Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Vol 4 Chapter 1878: The undercurrent in Jinyiwei (Thanks to the "Fu Demon" for success...

"His Majesty……"

Liu Guan was very painful. On the one hand, he hated the Yushi; on the other hand, as the Yushi Zuodu of the Duchayuan, he had to bear the responsibility of protecting the gangsters.

Otherwise, who will listen to you in the future?

"Let's go away!"

Zhu Zhanji flew away, his eyes cold.

The emperor is angry!

Everyone looked at each other and then dispersed. Only Yang Rong stayed behind. He walked to Liu Guan's side, standing sluggishly, and sighed: "This is also a good thing. At least it can make the impeachment not a joke. I just want to be famous, Master Liu, this kind of idea is terrible!"

Liu Guan bowed his hands and went out with Yang Rong.

Walking out of the main hall and looking at the sun in the sky, Liu Guan smiled bitterly: "Uncle Xing and uncle urged His Majesty to start another workshop. The notice has come out. It is not a craftsmanship, but a contracted employment. This is causing serious trouble."

Yang Rong said calmly, "Try it, how can you know the advantages and disadvantages of craftsmanship without trying? Your majesty and Daming are like the rising sun, so it's best to talk about the thoughts of the evening."

This is a rare heartfelt, Liu Guan handed his hands, and said gratefully: "Thank you, Master Yang for your advice."

Yang Rong looked up and saw several colleagues in front of him turning back frequently, and smiled: "Everyone understands this, but they are all used to being conservative. No wonder your Majesty will get angry."

The location of Shoufu is very good, but there are a lot of greedy eyes.

Yang Rong is trying to get closer to himself!

Knowingly Liu Guan arched his hands and whispered, "Master Yang, thank you very much."

This is the initial good impression, just like the relationship between men and women, from the initial tentative contact to the slow enthusiasm, it has to go through several times.

When the people from Dongchang arrived at Duchayuan and dragged out a bruised and bruised official from inside, everyone remembered that the emperor still had the big killer of Dongchang in his hands.

Saihazhi still took a nap in the Jinyiwei. He hoped that his purpose to pay officialdom would come soon, but after waiting for a long time, he still didn't see anyone who came to call him into the palace.

He wanted to be safe, but in the eyes of Jin Yiwei's people, this was occupying the pit and not shit.

The people of Jin Yiwei were very indignant about this, so someone went to urge Shenyang to spit out bitterness from the emperor.

Why am I vomiting?

Shenyang approached the city gate and saw a lot of people surrounded by the notice, so he leaned over and took a look.

"...Not being a craftsman is like being a buddy in the shop. After signing the contract, you will be paid according to your craftsmanship. If you can't agree on the payment, then you don't need to do it..."

"Okay! This is good!"

A student from an academy stood under the notice and said loudly to the people: “There is only one. After the contract is signed, if anyone dared to leak out the things in the workshop, it would be equivalent to Litong and Waifan. The consequences need not be mentioned. With one cut, all the family members will be exiled, so everyone should think clearly that the workshop gives priority to recruiting young people who have studied science. As long as they can enter, let alone feeding a family of three, there is no problem!"

Shen Yang smiled, the scar on his face left no one around him.

He slowly walked out of the city gate, listening to the discussion about the workshop in his ear, his mouth slightly cocked.

"grown ups."

The men brought the horses, Shenyang mounted the horses, and went all the way to Fangjiazhuang.

At this time, Fang Xing was eating spring rolls outside the big market, and while eating, he asked Du Hailin how his business was.

"Not spicy enough."

Fang Xing took a bite and felt that the taste was a bit wrong, and frowned, "Don’t be afraid that the customer shouts spicy, the more spicy the more you like to eat, and you put less sugar, put more, sweet, salty and spicy mixture is the only thing. Kingly."

Du Hailin Dui smiled and said, "Uncle, the people here are so delicious. Last time there were too many chili peppers, then shopkeeper Liu almost opened the stall."

Fang Xing took a few bites of spring rolls and asked, "Then he can return it the next day?"


