Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Vol 4 Chapter 1856: Too many women is trouble

"That thing..."

The two went to Shunchengmen, the Mid-Autumn Festival was approaching, and there was a lot of lively on the street.

"Nowadays, the people's hands are still a lot looser!"

Zhu Zhanji turned away from Fang Xing's topic, pointed to the rice shop in front of him and said.

There is a sign hanging outside the rice shop, which means that the Mid-Autumn Festival is approaching. If the rice noodles are sold at low prices in our shop.

But even if the price is reduced, there are still not many people in the rice store.

Today, Daming’s food sources are no longer limited to internal sources. Whether it is the black land on Nuergandusi or the grain-producing areas in Jiaozhi, they have effectively supplemented the Daming food market.

"All the countries in the South China Sea produce grain."

Fang Xing's voice was a bit erratic: "After taking it, there is no need to worry about food issues for Ming Dynasty for 300 years."

Xiaobinghe is watching, if he doesn't interfere, and there is no external grain filling, even the mighty Da Ming will have to kneel.

"In the north, once it encounters a snowstorm and a drought, the north will fall first, so... the dredging of ditches and rivers will have to continue, and it will have to be done in a hundred years."

Once the Little Glacier comes, the north of Daming will become a disaster area.

"So this cement road between the north and the south must be repaired, and there must be sea transportation. So we must take down the South China Sea, and then plant rubber and grow grain. Once there is a disaster in Ming Dynasty, the ship can go north and use grain to stabilize the hearts of the people. ."

Fang Xing sneered at those who oppose opening the sea, "The ocean must be in the hands of Daming. Fisheries can supplement Daming's table, and the new continents discovered can provide minerals and food. Then Daming will usher in an era of population explosion. "

Fang Xing was a little longing for that great era, and Zhu Zhanji was also leisurely and fascinated.

"Da Ming's population is not enough, far from enough."

The two children rushed over, and Shen Shishi stepped forward to intercept. Zhu Zhanji hummed, Shen Shishi avoided, and the two children rushed to Zhu Zhanji's body.


When the two children saw Zhu Zhanji and Fang Xing's extraordinary momentum, they were worried that they might bump into the nobleman, so they ran to both sides.

Zhu Zhanji's eyes looked at the child like he was looking at countless army.

"I think... Daming's population has to increase to at least ten million, no, twenty million."

Zhu Zhan’s base station was in the middle of the road and said smugly: “At that time, the South China Sea will be Daming’s inland sea. No, it’s our bathtub. It’s a thief if you know it!”

"Twenty million!"

Fang Xing smiled, "The world of twenty million is Da Ming's."

In this era, due to the reasons of food and sanitation security, the low population size can surprise future generations.

If there is no shortage of food, Daming's population growth will be jaw-dropping.


Fang Xing hesitated, and said, "I have to apologize to you about Zhuojing."

The corners of Zhu Zhanji's mouth gradually turned away, and suddenly he burst into laughter.

"why are you laughing?"

Fang Xing asked in anger.

Zhu Zhanji laughed and said in a low voice: "After I was pregnant, I went to the queen, and the queen said the matter as it was."

This silly girl!

Fang Xing spread out his hands speechlessly and said, "This is my fault."

There was a pun in the words, Zhu Zhanji smiled in his eyes and said, "Brother Dehua, I know what you meant at the time."

This sound of Brother Dehua made Fang Xing a little uncomfortable.

Zhu Zhanji said: "At that time, Grandpa Emperor had already decided on the Hu family. I was making trouble for a while, but after all, I couldn't marry the Sun family, so you want to comfort me..."

"No, that's a good girl."

Fang Xing retorted unceremoniously: "I know there is no reason to like someone, but the queen is a good girl. Now that it has been set, you should choose something. Remember, you are the emperor, not the people. Even if you are a common man and marry a wife, even if you don’t like her very much, he will slowly learn to like her. Yes, for a hundred years of life, it’s always right to treat those who are good to you well."

Since Hu Shanxiang was designated as the princess, Zhu Zhanji's heart has been attached to him.

"She counts on you to live, but she doesn't look like a vine. Even if she is left out, she doesn't say a word. She stays there alone, and where are you then? When you are with the Sun, your conscience will not hurt. ?"

Zhu Zhanji's smile gradually disappeared, and he turned and walked forward in silence.

Shen Shitou and Jia looked at each other, finally Shen Shitou leaned forward and said in a low voice, "Uncle, Your Majesty is not having a good time!"

Fang Xing was also a little remorseful, so he followed Zhu Zhanji and said, "No matter, I speak too aggressively. Actually, I am not much better."

Zhu Zhanji said solemnly: "My heart is more of Daming, and the love between men and women is just embellishment on me. This is the moment when I became the throne, I have this consciousness."

"Then fewer women!"

Fang Xing regretted it when he finished speaking. He smiled bitterly and said, "Whatever you want."

Zhu Zhanji pointed to the left and said, "Your Moshou is inside."

On the left is Shenxianju, asking my brother to crouch at a man outside, like a shrew.

"...You *said! Who do you think you are? You dare to ask for the shares of Shenxianju, why don't you go home and let your mother put you back in again, and then pull it out again..."

The man argued with him, but after a few rounds, he pointed to his brother in embarrassment and cursed: "Wait, you shrew, wait until I turn around and call someone to take this place, and then sell you. Enter the cheapest half-hidden door and receive those traffickers and pawns every day..."

The younger brother was furious as soon as he heard it, and was about to come over to fight, but saw Fang Xing looking at this side with his negative hand.


He asked his brother to come over and blessed his body, and then said angrily: "The man came here today and said that he wanted a share. The lady ignored him and took the young master to the back. This person is still reluctant and threatened not to give it to the time. Just close the store."


The man looked arrogant, probably someone from the family of honorable men. Jian Fang Xing's expression was faint, but Zhu Zhanji just frowned, thinking that they didn't want to care about it.

"I have seen..."

Fang Xing did not speak, Zhu Zhanji said unswervingly: "Who is your master?"

The seizure of the property was a lot of things before, but after Zhu Di took care of it once, the honors and princes all began to be honest.

The man was taken aback, Fang Xing said, "Most of your masters are honourable men who have no real power. It's hard to see the situation, so turn around and let him sign the contract."

As soon as the man's face showed joy, Zhu Zhanji had already entered the Shenxianju, and he said, "Hold your family Huanhuan out and have a look."

Fang Xing smiled and said, "You are about to have two more children, so I'm afraid you won't have time to hold them."

The two went in one after the other, and the man couldn't help feeling a little scared when he thought of Zhu Zhanji's casual tone just now.

Jia Quan followed in ~www.wuxiaspot.com~Shen Shitou stayed behind. He carried the man by the front of the man's front, chopped his hands to the ground, and said with a grin: "You got into a big disaster. When you look back, your host will kill you. you!"

The man lay on the ground and raised his head and begged: "My lord, dare you to ask who it is?"

These ignorant people made Shen Shitou a little bit unbearable to deceive him. He slapped him backhand and shouted: "This is the place of Xinghe Bo. You have come home with death."

The man wailed, then his mind turned, and his whole body trembled.


Shen Shitou sneered: "Dare you say it out and try?"


"Those students are a little troublesome."

In the private room of Shenxianju, Zhu Zhanji's complexion didn't look good.

"Jian Yi chose to be silent. This is just waiting for me to make a move, and then... the court fights again. He is threatening me, and his heart is shameful!"

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