Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Vol 4 Chapter 1871: Yu Jiaao

Stay up late for a few days and fall asleep at three o'clock in the morning every day, just to satisfy everyone today, continue!


Qin Hong covered her small mouth and looked at Fang Xing in disbelief.

Several women were a little surprised. In their impression, the Xing He Bo in front of them was a man of both civil and military skills, gentle and elegant.

And even if Fang Xing just scolded Xu Min, he didn't yell at him. He didn't expect him to be so vulgar in the end.

But looking at Fang Xing's self-assured appearance, and thinking about his vulgar words just now, several women felt that they couldn't be more appropriate.

This is sway freely!

Xu Jingchang slapped the table and shouted, "Well said! It's better to rub the eggs at home if you are not bloody! Come on, let's do it!"

Several people were drunk, and Zhang Fu suddenly sighed: "Master Quan has resigned today. He is actually planning to pass on the road even during the Mid-Autumn Festival."

Xu Jingchang hiccuped and said in disbelief, "What is he anxious about?"

Zhang Fu said with a faint expression: "Probably I don't want to stay for a moment."

Zhu Yong drank a little more, and he laughed: "Lao Quan is a good man. Your Majesty wanted to keep him as a memorial archway, but in the end he couldn't keep him, so he asked someone to go to Xuzhou to build a filial memorial archway there. The merit is complete."

Fang Xing stood up suddenly, and said, "Today's fun, thank you Dingguo for his hospitality, and thank you elder brother and Chengguo for your company. I will host a banquet at home next day."

The three of them were stunned, and then nodded together, watching Fang Xing go away accompanied by his servants.

Xu Jingchang caught a glimpse of Qin Hong's disappointed look, and smiled: "That's a beloved wife and child, so don't think about it."

Qin Hong hurriedly lowered his head, concealing his gaffe.

Zhu Yong asked: "Brother Wenbi, what does Xing Hebo mean?"

Everyone went out to drink and have fun, and left first inexplicably. This is a big rude!

Zhang Fu shook his head, and then said: "Dehua and Lord Quan have worked together for a while in Jinling, so I probably want to go and see it."

"So empathetic?"

Xu Jingchang was surprised that for him, affection or something is not a necessity.

But the one who values ​​the love is the Haoerlang!

Several women couldn't help feeling melancholy, and they only felt that they had no fate with such a good boy.


Fang Xing came all the way to Quanfu, and saw the door open, and some men and women in tattered clothes were waiting.

"These are unnecessary things, you can take them as much as possible."

A few servants brought out a lot of things, and the men and women scrambled for a while, and then the front door was empty, only a piece of waste paper blowing through the ground in the autumn wind.

The waste paper flew all the way to Fang Xing's body, and the writing on it was vivid.

"Who are you looking for?"

A servant came out and asked.

Fang Xing picked up this piece of paper and looked at the content on it. It turned out to be an article. He asked, "Will Lord Quan be here?"

The servant shook his head and said: "My master said, today, no one will be seen, and your Majesty will not see you."


Back home, Zhang Shuhui and Xiao Bai are preparing for tomorrow's Mid-Autumn Festival. The two children are also at home because the college is on holiday today.

Seeing Fang wakes up, the potato who is being entangled in worry-free climbing the tree is like an amnesty, and said: "Father, I want to do my homework."

Fang Xing nodded and asked, "How about peace?"

"Ping An followed to settle the accounts."

Tudou ran away after speaking, Wuyou slowly walked to Fang Xing's body, frowned and said, "Father, brothers won't play with me."

Fang Xing led her inside and said, "Just be busy today, and tomorrow will be fine."

How can children of Tudou and Ping’an’s age have the patience to play with children younger than themselves. They always feel that they are carefree and more naive and boring.

"Wait for a few years without worries and just follow along in school, OK?"

Fang Xing felt that it was necessary to set up a small school at home to teach worry-free.

When he thinks of this, he thinks of Fang Wuhe Dida. This woman is now regarded as a'female scholar' in Zhuangzi, and enlightenment is easy.

After that, Wuyou begged Fang Xing to take her to play. The two of them went to the back garden and searched everywhere. They actually got two bird eggs. Finally Fang Xing put them back, saying that there will be children next year. The bird flew out.


I woke up before dawn the next day, only to tell me something was going on, and I would come back later.

