Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Vol 4 Chapter 1879: Isn’t it okay for that uncle to protect his shortcomings?

Jin Yiwei has two commanders, and among them, Zhao Mian is the most valued by Saihazhi, and can almost be half of Jin Yiwei's home.

This is also Saihazhi looking for a retreat for himself.

After retreating from the position of Jinyiwei commander, there will naturally be no rights in the future, so how to protect their own interests?

Zhao Mian entered Saihazhi's sight, and after repeated recommendations by him, Zhao Mian was promoted.

And Zhao Mian is also an acquaintance report, and he will go to Saihazhi to report on big and small things, and he does not have the right to do so, and he will be proud of Linglai.

In front of Zhao Mian, Saihazhi would naturally not look like a sleeper, and he was in good spirits.

"...Shenyang and Xing He Bo are relatively close, my lord, Xing He Bo has enough influence on Your Majesty, the subordinates are worried about..."

Zhao Mian's appearance is quite good. If he sits upright, he looks heroic and cool, which makes people think that this person can do great things.

Saihazhi shook his head and said: "Jin Yiwei is the key point. Non-Your Majesty’s cronies cannot control it. The official will probably not last for a year here, but Shenyang’s face and teeth will not be successful. Think about it, before your Majesty, Jin Yiwei commanded It's so fierce, a mouth is a black hole, this... can your majesty be in a good mood?"

Zhao Mian thought about it, so he got up and quit.

Saihazhi continued to doze, but before he waited dimly, someone knocked on the door again.

"grown ups."

Saihazhi opened his eyes in an instant, and there was a flash of light in his eyes, where there was still an old look.

"Come in."

As soon as Zhao Mian came in, Sai Hazhi saw his look a little flustered, and shouted, "What happened?"

Zhao Mian even forgot to close the door, and whispered: "My lord, Xiaguan... Xiaguan sent someone to stare at Shenyang and was held by him."

Saihazhi relaxed as soon as he heard it, and frowned, "Be careful next time."

He can settle this matter with a word.

"Let Shenyang come here."

Saihazhi was prepared to protect his shortcomings. He didn't believe that Shenyang dared to rebel against his own will, otherwise the accusation of disrespectful officials would be suppressed, and no matter what the stalking was, he would be covered up.

Zhao Mian bowed and went out with a grateful look.

Saihazhi closed his eyes again, thinking in his heart whether he should wait for the emperor's decree to give his government, or take the initiative.

There was a knock on the door, and Sai Hazhi's face instantly became more majestic, and said faintly: "Come in."

The door opened, but there was no sound of an adult. Saihazhi didn't open his eyes, but said coldly: "Are you feeling that Jinyiwei can't fit you?"

"Jin Yiwei really can't hold me."

Sai Hazhi suddenly opened his eyes with this voice, and then stood up and said, "Xinghe Bo is a rare visitor, I don't know it, I'm neglecting it."

Fang Xing sat down on his own, then tapped his fingers and asked, "Where is tea? This is not the way of hospitality."

Saihazhi said solemnly: "Go and make tea."

Someone outside the door responded, and Sai Hazhi hated him: idiot! I didn't even know the announcement just now.

"Master Sai looks good!"

Saihazhi nodded and smiled: "Xinghebo praised it."

Then Fang Xing began to chat, from Saihazhi's descendants to fight for the spirit, and then to Jin Yiwei being organized under his jurisdiction.


In Shenyang's office, there were screams from time to time in the wing, which made Zhao Mian who had just entered, his eyelids jumped.

"Shenyang, Master Sai is recruiting you."

Shenyang was standing in the middle of the courtyard, and said, "Master Zhao, please wait a moment, and the question will come out right away. At that time, the official will report the matter to Master Sai."


"Say, who told you to follow us, my lord?"

Zhao Mian's expression was cold, and he said, "Master Sai's greeting...Are you not going to listen?"

The scar on Shenyang's right cheek twitched. He stared at Zhao Mian and said, "Master Zhao, the skill of sticking incense."


