Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Vol 4 Chapter 1880: Get promoted on a rocket (thanks to "Fart," for being a book...

"My lord... my lord!"

Fang Xinggang turned around, and Zhao Mian crawled over and knelt in front of Saihazhi and said: "My lord, Shenyang's whereabouts are secretive. The official is just sending someone to follow to see if he has any intentions of rebellion. Loyal, sir..."

Fang Xing turned around to look at Sai Hazhi, and said helplessly: "Master Sai, don't use these reasons to bluff people, okay? Could it be that there is another **** storm inside Jinyiwei."

In the case of Ji Gang at that time, Zhu Di directly cleaned Jin Yiwei, and all the commanders were taken down, and the commander and the town caretaker were not spared. Thousands of households were taken down by seven people, and the high-level officials were almost wiped out.

If it were to happen again, Fang Xing felt that Jin Yiwei's organization could almost be cancelled.

Saihazhi said nonchalantly: "Xing He Bo slow down."

Zhao Mian waited for Fang to wake up and then whispered in a low voice: "My lord, the lower official found that Shenyang had been staring at a married woman, and asked someone to check the woman's husband-in-law..."

Sai Hazhi coldly said: "This officer has praised you several times in front of your majesty, but what are you anxious? Tell me, what are you anxious? Do you know why Fang Xing wants to come?"

Zhao Mian said blankly: "My lord, Xing He Bo and Shenyang have made a good relationship. He must have come to support Shenyang."

Saihazhi shook his head, and after tidying up his clothes, he and Zhao Mian passed by with no expression on his face.

"grown ups!"

Zhao Mian hugged Saihazhi's thigh, raised his head and begged: "My lord, Shenyang is indeed a secret whereabouts!"

Saihazhi pointed to the hand holding his thigh. After Zhao Mian released it, he left the room and walked out without looking back.

"You have committed your own sins and cannot live!"


"Your Majesty, the ministers are not strict..."

Saihazhi knelt on the ground and said dumbly: "The minister is guilty, please beg the bones..."

Zhao Mian sent people to follow Shenyang, at most, it was a struggle between colleagues, private use of public equipment, and a serious accusation of profit-making, at most it was dismissal.

But Sai Hazhi knew that Zhu Zhanji had long ago planned to reorganize Jin Yiwei, Zhao Mian's matter was an introduction, which would allow Zhu Zhanji to complete this plan.

Originally, Shenyang's qualifications were not enough, Zhu Zhanji probably wanted him to spend a few years, and then slowly rise up.

However, it seems that Zhao Mian's move is the help of Shenyang's promotion. This idiot...

Zhu Zhanji looked at him coldly, and said: "Internal dumping, this is a waste!"

"The minister is guilty."

Saihazhi didn't make any excuses, but bowed his head to plead guilty.

This is the smartest approach and the safest choice.

The young emperor was ambitious, and the lifeless Jin Yiwei obviously did not meet his requirements.

Zhu Zhanji rubbed his handrails, his eyes changed several times, and finally said: "Zhao Mian's heart is not righteous, and he went to his position."

This meant that Sai Hazhi would not be held accountable, so he hurriedly thanked him.

Zhu Zhanji said playfully: "Shenyang has been running outside the Great Wall for many years, and the scars on his body are probably the same as Jin Yiwei, right?"

"Yes, the minister is dull, and it is useless to the country."

Saihazhi thought of the scar on Shenyang's face and the missing front tooth, and felt sad.

Although the Jin Yiwei who is outside must be born and die for Daming, the domestic Jin Yiwei is also working hard!

Is it true that only Jin Yiwei who goes to detective in the enemy country serves the country?

Zhu Zhanji didn't like to analyze the thoughts of his subordinates, but Zhu Di told him that this was the emperor's necessary homework, otherwise one day he would die without a place to bury him.

He could roughly know what Saihazhi was thinking, but Zhu Zhanji was not prepared to change his plan.

"No matter how much guilt can be concealed by merit, Shenyang will take over...Jin Yiwei Commander and Co-Knowledge."

This is a simple promotion, a rocket promotion.

Just when Saihazhi didn't know whether he should be fortunate to temporarily keep the position of Jinyiwei commander, or bemoan that he had been used as a shield for Shenyang by the emperor, Shenyang had found Fang Xing.

"Promoted? Congratulations."

The command and knowledge, the next step is the command and envoy.

"Don't learn Jigang, and don't learn Saihazhi."

Fang Xing worried that Shenyang would learn Ji Gang's harshness, so he was afraid that he would not end well in the future.

Shen Yang bowed, and when he raised his head again, his eyes were red and his voice was hoarse and said: "Uncle, he just got promoted, he knows he's not moving, but... but I think about Yan Hui, I can't bear it for a moment. ."

The hostility that erupted from Shenyang made Fang Xing a little surprised. He frowned and said: "You can't move at the moment. If you move, you just hit your majesty in the face. Yanhui...Since you never forget her, why don't you get her out? "

Shen Yang's eyes were dim, and he whispered: "I owed her back then. I want to give her the best and the most beautiful, otherwise I will have no face to appear in front of her."

Fang Xing sighed and said helplessly: "If she still likes you, even if you appear in front of her poorly, she will..."

Shen Yang's eyes lit up, and Fang awakened immediately and dispelled his'innocent thoughts'.

"She will also help you some money."

Fang Xing got up and said, "Well, men should set up a career, otherwise women will look down on you. But you need to calm down now and wait for your promotion to subside, and when you gradually take over Jin Yiwei's power, that will be your beauty. When we go to marry her."

The feelings between men and women are hard to tell, impulsive? Still recalling, Fang Xing bet Shenyang could not tell.

Stay away when you are down and come back when you are beautiful. This is the dream of countless men.

But most people have never had a glorious scene after they fell down.

And the beautiful man never thinks of the girl who used to be!

But Shenyang's actions proved that he was not impulsive, let alone memories.

"He sneaked into Qian Liang's house many times, hiding from the side every time, secretly looking at the woman. Sometimes the woman didn't come out, he just waited until it got dark."

This is the news that Fang Xing learned from Zhao Mian, and it should be very accurate, because Zhao Mian has become a dog in the water.

"Uncle, I beg you to help dismiss the official. The dismissal only wants to stay in the Jinyiwei. He will definitely help Master Shen~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Saihazhi closed the door to Zhao Mian, and he is not qualified yet. Seeing the emperor defend himself, he could only watch Shenyang lead someone to hand over the affairs in his hands and was helpless.

Losing rights is painful, but Fang Xing has never seen anyone who loses rights is more sad than his parents.

Zhao Mian is like that.

Fang Xing is his last hope and straw. He believes that as long as Fang Xing enters the palace, he can stay in Jinyiwei, and then slowly make a comeback.

"You have been staring at Shenyang for a long time, is it interesting?"

Fang Xing didn’t like seeing people kneeling down and begging for mercy. He raised his hand, and when Zhao Mian got up, he confessed: “I will give you two choices. Years down... a lot of money."

Jin Yiwei, even the dormant Jin Yiwei, these people are not short of money. The people below will always find a way to fish for oil and water, and filial piety to Shangguan is an unspoken rule, an unspoken rule that no one doubts.

"Being a rich man, or staying in Jinyiwei to be a captain, which one do you choose?"

Fang Xing's words were cruel, and directly broke Zhao Mian's last hope and burned the last straw.

He still wanted to argue, but Fang Xing only needed a few words to make him resign.

"Your money is not clean, it's not the filial piety of the business, it's the extortion, and even the half-door money that sells skin and meat. I want to ask, don't you blush with that money?"

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