Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Vol 4 Chapter 1876: Start over

There are three types of craftsmen in Daming, one is under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Industry, the other belongs to the royal family and belongs to the supervision bureaus; the third is the local guards.

Many of these craftsmen were criminals and were punished as craftsmen, while most of the others were civilians.

Once these people were recruited as shift craftsmen, it was almost certain that the home was destroyed.

“The sellers were forced to work on the road. When they came home, they had nothing to do with their families. They had no choice but to take a family of young and old to beg. When they waited for the next shift, they couldn’t even pay for the travel expenses, so they had to beg all the way to Beijing. With such a craftsman system, the minister I think there is a problem, there is a big problem!"

Fang Xing's voice still echoed in the hall, and Wu Zhong went out to confirm this view.

"Your Majesty, the shift craftsmen are indeed suffering. In recent years, there have been many fugitives. Except for what Xing Hebo said, the supervisors and heads are greedy and unable to appease the craftsmen. This makes it difficult for the craftsmen to make a living and wailing and begging... die."

Wu Zhong knelt down and pleaded guilty, but his words made Fang Xing suddenly realize.

The Mengyuan people who were still able to fight with weapons in the early Ming dynasty started to become decadent in the middle of the Ming Dynasty, and by the end of the Ming Dynasty, it was almost synonymous with crude manufacture.

And what does all this have to do with?

The officials were corrupt, the army was lax, the generals were greedy, and they formed generals... But the experience of the craftsmen was the culprit for the gradual decline in the quality of weapons in the Yuming Dynasty.

Xia Yuanji went out and said, "Your Majesty, the shift craftsmen are going around, and the tolls are expensive. If you don't suffer the tolls, the minister thinks it is better to change to shifts."

"What about the population?"

Yang Shiqi said: "During the Yongle period, there were 27,000 artisan households who moved from Jinling to Peiping. Over the years, they have gradually increased a lot. With the addition of shift artisans, I am afraid that it will break 100,000 households. How can these people be raised? "

Hundreds of thousands of households, hundreds of thousands of people!

Who will raise them?

This topic was thrown to Xia Yuanji and the emperor.

"Your Majesty, these craftsmen are mainly for construction."

Wu Zhong provided the emperor with a cannonball, but he had no choice.

As the capital of Peking, there are countless constructions every year, and these require craftsmen.

"How about letting go of craftsmanship slowly? Recruit instead."

Fang Xing suggested, and was immediately opposed by everyone.

"Let go of the craftsmanship, there is probably no craftsman in the world. Who will do all the projects at that time?"

"Recruitment? How much money does it cost a year?"

"It is their duty to do well, how can they get rid of their craftsmanship?"

Daming's household registration system, no, this is actually a view that has been formed over the millennia: you are a base, and all your children and grandchildren are bases.

Chen Zongyuan, the ink master in the palace, even if he was appreciated to go to the Imperial Academy to study, but when others were indoors, he could only kneel under the steps... rubbings.

This can be seen from the attitude of the officials who regard the craftsmen as a bitch!

Fang Xing saw that the people around him had a face for granted, and said: "If it is changed to recruit, the craftsman will sign a contract with the government to give money and food every month. If you do much more, you will have more capable income, so that craftsmen will become a master. A proper profession can also reduce the need for consultations from all parties..."

"All the qings can think about each other when they go back, and then they will go to me with me."

Fang Xing's ideas were too idealistic. He wanted to shake up Daming's household registration system, but he had forgotten how great the forces that benefited from these systems were.

So Zhu Zhanji slashed the mess directly and let everyone discuss it, so no matter what, the pressure will eventually be dispersed.

After leaving the hall, Wu Zhong caught up and said, "Uncle Xinghe, the craftsmanship cannot be dismissed, otherwise the world will be in chaos!"

"All local government offices want craftsmen, local public health offices want craftsmen, and the central government is even more important. Once the craftsmanship is lifted, Daming will be messed up!"

