Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Vol 4 Chapter 1902: The gradually changing Ming

His Royal Highness the Prince of Daming actually killed a fierce dragon with his own hands. After the news spread, the lord rushed outside the camp within an hour and saw Zhu Gaoxu.

Zhu Gaoxu was tossed by the military doctor miserably, but after the toss, his right foot actually got better.

The country owner came in a sedan chair, was intercepted outside the camp, and walked inside.

When he entered the room filled with the smell of medicine, the country master greeted him skillfully.

"Isn't it an explanation day? Hmm!"

Zhu Gaoxu is not a second fool. He felt provoked when he saw the Lord appearing.

The lord said in a panic that he was unwell, and Zhu Gaoxu shouted: "Is unwell? What is the sedan chair outside?"

Fang Xing pretended to persuade: "His Royal Highness, look at the pale face of the country lord, most of them are physically ill. Since the two countries have good relations, forget it."

Zhu Gaoxu said something dissatisfied again, and Fang Xing took over the right to speak. He smiled and said: "Siam has been eyeing your country. Fortunately, Daming has been stable recently. This has deterred those people, but... But it takes a lot of time for Daming's fleet to go back and forth. Lord, your country wants to trade. Or protection?"

After listening to the interpreter, the host smiled and said: "Shangguo is kind, Xiao Wang just hates that he can't go to Daming for a long time, so that he can see Tianyan sooner or later."

Fang Xing nodded and smiled kindly: "Your country's messenger should see the country's lord, right?"

The lord nodded. He already knew that Daming had changed two emperors in two years, so he thought that there would be a fight inside Daming, which was a bit lighter.

As a result, after the news of Zhu Gaoxu's relatives arrived, especially Fang Xing, the great demon god, came, making him almost split.

He may not be aware of Fang Xing's distinguished past, and after some words from the mayor, he could no longer sit still.

——That is a demon!

Fang Xing was still dizzy. He rubbed his eyebrows and felt that it did not seem to be a symptom of seasickness. Then he said: "The goods we brought this time are all on board. In exchange for gold and silver."

The host smiled bitterly: "Uncle Xinghe, I don't have much gold and silver in my country!"

"Then use tin."

There are tin mines in Mantra, and it is in the hands of the country's lord.

The lord hesitated, and said: "Xin, this is the money of the country, Xinghe Bo..."

"Change as much as possible."

The country lord's expression was gloomy, and then he asked, "Uncle Xinghe, where are those incense?"

Manlajia is rich in several kinds of incense, as well as ebony.

Fang Xing nodded and said, "Yes, but the share must be controlled below 30%."

The lord of the country got up and left in disappointment. Fang Xing sent him out. After returning, Zhu Gaoxu took off his boots in an imageless manner. Seeing him coming in, he asked: "Will it be immortal?"

Fang Xing said angrily: "Then your majesty is a tyrant!"

These small countries are all obedient, and Da Ming needs Man Lajia to stop Siam, no, it's a containment.

"For a great country to rise, blindly toughness is not a long way. Da Ming has intelligent men, an invincible and fearless army, wise kings, and hardworking people. With these, what are we afraid of?"

Zhu Gaoxu said disdainfully: "Simple things are going to cause headaches for people, what is the difference between you and those civil servants?"

Fang Xing took a sip of tea. The water quality was not very good. He frowned and said, "This is not easy. After all, there can be no only Ming people in this world. Therefore, if you want to maintain Ming's authority for a long time, you must do both soft and hard, based on your own national strength. Make a strategy."

"Blindly being tough is a refreshing moment, but it can also lead to spreading notoriety. Maybe this can temporarily suppress overseas, but have you ever thought about it, when there are a group of unwilling people and ambitious people under the rule of Ming Dynasty, that kind of taste can be Feel good?"

"Just kill it!"

Zhu Gaoxu's strategy is to make hard bridges and hard horses.

Fang Xing heard the noisy noise outside, knowing that it was the dragons who had been taken, and got up and said, "The world is beyond your imagination, and among them, there are Da Ming’s friends and Da Ming. The enemy of the United States, what we need is to unite those friends, yes, unite them."

Fang Xing said the justice was awe-inspiring, but Zhu Gaoxu just sneered and said, "How many countries have you destroyed?"

Fang Xing coughed dryly: "Now and then again!"

When he said that he was ready to go out, Zhu Gaoxu said contemptuously behind him: "This king sees you and the civil servants of the nine-turn large intestine are shameless."

Fang Xing didn't turn around and waved his hand, and then left the house.

As soon as I went out, I saw those carriages with huge dragons on them. The horse-drawn carriage came slowly, and the two horse-drawn carriages were a little unsteady.

The dragon's long tail dragged on the ground, leaving a deep trace behind it.

Wang He changed his clothes and came out, and when he saw it, he said with joy: "Uncle Xinghe, how to fix this thing?"

Fang Xing hadn't eaten it either. He entangled a bit, and ordered: "Skin it first and clean the internal organs."

The natives outside the camp couldn't come in, so they curiously watched the Ming army use various knives to dissect the dragon.

The scene was **** and bloody. When the tender red meat was exposed, Fang Xing felt confident and said: "Wash it clean, then cut it into pieces, and eat braised dragon meat in the camp today!"

Unexpected cheering, Wu Yue muttered: "Uncle, this is a dragon, can you eat it? Don't be poisonous or have any retribution?"

Fang Xing turned around and kicked him, scolding, "What kind of shit, what retribution? I'll eat it first when I look back!"

Wu Yue stood still and laughed and said, "Don't be uncle, you will eat first when you are under officials, and eat first when you are under officials."

Fang Xing had a guilty conscience. He had heard of eating crocodile meat in his previous life, but he had never seen it personally and didn't know how to do it.

But it is definitely impossible to be toxic~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Braised in brown sauce! "

A dragon is more than a thousand catties, and when a pile of dragons is untied, the meat is really piled up like a mountain.

Fang Xing saw that Roshan was gone, so he greeted the cook, and then broke down the task.

"Uncle, I am afraid that one person has three or four catties of meat!"

Fang Xing raised his head, squinted at the scorching sun, and said, "The extra is made into jerky."

The supply of the fleet is very troublesome. After exiting from Taiping Port, some food can be supplied along the way, but it is difficult to eat meat, so this dragon meat is an unexpected supplement.

"Zheng He's fleet has reached the sky, right?"

Fang Xing was calculating the time. There was a team of scouts on Zheng He's fleet. They would land on the coastline of Tianfang, and then go deep to find out news from all sides.

"Uncle, we can actually go ashore and take a look."

This is the first time that Fu Xian has taken a fleet out of Xiaoliuqiu, so he is eager to have a chance to make contributions.

Fang Xing shook his head: "The situation over there is complicated. Meat fans, Harley, and the two sheep are all there, plus the cunning Tianfang people, rash intervention may easily lead to accidents."

What Fang Xing worries most is the impulse to trigger the enchanting expansion of meat in advance, which will cause a chain reaction, and the Taixi people will definitely follow the changes.

He hoped that the Taixi people would continue to fight, hit the land to the end, and hit the mountains and rivers to break, so as to make time for Daming to clean up the surrounding area.

The scent of meat gradually began to permeate, and the sergeants and sailors in the camp were sniffing their noses. At this moment, the temptation of the smell of dragons disappeared.


Tianfang, Zheng He took people ashore, and Tianfang people who had been notified long ago rushed to the beach to participate in the commercial gathering that had happened once in a few years.

At this moment, a team of scouts quietly disappeared on the vast coastline under the leadership of Fang Wu.

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