Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Vol 4 Chapter 1897: Qing Suppression (Thanks to 3 Hua’s 2 times leader for rewards)

Five Japanese pirates, two riding horses and three riding bulls, howled and rushed towards Zhu Gaoxu.

Zhu Gaoxu had already smashed the enemy line, sneered when he saw it, and shouted: "Don't come!"

Fang Xing knew that he wanted to vent his killing intent, so he checked the battlefield.

At this moment, the Japanese pirates had been dispersed by the cavalry, and the bravery just now disappeared. They all shouted and fled to the front and left and right.

No one dares to look back!

Under the chasing of the cavalry, Fang Xing couldn't help but see those Japanese pirates who would rather run fast against their companions, and no one dared to look back.

After he took this look, Zhu Gaoxu in front of him was already solving his last opponent.

He is skilled with swordsmanship, fierce and skillful.

The four people in front had already "fallen the horse and the bull." The last Japanese pirate riding a bull was scared to pee and wanted to turn the bull to escape.

But the arable cow was mostly unwilling, and even rushed up straight.

The Japanese pirate on the cow's back was already short, and his legs were not tight on the thick cow's back. His body was like a boat in the wind and waves bumping from side to side.


The Japanese pirate shouted desperately and slashed at Zhu Gaoxu indiscriminately.


Zhu Gaoxu yelled violently, stood up from his horse, and slashed his head with a long knife like lightning.

The war horse and the cattle rushed across, and the Japanese pirate behind him was pale, his body shook, and then his left shoulder fell off.

"Don't make up for it!"

Zhu Gaoxu came back murderously, and said unfinishedly: "Follow this king to pursue!"

Chasing a fart!

Fang Xing shook his head, the ambushes in all three directions came out, and the Japanese pirates weren't enough for a few rounds of gunfire.

Zhu Gaoxu was obviously not reconciled. He actually took the guards and rushed forward, Fang Xing shouted: "Your Highness, Musketeer won't recognize people."

"Made! Shit muskets, how can it be a slashing slash!"

When Zhu Gaoxu saw the three-sided ambush and began to encircle, he stayed angrily.

The armored sergeant walked silently, the heavy footsteps came slowly, and the Japanese pirates looked at each other. They gradually slowed down the speed of escape. Looking back, the Ming army's cavalry did not pursue it.

Anyone who is wise should know that if the Ming cavalry did not pursue it, it means that the infantry surrounded on three sides was more terrifying than the cavalry.

The pawns were fully armored, especially the visors on their faces, which looked like monsters. Their footsteps are steady and they keep the array neat, which shows that they are all well-trained veterans.

"It's under the command of that demon god!"

A scream came from among the Japanese pirates, and then everyone stayed in place.

That Demon God, it is said that the Demon God who achieved the position of the Great Demon King by killing in the Wa Kingdom, he...

Rumor has it that the Jingguan piled up higher than the mountain, and the blood gathered into a river, and finally lifted into the sky, obscuring the sky of the country of Japan.

Bloody sky!


A Japanese pirate abandoned the knife, then knelt on the ground, crying helplessly.

The second, the third...

It is rumored that the demon **** never softened his opponents who dared to resist. He would eat his opponent's heart on the spot, and then bake his opponent's limbs.

Most of them were kneeling on the ground, some people were singing, their voices were sad.

"Uncle, the song is saying that I miss my mother in the country, and I want to take the rice back and let my mother have a good meal...Then the son took a knife and killed the enemy for his benefactor, and he would not change until he died. "

In the scout, there was a Japanese speaker who translated it to Fang Xing. They were already approaching behind these Japanese pirates at this moment. They only need to swing a knife, and these people will be like crops in the ground, easily harvested by them.

Fang Xing said blankly, "They don't have a mother, they are all beasts!"


At this time, a Japanese pirate suddenly knelt down at Fang Xing's side, shouting like crazy.

