Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Vol 4 Chapter 1877: Inside the palace and outside the palace are very different (thanks to "Sn

"Teacher, the memorial is for the disciple."

After going to the office, Ma Su, who had just returned home, didn't care about entering the house, so he came to wake up here to plead guilty.

"Your last memorial is just to show your attitude. What's wrong with this?"

Fang Xing asked people to make some dishes and then ate them with Ma Su in the yard.

The steamed pork with dried vegetables melts in the mouth, and after a sip of low-alcohol wine, the greasy is washed away, and I suddenly feel that even the autumn breeze has become charming.

"I never think you are my vassals."

Fang Xing was enjoying the food comfortably, and said casually: "You have to have your own opinions when you are in an official position. Whatever I say, what official is that?"

Ma Su filled Fang Xing with wine, nodded and said, "Teacher, I understand."

Friends but not party!

Once a party is formed, no matter what happens in the future, there will be various interest disputes within the group. It is better to maintain a loose relationship. As long as the goals are the same, it is a force.

"Teacher, those little officials are too bold. If it weren't for Qin Si's son to follow the caravan into the city, and visit Qin Si by the way, the matter would probably sink."

"The status of craftsmen is inherently low. Every year, you can hear that some people die. Craftsmen are dead in vain."


Jin Ying had never felt so tired before. Early in the morning, he ran to the Ministry of Engineering, and after having a fight with Wu Zhong, then went to the Ministry of Households.

"You want to build a workshop?"

Xia Yuanji knew that Fang Xing's peace yesterday was abnormal, and sure enough, things came the next morning.

Jin Ying said, "It's not ours, it's your majesty."

Xia Yuanji sighed and sighed: "Can't you give the craftsman more money and food? Have to start a new stove?"

Jin Ying said nonchalantly: "Xing Hebo's words: I have to try to see who is right. I don't dare to try, it's mostly a mediocre official."

"Well, this officer is willing to pay here." Xia Yuanji reluctantly promised to bleed, but Jin Ying still shook his head.

"Master Xia, Mr. Xing and Uncle said that as long as the site is involved, the Ministry of Households and the Ministry of Industry should be asked to stamp the seal of recruitment, so that no one will believe it."

"Pay yourself?"

Xia Yuanji said suspiciously: "How can Fang Xing be cunning, so honest?"

Jinying has no confidence in this errand. He only feels that his future is bleak. He said indifferently: "Xing He Bo said, since the workshop belongs to the palace, it is naturally the money from the palace. Otherwise, it's hard to pull it off in the future."

"He is confident, nothing else, the officer agreed."

Assure the royal family, this is not the future, so no one will refuse.

Jin Ying got the assurance and went to the outskirts to inspect places without stopping.

According to Fang Xing's statement, it must be said that there must be a place where water can be stored, which is convenient for hydraulic transmission, and the surrounding area should be level, preferably no land.

Looking at the mountain to run to death, but outing can be regarded as an elegant thing.

This is what the scholar said.

"Shit scholars are just a bunch of critters!"

The grass on the side of the river gradually began to wither, but it still covered a lot of potholes. Jin Ying had been attacked several times, all in muddy water.

Washing his hands by the river, Jin Ying got up and asked the local guide, "Is there a flat place here?"

The terrain here is pretty good. There are high ridges on both sides of the river. Just make a dam in such a place. How much hydraulic power do you want?

The guide was a simple-looking man, and the reward of 200 coins per day was enough for him to go back and celebrate with his wife, so he took Jin Ying away for two more days.

He knew where there was a suitable place, but he had to walk two more days.

Today is the third day, and he also knows that Jin Ying is a noble man from the palace, so he dared not make any detours. He pointed to the front right and said, "My lord, there is a wasteland in front of him. You can do whatever you want! The soil is thin and it is not easy to farm."

Jin Ying was overjoyed and stood up and said, "Hurry up and take our family to have a look."

When he came back after taking good care of the terrain, he was slapped head-on when he was proud and Fang Xing's performance.