Du Hailin blurted out, and immediately understood: "Is he regretting it?"

"If you can't, you can make a big bowl. If you want to add more chili, you can stir it separately... Hey, why are you here?"

Fang Xing and Du Hailin were chatting, but didn't notice that Shenyang had already arrived.

"Uncle, that Yushi..."

"He is Fang Xing?"


Du Qian and his friend, the Prime Minister Chen Xiang of Guanglu Temple, were in the big market, watching Fang Xing talk to Shenyang.

Chen Xiangyan said enviously: "You are Zuo Shaoqing of Dali Temple now, and you can get a glimpse of the post of the official third grade. However, I suggest that you better enter the cabinet to assist the government. Looking at the current appearance, the cabinet will be in the future. The rights of Shoufu will become more and more important, and Shoufu is almost inseparable from the prime minister, a good place!"

Du Qian nodded, and said melancholy: "People say that I am your majesty's confidant, the confidant who came out of the mansion, but Dali Temple is not the way to progress!"

Chen Xianghey said: "Are you not a confidant, who is a confidant? Now that the six books are full, it is not clear who will come down for the time being, only the bachelor of auxiliary politics will be vacant."

When Du Qian saw Fang Xing's finger at the stall, Du Hailin began to make spring rolls. He couldn't help but sighed: "Look at him. From the time of Emperor Wen, he hung the title of Xinghe Bo, and he has no one to beat. This is better than a bachelor's degree. Both are strong."

Chen Xiang turned his eyes slightly, and said quietly: "He is not a civil official after all!"

Du Qian didn't understand what he meant, and said softly: "No, so what? Your Majesty believes in him, and even the Queen Mother has called him several times. What are you talking about?"

Chen Xiang smiled and said: "This is a favor, but it will last the longest. A beauty is perishable... Grace."

"Don't make a joke!"

Du Qian leaned sideways and said with serious eyes: "Your Majesty was taught by him back then, and it was said that half of the emperor teacher made it. If your words are heard, even if your Majesty is tolerant, Fang Xing will make you worse off than death. "

Chen Xiang still smiled and said, "That's amazing? I'm the prince of Guanglu Temple at any rate, not the little officials."

When Du Qian saw Fang awakened and got on his horse, he turned around and said, "Why did Lu Zhen die?"

Chen Sang said in amazement, "Didn't he get drunk to death? Could it be him?"

Du Qian shook his head: "It's not him, but it has something to do with him."

"Lu Zhen has clashed with him many times, which made him lose the importance of his majesty. Otherwise, can Lu Zhen's son really not be able to do the official position given to him?"

Du Qian walked slowly in the big market, looking at the prosperous ones, his eyes solemnly said: "The emperor has no bounds...to work hard, Lu Zhen has lost the trust of his majesty~www.wuxiaspot.com~He is depressed..."


There was a commotion behind him, Du Qian turned around and saw the light of a knife flash.

After the knife fell, Shen Yang walked over and stepped on the man who fell on the ground and screamed, "What are you doing sneakily with us?"

He just used the back of the knife, otherwise the man would have lost a leg now.

Fang Xing was sure that he was not following him, so he remembered Jin Yiwei’s current situation and leaned over on horseback and said, "It should be someone above you. This matter should not be underestimated. You will get him out for interrogation immediately, and you will report the result as soon as possible. Your Majesty, remember..."

Fang Xing stared at Shenyang and said, "Don't tell others, you can do this yourself."

Shenyang was horrified, and Fang Xing whispered: "Don't worry, your majesty has moved Jin Yiwei's mind long ago."

Shen Yang nodded, and immediately his entourage followed, and he ordered: "Bring to our place."

Fang Xing nodded, then arched his hands at Du Qian over there and drove his horse away, but the direction was to enter the city.

Du Qian bowed his hands awkwardly. From a standpoint, he and Fang Xing should be in the same group, but there has been a distance between the two. Zhu Zhanji did not see this, and did not let them make a relationship. Fan's mind.

"That person is Jin Yiwei's Shenyang. Is this being followed by someone?"

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