Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Vol 4 Chapter 1872: Home country


Wanwan sat in front of the dressing table, frowned and looked at the rouge on her lips, suddenly picked up the handkerchief and wiped off the rouge in one fell swoop.

"Princess, it's time to go to the Queen Mother."

Wanwan got up and turned around, and said to Aoba: "Is my sister-in-law gone?"

Aoba nodded and said: "The empress has gone."


Since learning that the queen and concubine Sun are pregnant, the empress dowager's mood has improved even more. After she took over the palace affairs, she found a lot of things in her hair. In essence, she still wanted to pray for the two children, but she got cheers from all over the palace.

"This person is like this. I am happy when I have benefits... There are two more children in this palace. Who is happy? Who is sad? These palaces know it, but let them stare."

The Queen Mother sneered: "Those people have green eyes, but they forget that only the queen's son can inherit the Datong. They hurriedly block the emperor on the road, and there is no way of complimenting the reservedness when entering the palace."

What she ridiculed was the recent move by the concubines in the harem to contain Zhu Zhanji, which finally turned into a sigh.

"Niang Niang, Empress Empress is here."

"What is she here for?"

The queen mother frowned and said: "Hurry up and come in, be careful."

But the appearance of Hu Shanxiang coming in is vigorous, without the slightest consciousness to be careful after pregnancy.

"What else are you doing at this time? Good birth and fetal maintenance are the right principles."

The queen mother frowned as she watched Hu Shanxiang salute, and raised her hand. Someone passed by and supported her.

Hu Shanxiang insisted on bending his knees and blessing himself before being helped to sit on the side.

"Is it possible to eat?"

The queen looked at Hu Shanxiang and asked.

Hu Shanxiang smiled and said, "I can eat, and my concubines are still the same as before. They just make five meals, saying that they are good for adults and children."

The queen mother nodded and said: "I heard you are still walking?"

Hu Shanxiang nodded and said: "Yes. The same is true for the queen mother, Xing and uncle's family. When you are pregnant, except for a few days of rest, you will be fine afterwards, as long as you don't do heavy work."

The Queen Mother asked in amazement: "That's how you were when you were pregnant?"

Hu Shanxiang nodded, and the queen mother smiled and said, "Fine, there is a pregnant woman in the palace, and the hospital is afraid of taking responsibility. I wish I could let people lie down all day long and don’t get up. That would be a crime!"

"Niang, the princess is here."

Before the two mother-in-law and daughter-in-law talked a few words, the queen mother was happy when she heard it, and smiled: "This little sister-in-law knows the sister-in-law who is protecting her, let her come in quickly."

"Niang Niang, please see Concubine Sun Gui."

Wanwan was about to come in, and Sun Guifei came outside again.

Holding Wanwan's hand, the queen mother was asking her if she had eaten the mooncakes she had just made, and she said lightly: "Please come in."

Sun was helped in by two court ladies, looking weak.

After the salute, the queen mother pointed to her right, and then said: "Be careful if you are pregnant, and don't run around."

After the Sun sat down, he laughed and said, "The tea here is so fragrant, so my concubine can't help but want to come a few more times!"

The queen mother said lightly: "Tea from Jianning Mansion in Fujian is distributed in the palace every year, but there are some here in this palace, but you should drink less tea when you are pregnant, and wait later."

The atmosphere was a bit awkward, but Sun was smiling naturally and calmly.

Wanwan asked: "Sister-in-law, what about it?"

In this palace, only Hu Shanxiang can be regarded as her sister-in-law, so even if it is not in harmony with the ceremony, Hu Shanxiang still said softly: "Your Majesty has a rest today and brought Duan Duan to the front. It is probably going to be crazy for a while. "

The queen mother smiled and said: "The emperor is tired, and he can be relaxed even if you have a good sense of it. You should also take care of yourself. There will be more children in the palace, and it will be more lively... well, all go back to live well. Don't even do it at night. Worship for a month, lest you catch the cold."

Wanwan got up and said, "Mother, I want to see Duan Duan."

