Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Vol 4 Chapter 1895: Kill you for nothing

The life of a pirate is very exciting, but also very difficult. Cao Qi thought that he would eventually die in a plunder without long eyes, and then the carcass would become food for fish in the sea.

So after being let off by Xin Laoqi last time, he took some of his men who were still willing to follow him to find a place to settle down.

Building houses, reclaiming wasteland, fishing...

Cao Qi gradually found the feeling of life in his hometown, which he was obsessed with.

He would sit on the ridge on the way to work, then look into the distance, quietly thinking of his hometown, thinking of the grain chief who was killed by himself.

The grain leader was very greedy, and he would use his hands and feet to harvest about 10% more every time.

Cao Qi's father pointed out Liang Chang's hands and feet in public, and then Liang Chang suddenly realized that he was wrong.

Then... only two days later, Cao Qi's father was ‘offending’.

Then, his father died unclearly. But no one expected that Cao Qihui, who was calm and sad at the time, would bury his father...

It was half a year later, and Cao Qi had been living honestly for half a year...

"Brother Seven, someone is looking for."

Cao Qi turned around and saw that a villager from the lower village was led by his subordinates.

"But there are thieves?"

Cao Qi felt that the desire to kill hidden in his heart was ignited again, his eyes were a little red, his fists clenched, and he stared at the person and asked.

The visitor said with joy: "Seventh brother, it's Xinghe Bo, who is here, looking for you to talk to."

"Xing He Bo?"

Cao Qi's heart was up and down, suppressing the panic of his subordinates, and then followed the people to walk downstream.

After seeing the huge ship parked on the sea, Cao Qi put down his worry and went all the way.

"I have seen Xing He Bo."

He was kneeling and saluting, Fang Xing pointed to Zhu Gaoxu next to him and said, "This is His Royal Highness Han Wang."

Cao Qi was shocked and hurriedly turned around and kowtowed.

Zhu Gaoxu was impatient with this, so he asked, "Fang Xing, what are you looking for for him?"

Fang Xing beckoned Cao Qi to get up, and then asked, "Is anyone harassing here?"

Cao Qi said respectfully: "Uncle, there are...some savages here."


Fang Xing said, "Those can be soothed."

The so-called savages are the tribes in the mountains. Those tribes are the kings of the mountains. If it is clear and suppressed, Fang Xing guesses it will be the same as guerrilla warfare, and the gain will not be worth the loss.

Zhu Gaoxu was disappointed when he heard it, and stared at Cao Qi and asked, "Are there still culprits?"

Cao Qi's legs trembled a little, and he smiled and said: "His Royal Highness, yes, when the Japanese pirates were rampant, Xiaoliuqiu was bullied by them. Later, when Da Ming wiped out the country, many people sneaked out. It was just the coastal Da Ming navy. Checking it tightly, they went all the way to Xiaoliuqiu..."

He was nervous when Fang Xing heard it, but Zhu Gaoxu suddenly got up and shouted: "Bring this king's armor to the team, let's kill the enemy!"

Fang Xing covered his forehead and said: "His Royal Highness, the soldiers are dispatched at this time, the sergeant hasn't rested well!"

"Bing is expensive and fast..."

Zhu Gaoxu thought for a while, feeling that he was a little sluggish because of the boat, and said annoyed: "No matter, first figure out where the Japanese pirates are, and the scout will go right away."

The military's orders cannot be discounted. Even if the scouts are still a little uncomfortable, they still checked the weapons and horses and went to ask for dry food.

Cao Qi looked a little envious of the equipment of those scouts. If he had these things back then, how many brothers would have died!

"You go lead the way."

Zhu Gaoxu couldn't help but regarded Cao Qi as his subordinate, "You don't need to fight hard, quietly check the places where the Japanese people are treated, and then you will get a reward when you come back."

Once involved in the battlefield, Zhu Gaoxu will become methodical.

Cao Qi nodded. He knew that this was an opportunity. As long as the matter was done, even if he returned to the Central Plains in the future, those people would not be able to use him.

