Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Vol 4 Chapter 1888: Yan Yan Yu Fei

Chapter 1888

Women's Day, I wish female book friends a happy holiday!


Yu Shi was framed out of the main hall by two guards, and Zhu Zhanji's cold voice came from behind.

"When you are an official, you must pay more attention to the people's livelihood, instead of just staring at me all day, wishing to find the fault in my hair, and then if you get the treasure, this class should be a matchmaker!"

Li Ermao retreated all the way to the outside of the hall and stood there honestly.

To put this simpler today is to spray Zhang Shuhui's rudeness, domineering and arrogant, naturally the spearhead is pointed at Fang Xing.

Except for the imperial history of the two swords, everyone is very cautious.

The battle for the middle palace is not simple. Hu Shanxiang kept his duty and didn't give anyone the handle to attack. And Sun Guifei...

Concubine Sun Gui and the emperor are childhood sweethearts, everyone knows this.

But Zhu Di put in a bar, hit the mandarin duck directly, and got Hu Shanxiang to be the grandson concubine, which broke Sun's dream in one fell swoop.

However, Zhu Zhanji is also considered to be sentimental and righteous. After he became the throne, he set a precedent, so that the noble concubine Sun not only has a book, but also a treasure. This is the treatment of the deputy queen.

Disputes have always been caused by desire. Zhu Zhanji personally gave Cebao, which gave the Sun family a chance to covet the throne of the queen.

So Zhang Shuhui was making a big fuss in the palace yesterday, and the insiders knew that the problem was probably between the two women in the harem.

Those who know don't move, those who don't know move in disorder.

So Zhu Zhanji suppressed those impeachment memorials, and none of the important ministers expressed their opinions.

Both children are still in the mother's womb, and they don't know whether they are male or female.

Moreover, Hu Shanxiang is not at fault. It is too early to stand in line at this time!


"The queen knew about the existence of the Sun family, so she was cautious. She even had a low self-esteem. She always felt that she was involved in the affairs between the emperor and the Sun family, so she became even more silent."

The empress dowager’s eyebrows became more melancholy, and the woman sitting at the bottom was also a little depressed, saying: "Manny, the old lady got Sun into the palace with one hand. I wanted you to have multiple helpers... now that Uncle Xing He stared at the palace, rebellious!"

The words didn’t fit well, but the Queen Mother understood. She sneered: “When my palace was suffering in the palace, she was just a child in her early ten years old. What kind of helper? What can I help? It is also true. Later, when God did not make beauty, Emperor Wen re-selected people. This is God’s will. God’s will is so, everyone should be safer."

The woman is the queen dowager’s sister-in-law, so she doesn’t speak too much taboo. She laughed and said: "Manny, the old lady has always regretted that matter. Your Majesty has a deep and righteous affection for Sun Guifei. ..."

"shut up!"

The Queen Mother shouted in a low voice: "You can't worry about the affairs of the palace. Go back and tell your family to avoid these things, otherwise you won't even be able to keep the title of Pengcheng Count!"

The woman got up and retired in a serene manner. The queen mother watched her go out coldly, and then said exhaustedly: "From the dragon to the dragon, everyone wants to reach the sky in one step and get something for nothing..."


"Someone wants to book you to be her child's teacher."

Zhang Fu said this reluctantly, and as a messenger, he felt a little helpless. He doesn't have to spread the word, and that person can't help him, but after all, he and Fang Xing are grasshoppers on the same rope.

"This is to actively relax the relationship."

Huang Zhong felt a bit of toothache, and said, "This posture is very low, and it's just a test. Don't you know the identity of Lord Guo?"

Zhang Fu nodded, "It's enough for everyone to know this and other things in their hearts, and there is no room for change when they say it. Smart people won't do it like this."

Fang Xing's eyebrows gradually frowned in contemplation.

"I won't be her son's teacher."

Facing this olive branch, Fang Xing chose to refuse.

"Regardless of whether the queen is born to a male or female, I will not stand on Sun's side."

Fang Xing's attitude did not exceed Zhang Fu's expectations, nor did it exceed that person's expectations, so the matter gradually fell silent.

However, Shenyang's visit to Fangjiazhuang every three to five drew the attention of many people and made Fang Xing unbearable.

