Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Vol 4 Chapter 1857: Emperor Wen No. 2

"Your Majesty first tried to increase the number of officials in counties and townships. After we were pushed back, he took the students of the college to suppress us. If we refuse it once, we can't refuse the second time, right? Your Majesty's method is gradually. I'm becoming more adept, and I don't know whether it is good or bad for us."

Jin Youzi felt that the emperor was too much, "This is a constant temptation. When we retreat, everyone, by then, we will cover the sky with one hand."

These words suggest that Zhu Zhanji may become Zhu Di's second possibility.

"This is not a bad thing."

The emperor has already left the palace. It is said that Fang Xing is waiting outside, which makes people feel melancholy.

Huang Huai rubbed his eyebrows and said tiredly: "Emperor Wen is also OK, but Fang Xing is mixed with it. His so-called science is an evil way that shakes people's hearts in the eyes of the official, with no heart and nature. Seek only the benefits."

"so what?"

Yang Pu always felt that he was living in a quagmire, and it was very difficult to turn his body.

"Your Majesty recognized that. Can you still find a great scholar to come out and use the Buddhist slogan to bring your Majesty back?"

His forbearance has turned into inaction in Zhu Zhanji's eyes, and he has been met with coldness frequently recently.

He likes to read Zizhi Tongjian. In the days of imprisonment, Zhu Di did not restrict him and Huang Huai from studying, so most of the books in his home moved in.

And Zizhi Tongjian is his favorite to watch.

He likes the silent rise and fall hidden between the lines, and that stroke represents the joy, sorrow, sorrow and joy of the emperor and general.

Sima Guangxiu became famous all over the world, gathering fame from all over the world and returning to Beijing. Amidst the dreamlike cheers, he took over the ‘rotten mess’ left by Wang Anshi and became the ‘Zhongxing Famous Minister’ of the former Song Dynasty.

Can't i?

Yang Pu always thought he was another Sima Guang, and moved forward bearing the humiliation. Now it finally entered the center, but received a cold reception.

So he unceremoniously pointed out the emperor's thoughts: I want to promote science and use it to fight against Confucianism.

"If you dug the roots, your majesty will definitely not act rashly. As for the academy..."

Yang Pu said more today than in the past day, and he has more confidence between his eyebrows: "The number of people is small, and the sea is just a drop. It's just that the beginning is not easy to open. Once it starts, the academy will expand in the future, and then it will be the He Guozijian. It’s horrifying to be shoulder-to-shoulder!"

"Master Jian is really a role model for my generation."

Yang Pu's words were endorsed by Jin Youzi. He had never had a close relationship with Jian Yi in the past, but now he sincerely admired Jian Yi's toughness.

"Master Jian is supporting it independently, the manchurian civil and military, and he is the only one who intercepted the list with all his strength, everyone, I must not sit back and watch!"


"Does Jian Yi want to be a defender?"

Zhu Zhanji was a little angry, but it was more frustrated by the emperor's powerlessness.

Fang Xing whispered: "You are the emperor, and the students are always able to get official positions. What Jian Yi wants to stop is just the uprightness. As long as the students are put down quietly, I promise Jian Yi will not care at all. , This is just a fight from a different standpoint. Although there is no blood, it is more cruel than the battlefield. You...must be prepared and be prepared to see them for a long time."

Zhu Zhanji smiled bitterly: "When you become an emperor, you can't be free, you can't stretch, you can't be aggrieved!"

Fang Xing said profoundly: "If the emperor loses restraint, that is a dangerous beginning."

"I have seen your Majesty."

At this moment Mo Chou came with Huanhuan in his arms, Fang Xing whispered: "You don't need to take care of this matter, I will deal with Jian Yi and them myself."

Zhu Zhanji frowned, and Fang Xing said hurriedly: "You can't tear your face with them, but I can, so...stay."


Fang Xing got up and greeted him, smiled and accepted Huanhuan, and then whispered to Mo Chou, "You should let people tell me."

Mo Chou looked down and said, "Most of those people dare not. This is to scare people, so my concubine wants not to disturb you."

"You think too much, just talk about it later."

"show me."

Zhu Zhanji's desire for his son has reached a peak, he took Huanhuan, a little awkwardly coaxing.

And outside the gate of Shenxianju, those who entered and exited saw the kneeling man and all sneered.

Someone recognized the man's identity and was surprised.

"Is this family insane? It's a crime to blame people without asking. This is a death!"

The man looked at the door in panic, expecting Fang Xing and the emperor to come out to apologize.

But Fang Xing and Zhu Zhanji finally left the Shenxianju through the back door...


Back in the palace, Zhu Zhanji pondered for a while, and finally went to Hu Shanxiang's.

Hu Shanxiang didn't have much in charge of the palace. After the queen mother took over, she would just raise the baby all day long.

But she refused to stay in the house honestly, taking advantage of the cool weather, asking someone to take a walk in the yard.

Kunning Palace is the Queen’s site. Those concubines would never enter without notification, so Hu Shanxiang was very happy.

"Next year this child will be born, and I don't know whether it will be a younger brother or younger sister. I want to be so behaved. I always want to be a younger sister. But your Majesty can't live without a son. I'm worried!"

Hu Shanxiang's gestures, her smile filled with the happiness of motherhood.

"Manny, it's better to be your little majesty, lest you be coveted for your seat!"

The grand palace lady said Yue carefully supported her, feeling that there was something wrong with the queen's mentality.

Hu Shanxiang didn't have any capable staff around him, so the queen mother gave her a maid beside him later. As soon as this mother named Yi'an arrived at Kunning Palace, she almost turned it over and cleared a lot of people out.

Yi'an's eyes were sharp, she glanced at Zhenyue, and said, "Let's say nothing, it's better not to say. The prince or the princess are good, your majesty and the empress are both strong, and it's not a problem to have a few births. Remember, I'll talk less about this in the future."

Calling Yuebian's flat mouth, her tearful appearance made Aian frown, "You have to change your problem of crying at every turn, or you'll miss your mother's affairs sooner or later."

When Hu Shanxiang saw this, he said: "Fine, say the moon is still young, Yi An, you can teach her slowly. But these things are God's will, no need to worry about it, and I will say less later."

When the moon is due, Hu Shanxiang smiled and said: "We are also happy here, and then slowly gather some dowry for the end, so that we can get married well, and I feel a little reluctant to think about it!"

Aon couldn’t help but laughed~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and said: "Mangmung, you think so far, how old is the princess now? Waiting to get married! It will take many years, so you should still eat, drink, and drink. Don't forget those things, when the time comes, there will naturally be a dowry for your majesty to worry about the princess."

Hu Shanxiang nodded and touched his pregnant belly, longingly said: "If you are a son, it is best to ask Xing and Bolai to teach. Think about his potatoes, not rude but generous, and knowledgeable. , Hey! I just don’t know if Xing and Botong disagree..."

The corners of Zhu Zhanji's mouth curled up slightly.

He and Yu Jia stood behind the side door, and Yu Jia worried that he would be angry, so she whispered: "Your Majesty, you are the one who teaches you! I am afraid that you have no time!"

Zhu Zhanji shook his head slightly, Fang Xing’s two sons seemed to be stocking, but Zhu Zhanji knew that Fang Xing was staring at all times. Correct it.

And the prince in the deep palace, Zhu Zhanji remembers that several of his younger brothers had been learning from the great Confucian since they were young, practicing calligraphy all day and reciting classics. After I get older, I will start all kinds of studies, which is miserable.

Zhu Zhanji glanced at Hu Shanxiang, then turned and left Kunning Palace.

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