Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Vol 4 Chapter 1887: Gloomy Emperor

Zhu Zhanji suddenly came to Fang's house and made Fang Xingqiang, who was taking a nap, resisted the urge to swear, and got up. Then he washed his face with well water and cheered up to see him.

Zhang Shuhui didn't take a nap, she helped Fang Xing organize her clothes, and said worriedly: "Husband, could it be yesterday? Your majesty is going to deal with it..."

Fang Xing shook his head and yawned: "It's ok to be honest, he won't be angry. I guess there is something going on. I'll come here."

But Zhang Shuhui was still worried and regretted yesterday's domineering.

When he arrived in the front yard, Fang Jay Lun was with his face flushed by Zhu Zhanji, who was in plain clothes, pointing to the two big dogs and bragging, only to describe the big and small worms as snarling dogs.

But the two dogs didn't recognize the emperor. If it weren't for being pulled by the collars of the family, Zhu Zhanji would be bitten.

When the two big dogs saw Fang woke up, they whimpered aggrievedly. Fang Xing bowed and saluted, and then smiled: "Your Majesty, is this here to relax?"

Zhu Zhanji looked at the two big dogs enviously and said: "Dogs are also raised in the palace, but they are used for inspections outside. Wanwan that dog runs around in the palace all day, but refuses to come to the palace. "

Is this a complaint?

Seeing his gloomy expression, Fang Xing took him to Zhuangshang to relax.

The field after harvest looked flat, and several cows were scattered in the field, looking for food by themselves, with a moo from time to time.

In this laid-back environment, Zhu Zhanji said: "Most of the court officials in the central government are deep in the city, thinking this is the ministerial body, but I think this is conservative."

"The body is upright and the heart is upright, why should we be conservative? That's why I look at Yu Qian and feel cordial. However, I know that there can be no more such courtiers, otherwise it will probably cause a disturbance."

Zhu Zhanji smiled: "I just rewarded Yang Rong for a picture."

"Old Cheng seeks the country."

Seeing Fang Xing without asking, Zhu Zhanji said it by himself, which was quite meaningful.

Fang Xing looked at the guards around him and said, "I said you should leave now, otherwise the people in the village will be frightened."

Zhu Zhanji looked at the children who looked at him curiously from the periphery, and smiled: "Is this how frightened?"

Fang Xing said helplessly: "Well, I admit that you have good wrists right now. This time, you have buried a nail in the Bachelor of Auxiliary Political Affairs, so you don't have to worry about them getting together in the future."

The allusion of two peaches killing three scholars is common in ancient and modern times, and Zhu Zhanji only used a single word to successfully create a barrier within the bachelor of auxiliary politics.

Fang Xing didn't know if he should be happy or if his back should be cold. He knew that Yang Rong and those people knew Zhu Zhanji's intentions, but there was no room for evasion.

Zhu Zhanji looked at the empty fields with interest all the way, as if there were some treasures there, and when he looked back, he whispered: "I was crying, I feel sour in my heart."

Fang Xing was taken aback, and then said in relief: "It's the same with parents. When worry-free cries, my heart trembles. I just want to make her laugh right away."

"You are spoiling!"

Zhu Zhanji frowned.

"I like it, besides, it's said that all of them are rooted in the empress dowager in the palace. What is this?"

Fang Xing immediately countered.

Zhu Zhanji smiled and said: "The mother and queen are lonely in the palace. After these two children come out, somehow the palace will be more angry."

"My child, at least until they get acquainted... it's your business. There are still three mischiefs waiting to be served in my own house."

Zhang Shuhui has been brazen about the queen's affairs, and Fang Xing won't be able to say anything more here, otherwise it would be overwhelming.

"Brother Dehua."

Zhu Zhanji suddenly said this long-lost name, Fang Xing stared, then looked around, and whispered: "Don't hurt me! I'm afraid of death, there are wives and children waiting to be raised at home!"

Zhu Zhanji smiled and said: "I know what you think. You asked Li Ermao to borrow money, but you want him to be independent from then on. You let Ma Su dormant, and this is also the consideration. As for the students of the academy, you did not let them Escorted all the way and didn't explain anything. You are still evading, what are you evading? Are you worried that I will be jealous?"

Fang Xing’s eyes became hot, and he turned his head away and mumbled: "What are you saying about this! I just...I'm just being conscious, so you won’t be troubled. It’s best for you to stay calm for a long time, otherwise my daughter-in-law yesterday) I went to make trouble in the palace, I had already smoked her when I came back."

"But even though I didn't get it, I scolded her when I came back. She knew she was wrong, and I would let her go into the palace and go to the empress to plead guilty."


