Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Vol 4 Chapter 1894: Devil's treatment in the village

Zhu Gaoxu who had a goal sharpened his knife, and the long knife sharpened by him could almost be used as a mirror.

When he saw the coastline, Zhu Gaoxu stood on the deck with his guards, took a binoculars, and said angrily: "Fang Xing, it's just a village, where are the culprits?"

Fang Xing shook his head, and said, "Let the boat move over and say that it is Ben Bo who is here, so that those people don't need to be afraid."

A small boat left the fleet and leaned forward. Zhu Gaoxu pointed to the left and right and said: "If you want to surround them, you should go around from the side and attack from behind them. Unless they can become marine fish, a Can't run away."

"Those are the people."

After the boat passed, Wang He staggered ashore, but saw that there was only a strong man left in the village, and the man was ready to run.

"It's Xing Hebo here. Call someone back soon."

The man had just ran more than ten steps, and slowly turned around when he heard the words, the bow and arrow in his hand also remained halfway, and he said vigilantly: "Xing He Bo? The one last time?"

Wang He rubbed his somewhat annoyed chest, and said angrily: "Our house is here, what to hide? If you want to play with you, come directly from behind, who can run?"

The man looked at the big ship on the sea and felt that this was reasonable, so he approached slowly. He wanted to wait for the big ship to be identified after it drew ashore.

Wang He scolded: "They are all people with no vision. Our family can often see your Majesty. Just like you, have you seen the prefect?"

The man stared intently at the large ship slowly lowering the people on the sea, and then slowly, a military ship slowly approached.

There was one person standing on the bow, no, two, but the man stared at the man in the blue shirt. As for the armored general next to him, he ignored him.

As the distance drew closer, the man suddenly rubbed his eyes, and said happily, "It's the uncle here! It's the uncle here!"

Wang He watched him turn around and ran back, walking happily, and said angrily: "It's really a countryman who has never seen the world, our family..."

As the warship drew ashore, Zhu Gaoxu was the first to land, his body shook, and he asked, "Where is the thief?"

He was not reconciled. He felt that this place should be a base for pirates. He could look around, and apart from the few boats in the water, there was no more ship that could serve as a looting vessel.

When Fang Xing went ashore for the second time, Wang He stepped forward and said what had just happened.

"These people are timid, and now they are here, just to comfort them, so that they can live in peace in the future."

"This king is here to express comfort?"

Zhu Gaoxu pointed to himself, the star-eyed boss, and said: "This king can only kill people, and won't be comforted."

Wang He didn't dare to provoke him, so he flashed to Fang Xing's side.

Fang Xing said calmly: "I'm just an uncle, not enough. Your Royal Highness, you are a prince, these people must be convinced."

Zhu Gaoxu asked suspiciously: "The bigger the official, the more people who believe what he said?"

Fang Xing nodded and said in praise: "It's just like that. Your Highness's words here are more effective than I said."

Zhu Gaoxu was a little overjoyed, but when he thought about it, he questioned: "Can anyone believe that the king is going to lie to people?"

"Yes, there must be, it's just a shame to be exposed."

Fang Xing had already seen a group of people coming from a distance.

This group of people are carrying burdens, some are driving chickens and ducks, some are holding children, and some even carrying tablets... It looks like they are moving.

When the old man saw Fang Wake up, he loosened his grandson's hand, and then knelt down and said, "I have seen my uncle, dare to ask my uncle, are you here to wait for me this time?"

"I have seen my uncle."

In an instant, he knelt on the ground in front of him, Fang Xing called people up, but no one moved.

These people are all scared, even if Fang Xing last time was amiable and promised that they would not come and move them back, but they were still worried.

Chao Lingxi changed people to death!

Fang Xing had no choice but to say: "This uncle came to Xuanwei South China Sea. By the way, I want to come and see you. Everyone, look at this uncle next to him. This is His Royal Highness."

What rice?

The dozens of people all looked up at Zhu Gaoxu with an impatient look, and then authority came into play.

"I have seen His Royal Highness Han Wang."

This is a feudal king! It's more useful than what uncle.

So Zhu Gaoxu was at a loss as to how these villagers enthusiastically welcomed him.

"His Royal Highness, there are many years of aging in the little house, please go and taste it."

"Your Majesty, there is a daughter in the youngest home that no one in the village can match. If your Royal Highness doesn't dislike it... I'll let the little girl... give your Royal Highness a warm quilt tonight."

"His Royal Highness..."

Fang Xing found that Zhu Gaoxu was very unnatural. Facing the enthusiasm of these villagers, he actually...he was at a loss.

Especially the woman who wanted to sell her daughter, she boldly took Zhu Gaoxu's arm as thin as her thigh, and wanted to pull him home.

Zhu Gaoxu turned stiffly and turned to Fang Xing for help. Wang He's fat face trembled and said, "Uncle Xinghe, your Royal Highness can't! It's a scandal when this happened."

The dignified Uncle Daming was actually taken home by a woman in a village outside of Hua, and then left a seed and passed it out...really, Zhu Gaoxu really doesn't need to see people in the future.

Fang Xing coughed dryly, and the woman immediately let go of Zhu Gaoxu, and then said anxiously: "Uncle, the girl is guilty."

This group of people is the most realistic, but they travel across oceans just to stay away from the exploits of the officials in their hometown and continue to thrive here.

These are all people who dared to fight for survival, but when the government re-arrived, they changed into a humble look, sincere and fearful, just like ants in the mud.

Those eyes that shone with fear were either clear or turbid, but they were humble. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

"Okay, Your Royal Highness likes to drink. If you have some local wine, I will get some."

Fang Xing's words were all overjoyed, Zhu Gaoxu was able to get out of trouble, and the people used the most dangerous and stupid way to test out Fang Xing and others' intentions.

At least not malicious!

This is good news, so the old man yelled immediately, and then two big men hurriedly went back to look for wine.

Then came the warm hospitality. These villagers took out the best food in their homes and poured them out.

There is no big pot, more than ten small pots—this is the only one in the village, and most of them are broken, and many traces of repair can be seen.

The steaming scene made people feel comfortable. Fang Xing ordered people to take a lot of food and meat from the boat, which was regarded as a meeting ceremony.

"Where is Cao Qi?"

Fang Xing asked suddenly after drinking a few cups with the old people in the village.

The old man's complexion changed slightly, and Gu left and right said to him: "Uncle, Cao Qi... Isn't he dead?"

Fang Xing smiled and said, "Really?"

Old Xin said in a deep voice, "Master, it was the little one who personally let Cao Qi go that day."

Fang Xing raised his glass, and the old man said embarrassedly: "Uncle, the younger one is getting older and his memory is not good, Cao Qi...Who knows where Cao Qi is?"

A man who drank too much said, "Isn't Cao Qi in the upper reaches? He gave us a lot of vegetables last time!"

The old man pointed to the upper reaches, and the other side woke up and said, "Uncle, there are many places where people can live in the upper reaches, but the best place to turn back is."

Fang Xing, the cunning of these petty citizens, didn't care. He said, "Go personally and tell Cao Qi that Ben Bo is here."

The old man was a little surprised by Fang Xing's ruthless face, so he got up and knelt down to plead guilty.

"Don't do your business, get up."

Fang Xing was a little annoyed that he had been treated by a devil entering the village, but he couldn't reach the level of angering others.

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