Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Vol 4 Chapter 1904: Play set

   Fang Xing looked at the gift list, then smiled, and said: "Come on, put a banquet, Ben wants to invite the messenger to drink."

   The messenger was ignorant, and didn't know why Fang Xing was angry and then happy.

   If you say that you are happy to see the gift list, according to the messenger's understanding, the net worth of the person in front of you is not low, and it is not easy to enjoy.

   Why is this?

   The wine and dishes were brought in like flowing water, and the most was the dragon meat, all kinds of methods, the aroma was tangy.

   "Come, come, Siam and Daming's friends for many years, friends come and have a good drink, sit down!"

   The messenger sat down tremblingly, and when Fang Xing was pouring wine for him, he was almost crazy.

   After three rounds of wine, Fang Xing sighed: "Chaozhong is so tired of overseas nowadays, it consumes too much, so this uncle was sent out."

   The messenger sneered in his heart: You are coaxing ghosts! Who doesn't know that you are a pioneer in opening up overseas.

   The biggest dissatisfaction among civil servants in the Ming Dynasty is the academy, followed by their positive attitude towards the outside world.

   Fang Xing was anxious to drink and drink. When he became drunk, he slammed the table, and then said with red eyes, "This is Daming, and it's all Daming!"

   The messenger is funny in his heart, what to pretend! This is your true shape!

   "We want to go home! Go home!"

   At this time, there was a noise from outside. When the messenger moved in his heart, he raised the wine glass and pretended to drink too much, but his eyes were peeping at Fang Wake from the side of the wine glass.

   "Made, a bunch of beasts!"

   Fang Xing's complexion was pale, and the knuckles of his hand holding the wine glass turned pale.

   The messenger sneered in his heart, and his body shook slightly, as if he was drunk.

   He squinted and watched Fang Xing crept out, then he quietly turned back, walked to the edge of the tent, and opened a little curtain to look out.

   "What are they doing?"

   A group of sergeants were fighting in the camp, and when Fang woke up, they were all picked up and sneaked together.

   "Nothing to do?"

   Fang Xing lowly shouted.

   Those sergeants all retracted timidly, and some of them shouted: "Uncle, I want to ban the sea! We have just come out but with a lot of impeachment, it will be unlucky to go back!"

   "Who said that? Stand up! Get out!"

Fang Xing pulled out a long knife from Xin Laoqi’s waist in a murderous manner. Wang He persuaded: "Xing He Bo, your Majesty will be very tormented if you let us come out. Forget it, let’s go back after a round of inspections. Just give me an explanation."

"get out!"

   Fang Xing pointed to the group of sergeants and shouted, then Xin Laoqi took Jia Ding in, and after kicking and beating for a while, he escorted a sergeant out.

   The sergeant was forced to kneel in front of Fang Xing, begging loudly for mercy.

   Fang Xing looked at the group of sergeants and said: "This time we come out, at least we have to get Java, otherwise, how can Benbo have the face to go back?"

   Wang He stomped on the side and sighed. He tried to step forward several times, but he looked at the long knife in Fang Xing's hand and stopped.

   Fang Xing looked down at the sergeant and sneered, "What should you do for you to ruin our military spirit?"

   As soon as the sergeant raised his head and shouted his uncle for his life, he slashed his long knife.

   Blood arrows splashed, Fang Xing took the sword away, and said with a grin: "Who wants to make trouble?"

   There was no sound, the sergeants shook their heads desperately, and some even choked out.

   Fang Xing threw the knife to Xin Laoqi, and said, "All go back to camp!"

   The messenger saw him turn around and hurriedly returned to his seat. When Fang woke in, he smelled a **** smell.

   "The only way is to set aside the dense blooms and willows. When the wind is violent and rainy, you can stand firm, and you can see it!"

   This is what Fang Xing murmured to himself, and said it tiredly.

   The messenger was finally taken out, and after returning to the tent where he was placed, he immediately called his entourage.