Zhu Gaoxu was not interested in this. He dismounted and moved his hands and feet. He just felt that the fight just now was not full of fun at all.

"Fang Xing, what is he shouting? Kill him!"

Zhu Gaoxu shouted irritably, and then took the guards to the village.

"Uncle, the man called the Lord Demon God for his life, he is willing to dedicate his loyalty, and fight to the death for the Demon God at any time..."

"He also said...There is a beautiful sister in his family. Only if he can survive, he will go back to the country of Japan and dedicate her sister to the demon god..."

Fang Xing raised his hand and stopped the scout's translation.

The sergeants squeezed from three sides, their steps neatly, and the eyes in the visor holes were indifferent, as if they were all pigs and dogs in front of them.

Three of the remaining Japanese pirates were standing, kicking and beating their companions and yelling. They were probably the leaders, so the Japanese pirates who were kneeling on the ground did not dare to resist, but bowed their heads.



The footsteps ceased together, and then there was a suppressed silence.

Wu Yue looked at the three Japanese pirate leaders who wanted to retreat, and shouted, "Raise the gun!"

The first row of muskets was raised and aimed.

The Japanese pirates here have never seen the power of a musket, but after seeing this power, they desperately want to hide behind their companions. The body was distorted to the extreme, looking like weird worms.

The three leaders looked at each other and wanted to escape, but they could only flee towards Fang Xing when surrounded by three sides.

That's the devil!

The samurai who came out of the Wa country talked about the demon gods with pale faces and trembling bodies.

Those are real samurai!

There was even an official, but when they talked about the devil, the look of horror was still fresh in the memory.

——Either run or surrender when you meet the devil.

Run to understand, but surrender...

——May be sent to the mine, but at any rate I can live longer!

One of the three suddenly abandoned the knife and then raised his hands. Just when he opened his mouth to beg for mercy, Wu Yue on the opposite side shouted: "Volley!"

"Boom boom boom boom!"


"It's good to grow sugarcane here. If Duke Dingguo is here, he will definitely take prisoners."

Because it is too late ~www.wuxiaspot.com~, Zhu Gaoxu and Fang Xing decided to camp here tonight.

Before dinner, the sky was full of clouds, and the air was bloody, mixed with cooking smoke, which made people frown strangely.

"Xu Jingchang?"

Zhu Gaoxu was rubbing his feet again, with a look of entanglement and enjoyment.

"He's just an egg, a useless egg! If it wasn't for his father who did such a big thing back then, his father would have deposed him a long time ago."

Xu Zengshou was kind to Zhu Di, and he was kind to Zhu Di's family, so Zhu Gaoxu never went to trouble the Xu family.

Fang Xing rubbed his butt, and moved a little to the side, avoiding the smell of Zhu Gaoxu's rotten feet.


Zhu Gaoxu rubbed into the gap between his feet, and the expression on his face looked like a mess of sourness at that time.

"Where shall we go to kill the enemy next?"

The price of sourness is the hot pain, Zhu Gaoxu nonchalantly put on the socks whose bottom had turned into armor.

This is the one who came out to kill. Except for killing, he is only interested in drinking.

Fang Xing felt that his feet were also itchy. He bent his toes vigorously and said, "Go back and see what Zheng He means."

"Look at it!"

Zhu Gaoxu put on his boots and stomped his feet vigorously. Feeling comfortable, he cursed: "He is just my domestic slave. If you dare to talk with this king, you will kill him!"

Fang Xing frowned and said, "We are the chicks at sea, and Zheng He is the eagle. If you don’t listen to him, can we just come around indiscriminately? Then it will be guilt when you go back. Don’t think of any fiefdom anymore. Shout forbidden sea, we are sinners."

Zhu Gaoxu's face was distorted, and he cursed: "What **** eagle, this king can shoot him down with one arrow, bah!"

Yes, this person is depressed, but Fang Xing is relieved that since Zhu Gaoxu has not refuted and stubbornly, Zheng He has escaped.

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