Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Vol 4 Chapter 1749: Round up in the dark

it's dark!

Fang Xing appeared, and came out more than a hundred meters behind his sniper Pugu!

He burped, and then looked around, except for the fire in the direction of the camp, there was a lot of black in other places.

There was also a big bird that took him as a prey and flew away immediately after it swept over his head and found that it was a huge monster.

"Don't mess with brother!"

Fang Xing slipped to the side and started digging with a small shovel.

It was just a layer of turf with more depth, Fang Xing dug out the sniper rifle he had buried. At that time, if the searcher didn't rush to chase after seeing his traces, the gun would not be able to be kept.

After disassembling the sniper rifle and putting it in a box on his back, Fang Xing quietly touched it in the direction of Xinghepu. Of course, it was still a roundabout way. He was worried that allied scouts would lie in ambush within the straight line of both sides.

Even if it didn't, the Ming army had a lot of secret whistles. Don't just send out the password without asking for it. Even if he didn't know it, he would be outside the Great Wall.

It is difficult to walk in the dark, Fang Xing did not dare to use a flashlight, but fumbled forward with a deep foot and a shallow foot.

"Made! Give more stars, okay?"

After walking out of more than two miles, Fang Xing got out a brand new mountain bike, and looked up at the sky and cursed.

But tonight's stars are already very powerful, but the grassland is full of green grass, and it is impossible to tell where there are pits.

So Fang Xing didn't dare to ride too fast, lest he fell in, and then broke his neck.

The consequence of too tight nerves is movement deformation, and the loss of physical strength and spirit is multiplied.

After riding hard for less than five kilometers, Fang Xing began to turn and head straight towards Xinghebao, but the sound of gasping could almost be heard for several miles on the quiet grassland.

"No more, no more!"

Fang Xing threw his bicycle aside, sitting on the grass and panting.

Gradually, there seemed to be some noise in the breath.

Fang Xing felt a chill in his back, and he rolled forward without hesitation.

A forward roll with very ugly action!

Behind him came the sound of a human body leaping on the ground.

"catch him!"

With a loud shout, Fang Xing rolled a few times on the ground, and when he faced the sky, there was already a pistol in his hand.

He didn't want to make any movement, but he couldn't care about it at this moment!


In the dark night, the black shadow who had just gotten up clutched his chest and abdomen, staggered back a few steps, made a sound in his mouth, and then fell heavily to the ground.

Fang Xing got up, his body turned slowly for a week.

"Come out!"

Fang Xing untied the automatic rifle on his lower back and spoke in Ming dynasty.

"It's an assassin! Catch him, there is a great reward!"

Amid the shrill shouts, there was the sound of horseshoes around.

Fang Xing disappeared in an instant, and when he came out, he held the heavy guy in his hands with difficulty, and grinned and said, "Mad! You guys are on the bar with Laozi, right? Come on!"

More than a dozen places quickly lit up in the dark night, with torches blazing, and people's shadows.

The horse probably stayed nearby for a long time. Once it was moving, it kept hissing and sniffing.

Some of those dark shadows were sneezing, and some were yelling with joy.

Surrounded by all sides!

No more gaps! ..

The enemies around him were overjoyed. They were not eager, but slowly rushed the horse.


Woon got off the reward and took the assassin officer to be promoted to the third level!

The change is normal. It is not because of the credit of breaking the formation first in the battle formation or the credit of gaining important generals from the other side. The promotion to the third rank is a luxury!

The other party is alone, but how is the credit divided?

In the midst of the night, he was constantly negotiating, and Fang Xing standing in the middle seemed to be a lamb to be slaughtered!

When the three horses came out, it represented that the enemy had already negotiated.

No, it's finished dividing the spoils!

And the loot is naturally just to wake up!

Fang Xing played haha, trying to stabilize what was in his hands. But the bullet box on his back made it difficult for him to move.

"Hundreds of people are not enough for Lao Tzu to cast a Beijing view!"