Fang woke up in the bedroom and saw Wuyou. He didn't expect Wuyou to get up early and was sitting on a small bench dozing off and waiting.

Fang Xing shook his head, and went to hug her.


Worry-free opened his eyes in a daze, and when he saw Fang Xing, he closed his eyes again, put his face on his shoulder and continued to sleep.

Fang Xing hugged Wuyou all the way on the horse, then wrapped her in a cloak, and walked all the way to the city.


Quan’s mansion was in a frenzy at the moment. Two carriages were taken out, followed by Quan Jin, who was supported by his children and grandchildren. As for the servants, except for the two who came from his hometown, all the others were dismissed by Quan Jin asking someone to give money. .

Standing outside the mansion, Quan Jin just glanced at the mansion, then turned around and asked someone to help him into the carriage, closed his eyes, and said, "Let's go."

The carriage gleamed away, and the gate of the mansion behind him closed immediately.

This will be the residence of another official, and the traces of the Quan family will gradually disappear.

Walking through the city all the way, some of the children and grandchildren lifted the curtains of the car and looked at the beauty of the capital greedily. They knew that they would probably never come back in this life.

Quan Jin didn't care about this. His requirements for his children were righteousness and filial piety. If there were these two things, this person could not be worse.

"Grandfather, grandson wants to eat pot stickers."

At this moment, there was someone selling pot stickers at a stall on the left in the front, and the scent floated, suppressing the morning mist.

Quan Jin nodded and was helped out of the car.

"Father, your Majesty always calls people to see you off. Why do you want to leave early?"

Quan Jin glanced at his son and said: "Your Majesty often said that Shao Ying Lai De, who has been an official for his father for many years, is of no benefit to the country, so why bother."

By the side of the stall, a pair of father and daughter were already sitting, and two big men were standing beside them, looking like guards. While eating pot stickers, they watched the pedestrians vigilantly. When they saw Quan Jin, one of them said, "Master, it's Lord Quan."

Fang Xing, who had his back to the street, turned around and said, "The old man really wants to leave early. Fortunately, Fang didn't miss it. Come on, how about Fang Xing's dinner of pot stickers today? Would you like to come here and not pay a bribe? Ha ha ha ha!"

Quan Jin was taken aback, then nodded and sat down and said, "Xing He Bo has a heart."

Fang Xing called the pot stickers, and filled the gruel again.

In the early morning of the Mid-Autumn Festival, the heat of the gruel was faintly faint.

Wuyou quickly finished eating, and then leaned on Fang Xing's lap and looked at the pedestrians, whispering from time to time what she thought was rare.

Quan Jin looked at this scene with muddy old eyes and smiled and said: "The old man is here to live like Xing He Bo, with sweets and grandchildren, free and easy under the woods, and teach children in his spare time~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Write something and then go home."

Fang Xing took a sip of porridge, and when he saw one of Quan Jin's grandsons looking at him curiously, he nodded and smiled: "In those days, Wang Jinggong had a hard time, he left sadly, and then the Song Dynasty was overthrown. Quan Gong, Daming could not study the Song Dynasty. "

Quan Jin frowned and looked at the grandson, and then smiled tolerantly, frightening the grandson who rarely saw Quan Jin's charity smile.

"After all, there are too many disputes. The former Song Dynasty was not killed by Wang Jinggong, but by party disputes."

Fang Xing hesitated, and said, "It's a partisan struggle...Well, Lord Quan, you are about to return to your hometown. You don't know much about these troubles, otherwise I'm afraid it's uneasy!"

Quan Jin nodded in disappointment, and stood up hard and said, "Thank you, Xing and Bo, for sending you off. Goodbye."

Fang Xing got up to hold Wuyou, and then sent Quan Jin's family out of the city all the way, the two arched their hands, and then the car curtain fell, and immediately Quan Jin's old voice came from the car.

"The scenery is different in the autumn, Hengyang geese go without paying attention. The sound from all sides rises, Qianzhangli, Changyan, sunset, the isolated city is closed..."

This was Fan Zhongyan's proud fisherman, Fang Xing stood outside the city with Wuyou, watching the convoy slowly leave.

A group of wild geese lined up in a zigzag form flew across the sky, and a lonely croak came from far away.

"...A cup of turbid wine is thousands of miles away, but Yan Ran has no plan. Qiangguan is full of frost, people are sleepless, and the general has white hair and tears."

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