"If you gave him five hundred copper coins at that time, or be more generous, give him consistent money, and promise to go out the same day, you can find a place on the same day."

Jinying's pride is like meeting a snowman in hot soup, slowly melting.

"But that person looks honest!"

"You can't be a meal. If he is honest, it will be a sale of two hundred copper coins, and you will only give him half of it, so ah! What kind of work is best paid, saving time and effort."

Jin Ying nodded, feeling that she had been in the palace for a long time, and she underestimated the heroes of the world, and was actually deceived by an old farmer. He was really defeated.

Fang Xing was very happy to think that Jin Ying was deflated and turned from a guy full of conspiracies to an ignorant fool. This change made him feel much better.

But the good mood didn't last long before it was dispelled by Zhu Zhanji's anger.

The anger was triggered by a memorial. The memorial came from a Yushi who impeached Fang Xing.

"Troubled and lonely to disrupt the court, and deliberately to confuse the emperor, can Xing He uncle be able to bear such a crime?"

Zhu Zhanji stared at Zuodu Yushi Liu Guan with his eyes almost ready to breathe fire, and said: "This is Xiangzhuang Wujian, which is meant for me! Liu Guan, when will Yushi be able to discuss matters? Or can it be attributed to the rain? I am innocent!"

It was common for Yushi to impeach Fang Xing. Fang Xing didn't matter. The emperor hadn't seen it. Everyone was in peace all these years.

But this Yushi pointed at Zhu Zhanji, implying that the emperor was conniving to wake up.

This is a dangerous signal!

Originally, Fang Xing and Zhu Zhanji were outside and inside, and they were able to respond to each other when they encountered things. But once this memorial was fermented, it would be Fang Xing that bypassed Zhu Zhanji's shield, and he was ready to suppress Zhu Zhanji with his aura first, and then clean up Fang Xing.

The memorial to impeach Fang Xing has never been accompanied by an emperor before, and today is considered a precedent.

When Fang woke up, Zhu Zhanji didn't call him.

Liu Guan left the class and said bitterly: "Your Majesty, this memorial minister... the minister has never seen it before."

This means that memorials are not brought up through normal channels.

Who handed it up?

Not everyone can enter the memorial, and not everyone's memorial can reach the emperor smoothly.

Liu Guan's remarks are suspected of disregarding responsibility, but Ducha Yuan was originally a group of stunned youths, and such things couldn't be more common.

Zhu Zhanji said coldly: "I just received the memorial~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The uproar that has spread from the outside, who leaked it?"

The memorials are handed over to the cabinet by the various ministries and departments, and then filtered once by the cabinet, and finally transferred to Zhu Zhanji's hands.

Yang Rong went out of the class and said: "Your Majesty, ministers and other officials will deal with it immediately after receiving the memorial, without delay."

After receiving the memorials, the Bachelor of Auxiliary Administration divided the memorandums among several people. When they encountered any troubles, they discussed collectively, and finally reported them to Zhu Zhanji.

"The memorial was taken over by the minister at the time, and he hesitated, but didn't dare to keep it privately, so I discussed it with my colleagues and sent it up."

Yang Pu came out to claim this memorial, but Liu Guan was shot again.

Liu Guan said helplessly: "Your Majesty, the memorial of the Duchayuan must have the permission of the minister or Wang Zhang, but... if Wang Zhang encounters such memorials, he naturally has to discuss with the minister..."

The person who gave the memorial!

Zhu Zhanji suddenly stood up and said angrily: "Sun Xiang!"

"His Majesty!"

Sun Xiang had been waiting outside the hall and was passed in.

Zhu Zhanji said coldly: "Go to the Duchayuan to send memorials, and ask questions immediately!"

"Yes, Your Majesty."

Sun Xiang discarded the name of Sun Fo, responded with murderous aura, and then went out.

The **** has only one owner, and that is the emperor.

The emperor was humiliated, they really felt the same way.

So why did the emperor believe in the eunuch? It is determined by the position.

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