Fang Xing turned around and said, "Why are those craftsmen reluctant to do it after being paid?"

These people are still holding on to the notion that the work of a craftsman is justified, which leaves Fang Xing speechless.

But when he heard all kinds of feedback the next day, he couldn't help being furious.

"Master, those people said you were crying cats and mice, and they said you were buying people's hearts."

The knife said intermittently: "Some people say that you are destroying the ancestral system. Your Majesty will ignore it..."

"... Saying that you are grandstanding, once the craftsmen are scattered, you are the sinner of Ming..."


Fang Xing entered the palace and murmured with Zhu Zhanji.

"How about getting a workshop, a royal workshop?"

"how to do?"

"Managed in the palace, recruiting craftsmen..."

Zhu Zhanji sucked in a cold breath and said, "But where all the craftsmen are here, where to recruit?"

"Have you forgotten those who taught themselves science?"

Fang Xing smiled triumphantly like an old fox.

Zhu Zhanji suddenly realized, but still felt unreliable: "No one wants to become a craftsman."

"This is not a craftsmanship."

Fang Xing said firmly: "This is employment."

Zhu Zhanji thought for a long time, and finally nodded.

So when Fang woke up from the palace, there was an **** beside him.

The **** in the palace has no fun, only a passionate self-motivated drive that drives him to climb continuously.

This is true for most eunuchs, and Jin Ying is of course no exception.

It's just that he finally lost the battle with Yu Jia and became a small boss in the palace, which is regarded as Yu Jia's tenderness once.

Jin Ying followed all the way to Fang's house with low eyebrows, and was then arranged to rest in the front yard.

Zhang Shuhui and Xiaobai, who learned that there was an **** in their home, were a little frightened.

"Husband, the **** can only be used by the royal family."

"It's okay, he won't live in our house, let him get out in a few days."

Fang Xing went to the front yard after changing his clothes hurriedly.

Jin Ying was outside the pavilion in the front yard, watching and teaching the women.

Seeing Fang wake up, he quickly stepped back, and then explained: "Our family rarely sees such a lively life in the palace, so I took a few more glances."

"Even if you have that heart, there is nothing wrong with that guy."

Fang Xing pointed to the front, and the two left the small pavilion.

"Do you know what you want to do?"

"I don't know."

"If you don't know, it's right. If you are as vicious as before, you won't be able to do this job, and sooner or later you will get a knife."

Fang Xing stood under the big tree, enjoying the breeze in his arms, and said comfortably: "You should have heard a lot of disputes about craftsmanship in the outside world~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Nowadays, Daming is good everywhere, but there are some problems with household registration. , Restricting the development of Daming, the craftsmanship and military qualifications bear the brunt."

"Do you understand what I mean by this?"

Jin Ying shook his head. After Yu Jia took over, he became a little silent.

Because he knew that once he became active again, Yu Jia would treat him as an opponent, and then would use various means to make him die silently in the palace.

Fang Xing looked at Luo Ye and said, "You are smart, but if you are a little slack in this matter, it is worse than threatening Yu Jia."

Jin Ying smiled sadly: "Xing He Bo, the original struggle was just normal, just like officials competing for promotion. No one can talk about our family, it's just for the future. But the winner is the king, the loser is the reason for our family. I know, so I am a man with my tail tucked in the palace.

Since our family came out with you today, it is dead or alive. Our family relies on a word from you and uncle, nothing more! "

This was a frustrated person, and Fang Xing felt that Zhu Zhanji's appointment could not be more appropriate.

"If you are frustrated, you must fight. If you feel sorry for yourself, God won't look at you again, so there is only one chance. After you catch it, you will naturally have a lot of heaven and earth. If you can't catch you, don't blame the heavens and the others!"

Jin Ying hesitated for a while and said, "Xing He Bo, let's talk about what life is, even if we die, we want to be a ghost."

"Let you be in charge of the workshop..."

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