Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Vol 4 Chapter 1858: Inside the Jinyiwei, nouveau riche come

On the penultimate day of this month, we are still tenth on the monthly ticket list, which is more than a hundred votes away from the ninth place. Ask for votes! grateful! ! !


"Don't want to start a family yet?"

Shenyang still looks like that, it can frighten children. When I opened my mouth to speak, the missing front tooth made people feel gloomy.

"No, under the official..."

"You are still thinking about her."

Fang Xing stared at him, and said seriously: "Since she likes her, and that person treats her badly, then go get her back!"

Shen Yang's cheeks slackened, his eyes dimmed, and the whole person looked decadent and melancholy.

"What are you afraid of?"

Here is Jin Yiwei, in Shenyang's room, the surroundings are quiet.

"You...you don't hesitate to serve your country, your majesty has a good impression of you. Jin Yiwei, I think you will be in charge sooner or later, but I hope you can get out of here, even if you are a business man, and guard every day My home, I think you should like this day."

Shenyang looked at the ground blankly, and Fang Xing suddenly became unbearable. He whispered: "If you are willing, I can go to your majesty to talk to you and get you out of Jinyiwei."

Shen Yang shook his head, "Uncle, after entering Jinyiwei, the smell on her body will never be washed away. After leaving Jinyiwei, it is a dog in the water. The official wanted to marry her, so he carried her into the house upright..."

"Then what are you still hesitating?" Fang Xing asked, staring at him. He felt that Shenyang was too indecisive, and it was okay to say elsewhere, but it was a little troublesome in Jinyiwei.

"Xiaguan... I don't know."

Fang Xing got up and left. Shen Yang sat there blankly, letting the light slowly move from his head to his shoulders.

As time passed, a roar suddenly came from Shenyang's room.

"Come on!"

There were footsteps from the quiet surrounding horses just now.

Shen Yang got up and opened the door, squinted at the sun, and said, "Go check Qian Liang."

"Yes, my lord!"

"Also." Shen Yang said faintly: "Look at the staff and Jian Yi, and report to you in time."

"grown ups……"

Mi Quan hesitated for a moment and said, "My lord, your majesty must agree to this matter, otherwise..."

There were more than a dozen Jin Yiwei standing under the steps. These people looked excited. They hoped that Shenyang could take Jin Yiwei out of the confusion and desertedness of Ji Gang.

Shenyang said coldly: "Just do it, and the official will take care of it!"


Mi Quan promised loudly.

Shenyang remembered Fang Xing's previous words, knowing this, the emperor must pretend not to know, and let Fang Xing and Jian Yi fight secretly.

This is a battle of orthodoxy and a battle of positions!

But Confucianism is like the meridian of the Ming Dynasty, how can the little Zhixing Academy be an opponent?

Shenyang went to see Saihazhi with gloomy eyes.

"My lord, the next official has something to report."

Saihazhi still looked like he couldn't wake up. He heard that he didn't listen to Shenyang's follow-up report, and said lazily, "Go away."

Shenyang arched his hands and turned to leave.

Sai Hazhi's eyes opened suddenly, and he smiled coldly at the back of Shen Yang striding out.

"Mixing these things is Ji Gang's second. Do you think those civil officials are vegetarians? The officials will see how you die in the future!"


"Can you do less about this matter?"

Xie Jin had a headache. He pointed to Fang Xing and said: "You privately mobilize Jin Yiwei to investigate Jian Yi. No matter success or failure in the future, your Majesty will move you. This is one of your big sins at any time. Think about Tudou and the others. , Somehow converge."

The two were walking in the Zhuangzi. It was approaching the Mid-Autumn Festival, and the villagers went out to buy and bought them. In twos and threes, they all bowed their hands when they saw them.

"I like this kind of life. If I can, I am willing to retire and spend my days leisurely in the Fangjiazhuang with my wife and children."

Fang Xing touched the top of a child's head, and the two moved on.

"Jian Yi wants to be the gate to block the advancement of Zhixing Academy. How can I show weakness?"

Fang Xing's eyebrows became more confident: "I just said, "Why don't the science students be allowed to behave in an upright manner?"

