Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Vol 4 Chapter 1896: Raid Japanese pirates

Cao Qi returned quickly with the scouts, Fang Wu drew a simple map, and Zhu Gaoxu immediately led the people out.

"go together."

Fang Xing was worried that Zhu Gaoxu was too impatient and made a mistake at that time, so he summoned Wu Yue's ministry.

"This king can kill them all with a hundred people!"

Zhu Gaoxu couldn't wait, but Fang Xing looked at the map and explained.

"The Japanese people here are very courageous, probably because they think we will not return to Xiaoliuqiu, so they dare to live in the plains."

Cao Qi said from the side: "Uncle, those Japanese people are not good at farming, they hunt all day long, and they go to the small villages to blackmail food, and sometimes they rob women."

Fang Xing furiously said, "Why don't you gather to protect yourself?"

Cao Qi said down his head: "Uncle, everyone is not in the same place. No one wants to gather together. They are all afraid of... They are all afraid of being taken advantage of by others, and afraid of being swallowed by others."

At this time, most people in Fujian were smuggling into the sea, and most of them were people from a village. When they reached the land, regardless of other things, they first went to the locals and joined them when they found them.

This is the township party!

Since you dare to go to sea, you must dare to desperate, so the annexation of weak things happens from time to time, just like the big pirates in the future, which is not a home that is gradually developed by annexation.

Fang Xing was depressed and wanted to hit someone, and cursed: "Everyone knows about Baotuan, but you are stupid! Fang Kong, who only has copper coins in his heart, is stupid! Stupid!"

Zhu Gaoxu said murderously: "If this is the case, then kill them all!"

"Those Japanese pirates have more than 500 people, with knives and bows, three horses and five cows."

Fang Wu clicked in the middle of the map, and Zhu Gaoxu thought for a while, then said: "Enclose all sides, Wu Yuebu encircles, and then put one side, this king leads someone to kill!"

"You are the biggest, you have the final say."

This is not the best plan, but with Wu Yue's ministry, Zhu Gaoxu's desire to kill for a while can't be concealed. Fang Xing felt that it was harmless, so he agreed.


Give an order. Everyone in the village ran out. The old man greeted him and asked, "Uncle, the army is going back?"

Fang Xing looked at the mist in the distance, then refused to put on the armor, and said, "We went to clean up the gang of Japanese pirates, and we will probably be back when we look back."

The old man was startled, then turned around happily, "The officers and soldiers are going to fight against the Japanese pirates!"

The villagers went crazy when they heard it, and the children ran up to the side of the team one after another, shouting.

"Those Gou Ri have today! Kill them all!"

"But those Japanese pirates are powerful, can the officers and soldiers win?"

Fang Xing went up to the horse and joined Zhu Gaoxu. Hearing this, he felt that it was necessary to give these bright people some confidence, and said, "Let the brothers sing."

The villagers had seen the bravery of the Japanese pirates, so they watched the team set off with anxiety.

"Qiyue Wuyi...sing!"

"Qi said Wuyi, the same robe with the son, Master Wang Yuxing, repair my spear, and share the same hatred with the son..."

The singing gradually became vigorous, and the sergeants moved forward with their guns on their shoulders.

"Qi said Wuyi, and Zi Ze, Master Wang Yuxing, repair my spear, and work with Zi..."

The murderous air radiated from the long line. The people couldn't help standing upright, and the children stopped chasing. They tilted their heads and looked at the sergeants, feeling envy in their hearts.

When the team disappeared from sight, a child suddenly shouted: "Father, I will also go to fight against Japanese pirates when I grow up!"

The villagers were silent. The concept of a good man not serving as a soldier was formed in the former Song Dynasty.

In their impression, Daming's soldiers were not much better.

A woman sniffed, slapped her child who was all in the mud, and said, "But the soldiers under Uncle's look good!"

"When a soldier is a soldier, all descendants are soldiers."