Zhu Zhanji couldn't help laughing, and then asked: "Can you start?"

Fang Xing couldn't help but smile, and said, "No, it's okay to argue between husband and wife, and you can do it. The nature is different. Besides, how much hatred do you have to do?"

Seeing the emperor in a gloomy mood, Jia Quan exchanged colors with Shen Shitou, and then said to Fang Jaylun who was following: "Old housekeeper, that... some bittern pork."

Seeing Fang Xing and the emperor talking and laughing at Yan Yan, Fang Jielun's mood improved a lot, so he said, "Let's turn around and let me get you a few pounds."

"How many catties?"

Shen Shitou was probably not allowed to drink at home, so he pointed to the guards around him and said: "My old housekeeper! How many people do you look at? How many catties? Does each person share a bit of meat?"

Fang Jaylun said contemptuously: "With so many people, does the Fang family have to kill a hog right away?"


Shen Shitou happily said: "Some more good wine."

After turning around to send Zhu Zhanji away, Fang Jielun asked Fang Xing for instructions, and Fang Xing directly asked to kill two pigs, and then said that Zhu Zhanji arranged it.

The two fat pigs were marinated in the evening, and the smell of stewed pork was wafting throughout the house. All the gluttonous foods were found out, and people suddenly appeared outside the kitchen.

The kitchen was steaming, and when Hua Niang heard the movement outside, she asked people to pour a basin of water outside.


The knife at the head was immediately struck, he yelled, and then lay on the ground yelling that he was injured.

Hua Niang walked to the door, looked at the knife and shouted: "Is this looking for death?"

Xiaodao saw that she was carrying the machete for cutting bones in her hand, and immediately turned over, and then smiled: "It's okay, it's okay to take a shower, Hua Niang, give me a taste first!"


Hua Niang brandished a machete and said, "Today's dinner is half an hour late. If you can't wait, I will go home and make it myself."

This group of families left dingy, Hua Niang went in contentedly. As soon as she entered, she found that a few large pieces of stewed pork were missing, and her curse rang loudly.

"I learned how to tune the tiger away from the mountain!"

After Fang Xing learned about this at dinner, he asked Xin Laoqi to double practice his family tomorrow morning.


When I got up early in the morning, the fields were foggy and looked like a fairyland.

The air was filled with the sweet scent of harvesting crops, Fang Xing stood outside the gate, watching the figures of the family looming in the mist.

Huang Zhong also ran back, full of heat, panting and saying, "Uncle, take a comfortable trip!"

Fang Xing moved his feet and said, "It's comfortable, but today I want to see the power of those Yushi!"

Zhang Shuhui is making a noise in the palace, and those historians will definitely vie for impeachment, but Fang Xing is not worried about this.

"I'm afraid those people will attack the palace."

Huang Zhong moved his body on the spot, and said with a chuckle: "Uncle, don't underestimate your Majesty."

Fang Xing nodded, "Yes! He is slowly maturing now. Yang Rong is in front of him. Xia Yuanji and others are also secretly supporting. Only then has a balance of power been maintained. Every time an opportunity to break the balance appears, those No one will let it go ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Yesterday afternoon, the memorials were already full of Zhu Zhanji's desk. He didn't read a copy of it, and it was directly sealed up.

Early this morning, the memorial was still the same, rushing into the palace like one after another.

Zhu Zhanji treated the political affairs as if he hadn't seen it.

"Your Majesty, the minister has played!"

When a Yushi outside the hall came in, Zhu Zhanji's eyes flashed brightly and asked, "What do you want to say?"

Liu Guan gave a dry cough, the Yushi still refused to go back to work, and said loudly: "Your Majesty, the minister heard that Mrs. Xinghe had a disturbance in the palace yesterday, but returned without guilt. This is..."

Li Ermao also came today, and he quietly went out of the class and said: "That's your majesty's housework."

Yu Shi was startled, and shouted: "How is the palace and foreign ministers in the same family?"

Li Ermao lowered his eyebrows and said pleasingly: "The empress and Mrs. Xinghe have a good relationship. Besides, can outsiders take the beak in the palace? Where are the eyes?"

Yu Shi's eyes shrank, and he was about to refute, but when he saw everyone bowing to the throne, he quickly turned around, and then saw a gloomy emperor.

Zhu Zhan base station in front of the throne, said coldly: "There is something in the palace, it doesn't take long for the news to spread everywhere, and the more it spreads, the more outrageous! Long tongue woman!"

Yushi's face was pale, and he knelt down and said, "Your Majesty, the minister thought..."

"Fork out!"

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