"You underestimate Jian Yi, he won't feel guilty."

Xie Jin said triumphantly: "If you want to be an important minister or a high-ranking official, you must first put your kindness away. There is only purpose in your eyes, and the rest is just what you said."

"What do you want to do? Just hit the door? You are the best at this, Jian Yi can't beat you."

Fang Xing smiled, "No."


Li Ermao's wedding is proceeding in an orderly manner, and Zhang Shuhui has taken over the process.

"Has the girl's family arrived?"

Zhang Shuhui has been very busy these days. She and Xiao Bai had cooperated tacitly and managed the Fang family's affairs in an orderly manner, without Fang wake up to ask.

But Li Ermao's family has some headaches, the key is the bride's family!

Fang Jay Lun has also come to help these days. He said bitterly, "Madam, I said it's going to the city soon, but it's been a long time since I haven't seen anyone."

Li Ermao's mother rubbed her hands on the side, her expression apologetic. Her ability and insight were not enough to support such a marriage, so she had to fight as much as possible.

Zhang Shuhui raised her eyebrows and said, "Sell someone to urge you. This is about to get married tomorrow. Isn't the woman's family member a thing?"

Fang Jaylun agreed, and went out to find Jia Ding to find out.


Outside the city of Beiping, a few bullock carts were blocked in the middle, and more than a dozen people on the side were pointing at the city wall, with shocked faces.

"The city of the Han people is so powerful, we must not be able to beat it. It is still Mao who is right. Live your life well and follow your Majesty."

The man who spoke was wearing a silk suit, and his swarthy face was full of pride.

"My son-in-law is Daming's official, who dare to provoke over there in the future? Hahahaha!"

These people and bullock carts blocked the road, and a sergeant came to the city gate, frowning and saying, "Where did it come from?"

The man raised his head and said, "What did he say?"

A man came out of the motorcade, and he laughed and said, "My lord, this is the tusi Yuanhua from Yunnan. They are here to marry their daughter."

The sergeant said with a headache: "Where is the document?"

From Yunnan to Beijing, if there was no paperwork, the inspection department would have taken him in and cleaned up halfway.

The man took out the document and handed it over, saying, "His son-in-law is Yushi, and he said he was a student of some uncle."

The sergeant read the document and frowned: "The imperial official in the city who is going to get married recently is Li Ermao Li, but he is a student of Xinghe Bo. Is this really the case?"

The fact that Li Ermao was going to marry a daughter of a chieftain had long been a talk in Beiping City. The sergeant looked at Yuanhua's appearance as a nouveau riche, and he was half determined in his heart.

"Go in, do you know the place? Oh! It seems to be married tomorrow, you can find the place by asking."

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Yuan Hua walked over and stretched out a piece of silver. The sergeant's eyes flashed with joy, but she stepped back and said, "Don't be like this! Bribery, you are a bribe, come, someone bribes, there must be something illegal."

After Yuan Erniang followed Li Ermao, Yuanhua began to learn Chinese, so when he heard the sergeant's words, he stared: "My son-in-law is Yushi, come and try."

The translator waved his hand and said: "This is not a bribe. In Yunnan, this is the meeting ceremony. Yes, it is the meeting ceremony."

Meet up?

The small banner officer who rushed over felt jealous, he was jealous of the people who went to Yunnan.


At this time, I rode out from inside the gate ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and drove the horse slowly when I saw the ox cart.

"But Master Yuanhua?"

Yuanhua heard the sound and nodded, "Who are you?"

"The lady has been asking where the woman's people are, Yuanhua-sama, come into the city, the bride will soon demolish the inn!"

Yuan Hua said with a straight face and a dry cough: "Here, how is my daughter? That Mao bullied her? The official is going to cut him today, and then he will be locked up in the stockade to serve me daily. Daughter."


With such a father-in-law, Fang Wu started to have a headache for Li Ermao.

The small banner officer recognized Fang Wu, so he went over to ask, and then led people to check a few bullock carts at random, and then returned to the gate of the city without a look of expression.

As the bullock cart entered the city, the small banner officer murmured: "I'm going to special! This Yushi has found a rich daughter-in-law! Is this Yushi going on?"

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