Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Vol 4 Chapter 1903: Messenger of siam

Second sister Shi stood on the ship, looking at the big ships anchored in the port, especially the huge treasure ship in the middle, she couldn't help but proudly said: "Hurry up, let's go to see your Royal Highness and Uncle earlier."

Zheng He's fleet did not stop when passing through the old port, but sent someone to say that there was still news of the fleet. When Shi Jinqing heard that Han Wang He Xing He Bo was the leader, she immediately sent her second sister Shi to meet.

A warship cruising aside dexterously turned around. When it was approaching, the second sister Shi hurriedly identified her identity, and was then taken to the dock to dock.

After entering the big camp, the second sister Shi saw that there were many shelves hanging like clothes in the camp, with pieces of meat hanging in the air. Some people are flipping the pieces of meat from time to time, seeing that the costumes are actually bright people.

"This is dragon meat, it tastes great."

Wang He, who led her in, thought of the braised dragon meat meal that he had eaten last night, and couldn't help but recollect it secretly.

"I have seen your Highness, I have seen my uncle."

The smell of dragon meat still remained in the tent. Zhu Gaoxu nodded, and Fang Xing asked, "How about Sumatra?"

Second Sister Shi respectfully said: "Uncle, Sumatra is so noisy these days, the old Wang's people and the new king are facing each other."

Fang Xing nodded, without the slightest movement: "It happens that you are here, what's the situation here in Man Lajia?"

At present, Daming has only the old port in this sea area, and all accurate sources of information can only rely on them.

"Uncle, it is difficult for Siam and Mantra to coexist. Siam has always wanted to control this strait. Mantra is not able to catch it. If it weren't for the existence of Daming, the two countries have already fought."

"Why not fight?"

Fang Xing's words surprised the second sister Shi. She said, "Uncle, once Siam controls the strait, this sea will be unmatched."

Java is in chaos at this moment, and Siam is a regional power. Once its power expands, it will soon sweep the surrounding area.

Fang Xing smiled, glanced at Zhu Gaoxu, who was already extremely impatient, and said, "Da Ming always wants to call the shots for the weak. As for the old port...the Sumatra civil strife, no owner, Ben Bo is worried that the situation has deteriorated, so I will check it out later. ."

The second sister Shi was overjoyed and said, "Your Royal Highness, Uncle, the next official will go back and make preparations, so that she can lead the way for Master Wang."

lead the way?

Fang Xing was startled and said, "Go, remember not to interfere."

Second Sister Shi went happily, and Zhu Gaoxu said in an annoyed manner: "You can't just win it and it's over, you have to make a plan. In the end, it's not the same."

"His Royal Highness, this is called a famous teacher. If we want to control this side, we need to pay attention to what we eat."

In the previous period of Zhu Di, because the DPRK and China did not support it, it was necessary to use thunderbolt means to deter a small country. Fang Xing only defeated Java in the two wars.

Now Zhu Zhanji is in power, and the threat from the grasslands has been defeated. If you don't plan at this time, when will you have to wait?

"When will you go to that big island?"

What Zhu Gaoxu was thinking about was the big island Fang Xing was talking about, and he wanted to change his fief over there.

Fang Xing said, "If your Royal Highness is eager, how many ships shall I arrange to send you there first?"


Fang Xingben just said casually, but Zhu Gaoxu was as excited as a chicken blood. He got up and said: "Go and go, this king is leaving today, remember to give more dragon meat and good wine."

When Wang He heard that Zhu Gaoxu was going to the big island alone, his legs were almost frightened. He pulled Fang Xing and started spraying.

"Uncle Xinghe, are you crazy? If something happens to your Highness, we will both be unlucky. You are fine, at most you will be exiled, but most of our family is going to be cleaned up. Think about my hard-for-life son! How can he live if he goes home..."

Fang Xing looked at Wang He with tears and snot, and then looked at Zhu Gaoxu, who was instructing people to collect the dragon meat slices, and shouted: "His Royal Highness, there is a lot of meat over there."

Zhu Gaochi looked back and asked: "Are you sure?"

Fang Xing nodded and said seriously: "Yes, a lot of meat."

Zhu Gaoxu was relieved when he heard it, and told people to stop searching for the dragon meat, and then he was ready to set off.

"Your Highness, there are snakes over there."

Fang Xing thought it would be better to remind him, but Zhu Gaoxu said nonchalantly: "I ate snake soup last time and thought it tasted good, so I will get more snake meat jerky when I look back."

This man seemed to be carrying forward the jerky business, Fang Xing reminded: "It is said that there are some strange animals over there. Your Royal Highness can eat them."

As long as Zhu Gaoxu had meat, he immediately greeted his people, and then called Zheng He to stay here specially, walked through the route, said hello and ran away.

Fang Xing didn't care at all, because he gave Zhu Gaoxu the best sailor, and there was a guide. As long as there was no hurricane or something, Zhu Gaoxu would be fine.

"The kangaroo has a sack, and the sack is filled with children..."

Fang Xing hummed a song slowly looking at the meat slices full of the camp. The sun was big and the meat was steaming.

In the afternoon, three boats were intercepted by the seaside pier, and then they found Fang Xing with people.

Seeing that Fang Xing wakes up, he knows the identity of the visitor. He waved his hand and someone came to take away the food that had just been served.

There was only a jug of wine and a wine glass left on the table. The people came to salute and said in fluent Daming language: "I have seen Xing He Bo."

The atmosphere is a bit quiet, everyone knows the identity of the other party, but because of the secret fight between the two countries some time ago, they reacted somewhat.

Fang Xing poured himself a glass of wine, and after taking a sip, he said, "Your country is so embarrassing in Myanmar."

The messenger said with trepidation: "It was just rebellion. Now those rebellious heads have been sent to Daming. The lord of the country is ready to send someone to Daming again to plead guilty and enshrine him ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ as he secretly glanced. Fang Xing glanced at him. Before the messenger who had gone to plead for the crime came back, Daming's two fleets came and both missed Siam. What's the signal?

He was simply waiting to go to sea, and when he got the news, he decisively sent someone to inform the lord of the country, and he went out to sea to find a bright person.


Fang Xing's expression was slightly angry, and the messenger's heart was stunned. He knew the blood and rainy customs wherever he went, so he quickly said: "Uncle Xinghe, the foreign minister brought something this time. This is a gift list. "

He was worried that Fang Xing would refuse, and became furious, and then drove himself out and attacked Siam, so he was humble and just knelt down.

Fang Xing looked calm and said, "Take it over and take a look."

The messenger was overjoyed, and hurriedly passed the gift list to Fang Xing, and then introduced the benefits one by one.

"I won't mention these spices. I also prepared a pair of white elephants and a lot of good wood..."

"No white elephant."

Fang Xing made a mark under the white elephant with his nails and said, "Da Ming can't find anyone to feed the white elephant."

The messenger awakened and said with a smile: "Uncle Xinghe, the foreign minister is ready for an elephant slave."

Why is this person so ignorant?

Fang Xing said indifferently: "Da Ming didn't prepare food like slaves. Your country keeps it."

Ma Dan, even if it is to build a zoo, now is not the time!

The messenger looked at Fang Xing in confusion. In the past, when Siam paid tribute to the white elephant, Da Ming was extremely happy. What's wrong now?

He was thinking about that stupid tentative offensive, and as a result, he was defeated by a counterattack by the Ming army, and then the whole country was thrilled, worried about the Ming army's aggressive attack.

But the Ming army withdrew, as if the previous fight was just an illusion.

This made the Siamese dynasty feel unsure about it, so the envoy set out in a row and went to Peiping to plead with the emperor.

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