to get the needle and thread.


The sharp needle pierced Zhang Shuhui's finger. She stared blankly at the expanding blood cell on her fingertips, but she was worried about Fang Xing who was going to avenge Wuyou.

Others don't know, but she knows the meaning of Fang Xing's smile yesterday.

If you have grudges, don't avenge the non-gentleman!

Fang Xing revenge, from morning to night!


When Fang Xing goes out, the family's first priority is to be optimistic about Fang's family.

Even if it's just a temporary home!

But the family members are also some gods who don't guard their homes...

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