   "How is the morale of the Ming army now?"

  The entourage whispered: "Very bad, someone is yelling in secret."

The messenger chuckled and said: "Go and ask everyone what this means...the only way is the dense blooming and willows. You can stand firm when the wind is violent and rainy, and when you see it, you can ask what it means. ?"

  The delegation came out, and among them were people who were familiar with the etiquette of Ming Dynasty and were first reading poetry and books.

   The entourage returned soon, and he said: "My lord, what this means is that you are entangled, and you are in a bad situation, and you are besieged. Those who say this want to strengthen their confidence."

   The messenger smiled happily, and then ordered: "Go and find out where the person who was hacked to death is."

   While waiting for the entourage to look around pretending to be walking outside the tent, a fire suddenly started outside the camp, and then someone scolded: "Uncle has an order. This person has an unforgivable sin. Throw it into the sea to feed the fish."

   Then the fire outside was extinguished, and with the torch outside the camp gate, several people could be seen dragging a humanoid object to the beach.


   The next morning, the messenger went to the pier to deliver the goods on the delivery certificate.

   After being washed by the waves overnight, there was something more on the shore. Those shellfish were naturally no one cares about, but an unrecognizable corpse that was gnawed away was a bit disgusting.

   Someone from the Ming Army came over and greeted, so a clipper came, and the sailors on the ship hooked the corpse, and then the clipper went to the sea.

   "These are first-class goods, be careful not to get dirty."

The messenger pretended to berate the natives who had unloaded the goods, and then looked to the right, and saw those Ming soldiers on the ship with a sad face, turned around and said to Wang He: "Duke, please ask the foreign ministers after unloading the goods. You have a drink?


   Wang He looked melancholy, waved his hand and said: "No matter, the lord here is here again, our house is not available."

  The messenger looked around and saw a group of people crowding a sedan chair outside the camp gate, and then they were interrogated for a while before they could get in.

   After unloading the goods, Wang He hurriedly said: "The messenger has a lot of things, so we won't stay at home. See you next time in Beijing."

  The messenger said in amazement: "Duke, don't the fleet bring foreign ministers into Beijing?"

   Wang He didn't turn around, he hurried to the camp, and said casually: "Grandpa Zheng will naturally take you there when he returns."

   The messenger sighed, and then said dissatisfied: "Going back to China, let's wait for Grandpa Zheng by the sea."

  Their boat stayed slowly at the pier for a long time, until the lord came out and looked at the humiliated face, and then left the shore.

   In the tent, Fang Xing was high above it, and Wang He sat on the side. Below were the generals and family members of the army.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

  After a burst of laughter in the tent~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Wang He blinked his eyes and said, "The boy thought that our family was in trouble! It was only after the lord of the country went out before he was willing to leave."

   Fang Xing rubbed his eyes and said, "To coax him, I didn't sleep all night last night."

   Wu Yue praised: "Uncle, those sergeants thought it was true last night, and the officials haven't told them until now."

   Fang Xing yawned and said, "I will recite a notoriety first, and I'll talk about it when I get on the boat."

   At this time, someone outside opened the curtain, but it was a knife.

   The knife came in to salute while rubbing his neck, and Fang Xing asked, "Does my neck still hurt?"

   The knife shook his head and said, "Master, it doesn't hurt, but I was shocked last night. The blood bag exploded, was cut a bit, and was green."

   Xin Laoqi took a look and said, "It's okay, it will be fine in a few days."

   Fang Xing smiled and said, "Knowing that you are working hard, I will give you a bottle of wine later."

   "Thank you sir!"

   The sharp appearance of the knife made Wang He laugh and curse: "The little **** is sly, turn around and take care of you."

   Fang Xingxiu smiled, and said, "I hope this scene will not be performed in vain, otherwise Ben will be rude!"

   Wang He said triumphantly: "Xing He Bo, the Lord Manjaga thought we were not satisfied. After we and Gong Gong Gong return to China, it will depend on the Siamese!"

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