However, he still has the idea of ​​meritorious service, so he asked for instructions: "His Royal Highness, some brothers who used to be young, are now upstream, and they are all men who dare to fight."

Zhu Gaoxu's eyes were cold, and he said, "If it is during the war between the two countries, you are the way to die if you wait, go!"

Cao Qi was frightened in a cold sweat, and after he got together with Fang Wuhui, he asked in a low voice: "My lord, is there any taboo for being a little one?"

Fang Wuzhi pointed to an empty horse next to him, and Cao Qi nodded and said, "The younger one can ride a horse. He snatched those boats before, and later got a few horses..."

When his poor posture was discovered, the scout burst into laughter.

Fang Wu mounted his horse and turned around and said, "Go!"

After waiting out of the village, Fang Wu explained: ‘The army is at war. You are a small group of forces staring at the side, and the origin is unknown. What is it that you are not looking for death? ’

The scout on the left stared at Cao Qi's neck maliciously, and he smiled: "The army is dispatched, but it doesn't matter what you are. As long as there is a threat, you can kill first. Even your Majesty can only say kill if he knows. Good!"

Seeing that Cao Qi was so frightened, Fang Wu cursed the scout, and then said: "As long as the Japanese pirates can be solved, you are your own, so it's up to you now."

Cao Qi nodded vigorously, whether it was for himself or his brothers, he had to fight.

After the scouts set off, Fang Xing and others settled down near the village. If outsiders saw the dense tents, they would be scared to pee.

One night later, Zhu Gaoxu got out of the tent cursingly. He really couldn't stand the humid climate here, and he felt slimy.

So early in the morning, Zhu Gaoxu took people to find the stream to take a bath, and Fang awoke and ate breakfast slowly.

After the children in the village got the food and meat from the fleet yesterday, they were not too afraid of them, so they ran in twos and threes to see it.

Seeing a lot of sergeants squatting for breakfast, listening to the snoring sound, some of those children biting their fingers and drooling, some licking their lips, they were greedy.

There is no breakfast in this kind of place, and two meals a day are guaranteed.

Fang Xingting got up and shouted, "Tell the cook to make noodles for the children. Eat as much as you can, don't let it die."

The children were not happy when they heard that, but turned around and ran, Fang Xing shouted: "If you run again, you will tell the adults to fight~www.wuxiaspot.com~ for three days without coming to bed."

Those children are like hares hitting arrows. When they stop suddenly, the boys and girls are full of joy, while the girls are mostly timid.

Fang Xing saw a girl about the same size as Wuyou. Her face was dirty, and her clothes could cover her body. She had a pair of straw sandals under her feet, and she had a few scars on her toes, which were swarthy.


Fang Xing waved at the girl: "Come here, sister."

The girl reflexively hid behind. Wang He watched the excitement on the side and shouted: "This is Uncle Xinghe. I like children the most. Come here and have some sweets."

At this time, a woman came over with a wooden basin, which was filled with clothes made up for crew members. When she saw it, she took the girl over.

The girl looked at Fang Xing timidly. Before she had time to escape, Fang Xing touched her somewhat tangled hair, and then shouted: "Old Qi, give these babies candy."

Xin Laoqi was behind, and when he heard the sound, he took a lot of candy from the baggage he was carrying, and held it to the front with both hands.

Fang Xing frowned as soon as she saw it, "Take them all!"

Another family member went to fetch the baggage, Fang Xing opened it, and waved: "Come on, everyone has one."

Those kids didn't dare to ask for it. Somehow they would wake up to eat a bowl of noodles. But if they didn't know what it was, they would be smoked by adults when they went home.

Don't mess with those people!

These are the words of the adults in the village.

Fang Xing took a candy and opened his mouth to the little girl. After she opened her mouth in a daze, Fang Xing stuffed sugar into her mouth, and then smiled: "Sweet things will grow sugar cane here in the future, and you will often eat them."

The little girl's mouth moved, and then her eyes lit up.

Fang Xing smiled and touched the top of her head, and said to Wang He: "Give the village some cloth and... leave some medicinal materials for them."

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