The Sanqi thought that Fang Xing was a trapped beast fighting, but he didn't expect that he suddenly spoke loudly, and was startled.

"Take him!"

Someone shouted in the dark, and everyone around was eager to move, and the encirclement continued.

And this is exactly what Fang Xing hopes for!

"The old man talks about being crazy about young people, he leads yellow on the left, Qingcang on the right, Chin-hat Diaoqiu, Qianqijuan Pingoka. To report to Qingcheng, he will follow the prefect, shoot the tiger, watch the grandson..."

Fang Xing suddenly read Su Shi's poems aloud, and then he surrounded him and went further.

"The wine and the chest are still open, the temples are slightly creamy, so why..."

The distance was getting closer, Fang Xing slowly turned the circle, some of the hoarse voice gradually turned into a roar.

"...In the clouds of Chijie, when will Feng Tang be sent? He will hold the eagle bow like a full moon, look northwest, and shoot Sirius..."

The hoarse voice echoed on the grassland, and the surrounding enemies were approaching.

Fang Xing finished reciting the phrase calmly, then he grinned and pulled the trigger.

"Da da da......"

No one has ever seen such fire snakes in the dark!

Yes, it is the Fire Snake!

The fire snake spit out and began to spin, like fireworks from hell.

The fire snake illuminates Fang Xing's face, and in the flickering light and shade, most of the enemies are beaten into mud before they even scream.

With a click, the fire snake disappeared, where Fang Xing was last standing, more than a dozen enemies stared at him blankly, the torch in his hand was hunted by the night wind.

There are so many more?

Fang Xing took advantage of the horror of the opponent to untie the strap, then took out the pistol, and fired without hesitation.

"Boom, boom, boom!"

Fang Xing regretted it after playing a magazine.

The remaining five people just wanted to escape, but found that Fang Xing's side was silent, one of them shouted, and then they opened their bows and arrows...

I'm going to die!

Fang Xing was about to hide, and no longer shy away from the descent of gods, the sound of horseshoes was heard in the dark night on the left.

The five people were ecstatic in their hearts, and when they were about to make a call, arrows flew in the night.

As soon as the horse fell, the remaining four were stunned, and then fought back.

But the other party can only see a vague outline in the dark night.

The arrow fell through!

Siqi made a shock, they yelled loudly and brandished their sabers.

who is it?

Fang Xing started to change magazines in a panic. When he looked up again, he saw that there were only two enemy soldiers left.

The torch that fell on the ground was burning, reflecting the battle.

The reinforcement in the dark seemed to emerge from under the ground. He swung his long sword, and when the enemy rode down, the enemy rode down.

But at this moment, his actions freeze for a while.

This almost killed him.

The long sword came immediately, and the target was his neck.

The man yelled, then took the initiative to fall off his horse.

The long knife failed, and the Hareman just wanted to lean over and swing the knife again, and the black shadow suddenly bounced up.

After dodge the knife, the black shadow rushed forward.

Fang Xing ran over and picked up a torch on the road.

When he ran near, he couldn't help but lose his voice: "Old Seven..."

Xin Laoqi was like a ferocious cheetah at the moment. He pressed his opponent and slammed his opponent's face with his right fist.

The enemy was struggling frantically ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ His legs flicked around, just hitting Xin Laoqi's waist, and his movements stopped immediately.


The enemy took the opportunity to strangle Xin Laoqi's neck with both hands while twisting his body, turning over to press Xin Laoqi under his body.

With his breath held in his chest, Xin Laoqi's eyes widened, feeling the rapid breathing of his opponent.

Just when the enemy thought he had no strength to fight back, Xin Laoqi's body suddenly turned to the left and swung his right elbow.

At the same time, Fang Xing, who walked around, kicked the enemy over with one kick.

The elbow was so cruel that half of the man's face collapsed, and he fell to the ground with no response.

"Old Seven!"

Fang Xingxun touched a long knife, chopped the man a few times, and then went over to help Xin Laoqi.

"Your injury..."

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