The old man sighed and said: "And we didn't follow our feet, and no one took it when we went. Let's get some firewood. If the army wipes out the Japanese pirates, let's get a better life in the future and go."


After traveling all the way east to the afternoon, after seeing the scout returning, Zhu Gaoxu ordered to rest on the spot.

Fang Wu swept over with his scout, jumped off his horse and said, "His Royal Highness, the Japanese pirate is preparing to cook, and there are no police posts around."

Zhu Gaoxu fixedly looked into the distance, the horse whip in his hand was rubbed with his big hands, and the edges were all fluffed.

"His Royal Highness, should you just use your food and then make a surprise attack?"

Wang He asked casually. Zhu Gaoxu glanced back at him. The gleaming eyes made Wang He shudder. Then he smiled and said, "Your Majesty, the slave and maid just said, just said."

"When the Lord is thinking about things, I will disturb..."

The whip in Zhu Gaoxu's hand swung over Wang He's head, and with a snap, Wang He's body was half short in fright.

"If it weren't for Fang Xing's face, you would have taken the whip today!"

Zhu Gaoxu's brow furrowed tightly, he put his horse whip in his hand again, and said decisively: "Raid immediately!"

Give an order, and the sergeants sitting on the ground all got up and stood under the command of their respective small banner officers.

Zhu Gaoxu pointed to the front and said: "Three-way double-teaming, the king will come in front of you, remember not to disturb the enemy, go quickly!"

These battles were really trivial to Wu Yue's department. After decomposing the task, the three troops set off.

Zhu Gaoxu brought his own guards, Fang Xing's family members, and scouts, adding up to more than a hundred rides. After the estimated group of people arrived, Zhu Gaoxu nodded and went out as a pioneer.

The setting sun hangs on the horizon, and you can see the smoke rising straight from the distance. This is supposed to be a picture of a farmhouse, which makes people feel comfortable. ,

The sound of drawing a knife was right beside him, Fang Xing touched the steel plate on his chest~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and also took out the knife.

Zhu Gaoxu turned around on horseback and shouted: "Assault!"

Everyone began to beat horses and gradually accelerated.

This battle will be fought first from here!

The sound of horseshoes gradually became denser, and someone from the distant village came out to look around, then turned around and yelled in panic.


Zhu Gaoxu is an excellent cavalry commander. Following his orders, a frontal formation with him as an arrow quickly took shape.

Fang Xing was on the left behind him, and he saw hundreds of people gathered in the village after jumping around. When those people saw the cavalry rushing, they didn't hesitate to get some wood to reject the horse.

The distance between the two sides kept getting closer. When they could see each other's looks, Zhu Gaoxu's horse leaped slightly, swung the long knife in his hand, and knocked an unbelievable Japanese pirate to the ground.

Those Japanese pirates wore rags, and most of them had Japanese swords in their hands. Seeing Zhu Gaoxu's ferocity, two of them stepped forward, rushed to Zhu Gaoxu's horse, and jumped into the air. In the strange cry, the two Japanese swords alternately chopped and fell. .

Fang Xing had just crossed the obstacle behind him, before he could help, he saw Zhu Gaoxu slashing with a long knife.

After two clanging clangs, Zhu Gaoxu drove his horse forward and chopped left and right with a long knife.

As soon as the two Japanese pirates who were cut off by Zhu Gaoxu's sword fell on the ground, they felt cold on their necks, and then Qi Qi saw that Zhu Gaoxu's angle was constantly changing.

Before the head fell, Zhu Gaoxu roared: "Kill the enemy! Kill the enemy!"

He was like a tiger breaking into the flock of sheep, and rushed straight into the enemy flock, slashing with a long knife.

Fang Xing followed closely, and a widow on the right slashed like lightning, and Fang Xing subconsciously swung the knife to block.


Before he had time to look at the gap in his Japanese sword, the Japanese pirate was chased by Xin Laoqi who slashed in from the top of his head with one sword.

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