Today’s Mid-Autumn Festival, the Queen Mother said readily: “Go, go, don’t be too noisy.”

As soon as they left, the queen mother leaned on the back of the chair, and a court lady came to help her massage her shoulders.

The queen mother smiled bitterly: "When can I not be tempted in this palace?"


Outside the Qianqing Palace, Duan Duan was running wild with a small lantern in his hand, and the maid of the court slid behind him.

Zhu Zhanji stood on the steps and watched, but Sun Xiang was beside him.

"Your Majesty, Lord Quan left the city early in the morning, met Xing Hebo halfway, and had a meal of pot stickers...After leaving the city, he even chanted a song by Fan Wenzheng."

Zhu Zhanji touched the railing and murmured: "People are insomnia, and the general has white hair and tears. What does he want to say? Under the tide, who can be it? If I don't enter, the enemy will advance. The truth is for thousands of years. , Why don’t so many people understand?"

Sun Xiang didn't dare to take Zhu Zhanji's words. He knew that he was just a transition. In order to have a good result after he stepped down, he rarely touched the Dongchang factory recently, and mostly handed it over to An Lun.

Zhu Zhanji waved his hand, and Sun Xiang retired.

It was a rare opportunity for Sa Huan to run wild in front of the temple for a long time, and then stood sweating profusely under the steps and shouted: "Father, I want to eat moon cakes."

Zhu Zhanji frowned, pretending to be upset, and said, "You are fat, you can't eat moon cakes."

He looked down at his short legs and said unconvincedly: "Father, I am not fat-free yet."

Zhu Zhanji looked at his daughter carefully, and suddenly realized that he seemed to have neglected a lot, including the process of her daughter's growth. He smiled and said, "The moon cakes in the palace are still being made and can only be eaten at night."

In fact, the moon cakes in the palace were made in the morning, and they were also distributed, but the moon cakes from the emperor's side were delivered at night.

He was very angry and raised his head and shouted, "Worry-free ate moon cakes yesterday."

As the emperor's only daughter, Duan Duan is deeply loved by the Queen Mother, so she has also developed a lively personality and is not very afraid of the emperor.

"How did you know?"

Zhu Zhanji walked down slowly and teased his daughter.

He held his thigh upright and raised his head and said: "Woyou followed into the palace a few days ago. She said that their family can eat moon cakes today. Father, is our family very poor? No worries have any. money."

Zhu Zhanji bowed his head helplessly and said: "It's the rules, not the lack of money."

With a regretful sigh, the little adult said: "Father~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Then I will save some money? Give you more meat."

Childish speech is ridiculous, but sincere. Zhu Zhanji felt soft in his heart and touched the top of her head and said, "My father is rich, so I don't need to save money."

The father and daughter whispered there. Yu Jia walked over and said: "Your Majesty, Mrs. Xing He has sent a lot of things."

"moon cake!"

Duan Duan cheered immediately, then took Zhu Zhanji's hand and begged: "Father, eat moon cakes, eat moon cakes."

Zhu Zhanji was shook by her hand and could only helplessly say: "Go go, eat less."

He was worried that his daughter would become fat in the end. In the eyes of the Queen and the Queen Mother, a pistachio that can eat and jump is a pistachio.

Duan Duan was taken to the harem, Zhu Zhanji paced in front of the palace with his hands under his hands, and Song Laoshi followed behind with a broomstick as usual.

"What do you eat for Mid-Autumn Festival?"

Zhu Zhanji beckoned him to come over and asked about the situation at home.

As the **** with the most special treatment in the palace, Song Laoshi has been so red recently that he can actually see his old lady once a month.

Song Honestly said with his fingers: "Your Majesty, the slave and maid will kill a chicken during the Mid-Autumn Festival and make dough with stuffing. My father will also drink alcohol. At night, the family will sit in the yard and eat slowly."

Seeing that he was a little coveted, Zhu Zhanji said: "You are also allowed to relax at night in the palace, but you are not allowed to drink alcohol on duty."

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