Behind Zhao Mian were more than a dozen Captains, he said with a cold face: "Say it again, go right away!"

The people behind him held the handle of the knife in their right hand and stomped their feet together, with a bit of momentum.

Shenyang's complexion gradually changed, becoming savage, "Master Zhao, this person... do you want it?"

"I said...ah...it's Master Zhao, it's Master Zhao..."

Shenyang smiled slightly, and said, "Master Zhao...Which Master Zhao?"

In the wing, I couldn't hear what was said here, but they cooperated with another scream, and then the man shouted: "Zhao Mian, it's Zhao Mian..."

Zhao Mian took a step back and said coldly: "You are dying!"

Shenyang gave a haha, and gradually gathered a lot of people around him, he said: "Master Zhao, you have to avoid this matter and stay with me!"

Shen Yang entered the wing, and then the people under his command blocked outside, all eyes were green, and they seemed to be ready to fight.

Zhao Mian knew that Shenyang was going in to confirm, and then he was going to draw a confession. He nodded, glanced at the people blocking the door, and said, "Okay! The method of trapping is good. Let's wait for Master Sai to call the shots. Let's go!"


"Master Sai, this painting is not bad! How about lending it to Fang to watch it for a few days?"

At Saihazhi, Fang Xing was talking gossip slowly, but Saihazhi had been responsive from the beginning, but now he just hum haha, wishing Fang Xing hurry to get out.

This person is here to support Shenyang!

With a faint smile on Saihazhi's face, he caught a glimpse of Fang Xing's smile and sneered in his heart and said, "Uncle Xinghe, do you want to eat here?"

"Okay! Fang hasn't eaten Jin Yiwei's food yet, and he has lived up to his reputation as a glutton! Just try it today."

Saihazhi was dumbfounded, what he said just now was a dazzling order to chase away the guests, but Fang Xing actually climbed up along the pole.

When someone knocked on the door outside, Saihazhi sank in his heart and said, "I'll talk about it later."

But the people outside the door couldn't wait any longer and opened the door recklessly.

"get out!"

Sai Hazhi didn't expect Zhao Mian to be so ignorant, so he pointed to the door and shouted.

How can this matter be said in front of Fang Xing's face, isn't this a practical handle?

But Zhao Mian said palely: "My lord, Shenyang has entered the palace."

"Xing He Bo!"

Saihazhi stood up, glaring at Fang Xing and said, "Can you manage my Jinyiwei business?"

Fang Xing dragged him here~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and Shenyang dared to take Zhao Mian's confession into the palace. This was clearly a premeditated action.

Fang Xing was still sitting, and said lightly: "Master Sai wants to protect his shortcomings?"

Sai Hazhi stared at him and said, "Couldn't it work?"

Fang Xing nodded and stood up and said, "That uncle also protects a short, is there a problem?"

The two were looking at each other, Sai Hazhi's eyes became more angry, but Fang Xing was cold.

Zhao Mian at the side knew that he was afraid that it was going to be over. He leaned against the door and murmured: "That's a trap."

Fang Xing sneered and said, "Construction? Ben Bo was there at the time!"

Behind him came the sound of a human body sliding on the ground. Fang Xing shook his head. He felt that if these officials and fans had acted as Jinyiwei commanders, it would be a curse or a blessing for Daming and Zhu Zhanji.

If someone else said this, Saihazhi would only tidy up him with a big ear scraper, but when he saw Fang Xing who was smiling, he could only whisper in a low voice: "Xing He Bo, you are trying to protect Shenyang. Take it down?"

Fang Xing arched his hands and said: "Nothing, Ben came to see Jin Yiwei today. Lord Sai is hospitable, but Ben has something important, and he can only fail the kindness of Lord Sai, and we will meet again another day and say goodbye. NS."

Sai Hazhi's eyes have a lot of color, pointing to Zhao Mian and said: "How about him?"

Fang Xing shook his head and said, "Shenyang was born and died outside the Great Wall, how can he compare?"

Saihazhi's eyes darkened, and he nodded, "Xinghe Bo is going well, the official will not give it away."

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