"I said that your dignified Jin Yiwei commander knows that you are the best candidate for the next commander. You are not afraid of your majesty's suspicion when you run to my house every day?"

Shen Yang squatted in the corner of the front yard, staring at Yan Hui standing outside the pavilion, and said nonchalantly: "The more magnanimous, the less trouble it is. To deceive, collusion behind is the king's taboo."

This is a man who has come back alive from the death line, who has not yet had a deep understanding of power.

"Someone is peeking!"

Staying in the pavilion to teach those girls is a way of taking the initiative to avoid suspicion-your daughter didn't steal the man!

At the beginning, those servants would look at them a few more times when they passed by. After being scolded a few times, they could basically keep their eyes open.

And the word peeking seemed to be wretched, and the women in the pavilion became angry.

Yan Hui turned around slowly, and saw the face that hurriedly avoided.

Scary face!

Four eyes met, then silently, then...


Fang Xing kicked Shenyang's ass, then turned back.

Shenyang rushed out staggeringly, then stood up straight, looking left and right at a loss.

Dalai led the women's army to rush over, feeling the weird atmosphere between Shenyang and Yanhui, waved their hands, and the group went back to continue the class.

"...Yanyan Yu Fei, I miss Chi Qiyu."

"The son is home, and sent to the wild."

Listening to the chanting from the pavilion, Shen Yang slowly walked up to Yan Hui.


Shen Yang didn't know what to say. He had fantasized about meeting Yan Hui again for countless times, and also fantasized about the first words he said countless times.

But by this time, those fantasies disappeared without a trace, and he was as nervous as a child seeing his husband, forgetting everything.


Fang Xing appeared holding Wuyou, just behind him. Seeing Shen Yang's hands and feet bound, he couldn't help but want to kick again.

Yan Hui looked at him blankly, and suddenly said: "You have been, you have been, I know, you have been."

Tears suddenly fell, and Shen Yang nodded in a panic: "Yes, I have been there, I just watched you secretly from the side, I'm afraid...I'm afraid of myself..."

"But you just watched me suffering alone."

Yan Hui stared at Shenyang, not afraid of the scar on his face, nor cared about the black hole in his mouth after he opened his mouth.

Shenyang said in frustration: "I...I'm afraid you won't...I'm afraid you won't."

At this time, the voice in the pavilion suddenly became louder, and more than a dozen girls were chanting together, their voices were crisp.

"Swallows and swallows are in flight, but they are missing from the pond. The son is home, sent far away in the wild, looking forward to Fuji, tears like rain..."

In this crisp sound of reading, Yan Hui suddenly burst into tears and choked up: "You were so cruel back then, even if you took me out of the confinement, but you..."

Yan Hui turned around abruptly, Shenyang stood still, regretting his heart gnawing away~www.wuxiaspot.com~Oh! The woman is different from what we thought. Go chase her and get her home early so that my family can save some food. "

Shenyang moved forward slowly and gradually accelerated under his feet.

"Yanyanyufei, Jiezhiyingzhi. His son is Guigui, far away from Jiangzhi. Looking forward to Fuji, standing still to weep..."

The ancient book of poems makes people dream about that era and that scene in their minds, one-off, one-off, and ecstasy.

Wuyou put her arms around Fang Xing's neck, and asked curiously: "Father, they quarreled?"


Fang Xing's eyes rolled, and he said, "Yes, after a quarrel, you see that the woman has suffered a lot, and she cried all the way back, so worry-free should learn a little bit better, and she won't be bullied in the future."

"Husband...If Wuyou becomes a great one, who will you look for in the future?"

Zhang Shuhui also likes to watch this kind of long-awaited reunion drama, so she quietly followed. After hearing Fang Xingjiao Wuyou's words, she couldn't help but feel deeply that she can't teach her daughter when she is a father. Otherwise, in the eyes of her daughter, most men are Badass.

Fang Xing turned around holding Wuyou, and said plausibly: "If a woman is not good, then a man will have an inch. I am afraid that you will regret it more than me!"

Zhang Shuhui grabbed worry-free and said as she walked: "Don't listen to your dad's nonsense, we have to learn needle and thread, learn the rules, then we will keep the rules, and we won't listen to those who are not. If anyone breaks the rules , Then we will..."

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