Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Vol 4 Chapter 1906: The awkward contact with the Frankish mission

  The desert in the sky is the biggest disguise, but it is also the biggest difficulty.

  Fang Wu didn't go deep, Fang Xing explained that it is not suitable for him to be horrified at present, so he just set up an ambush on the business road.

   It's hard to lurk in the desert. Fortunately, they brought enough water and food, so they dug a pit for a while.

   "Drink less water to moisturize your lips."

  Fang Wu probe went out and shouted, explaining to his subordinates.

  He is in the sandpit right now, with a yellow cloth on top of his head blocking the scorching sun. People feel a little sultry inside, but it is better than the pain of going out to be exposed to the sun.

   Fang Wu took out the kettle and took a sip of water, then let the water slowly moisturize in his mouth.

   He doesn't know how powerful the Meat Fan Country and Taixi are. He only knows that these two big countries are far away from the Ming Dynasty. If the two sides launch an expedition, the food and grass will be a big trouble, unless it is gradually advanced.

  Fang Xing's meaning is a bit obscure. As the guard next to him, even Xin Laoqi doesn't know what Fang Xing thinks about meat fans and Taixi.

   And North Korea and China are even more indifferent to these two countries, only the Ministry of War inquired about some meat fans because of Harleh, that's all.

   North Korea is currently extremely optimistic about Daming’s internal and external situation. According to those people, Daming is now at the strongest time in a thousand years.

   There is no shortage of money and food, foreign enemies have been defeated one by one, and there are very few internal contradictions...

   This is a big era, and only a few people can feel it.

The students of    academy set off full of fighting spirit. Fang Wu was extremely envious. He felt that these people would slowly get up in the future and then become the talents of Daming.

   These students grew up as they watched, slowly turning from ignorant teenagers to adults with subtle smiles...

   There was a bird song, and Fang Wu said lowly: "Idiot, where's the bird from here!"

   There were no birds outside, but a camel team came.

   The camel carried goods on its back and walked steadily. Some of the men who covered their faces rode on camels and some walked.

   fifteen people!

   There are eleven people in the team of Fangwu!

   It is best to talk less when walking in the desert. The more you talk, the more energy and water will be consumed.

   You will be able to reach the beach in another half day, so the atmosphere of the caravan looks good. Fang Wu even saw a person lifted the veil with his binoculars, sipping water, and the water dripping from his chin did not feel distressed.


   Fang Wu shouted, and eleven people suddenly jumped out of the potholes on both sides of the business road.

   The caravan is a little dazed. Although there are sand pirates, it is close to the sea. Who would have thought there would be sand pirates?

   And the faces of these sand thief were dark, they looked like those guys across the sea.

   The sand pirates brandished long knives and screamed, and their teeth were extraordinarily white against the dark skin.

   "It's vicious!"

   Fang Wu approached first, staring at the two businessmen in the lead.


The businessman led by    said a string of things that Fang Wu didn't understand. Fang Wu didn't say a word, and slapped him down with a slap, shouting: "Hullah!"

   He pointed a long knife at the ground, and this silent language made everyone kneel down slowly.


   A string of words rushed out from the middle of these people, and then a man lifted his veil, revealing a face that was somewhat impressed by Fang Wu.


   High nose and deep eyes!

   After this person stood up, he danced with emotions, but he couldn't understand a sentence.

   He looked back at the team's interpreter, but the interpreter shook his head, indicating that this was not a dialect.

   Fang Wu feels a little dizzy. Why is this language unclear?

   At this time, someone inside shouted: "We are the Daming Caravan!"

   Fang Wu's eyes lit up, and then he asked in Da Ming dialect, "Which one? Where did you come from? Where did you go?"

   After this person stood up and lifted the veil, Fang Wu was immediately angry when he saw that he was from the sky.

   "Take him!"

   Dare to pretend to be a Daming person, what is this not looking for death?

   The man said in a panic: "They are missions, they are missions to Daming. If you kill them, believe me, Daming will chase you to the end of the sky!"

   Fang Wu looked at the guy with high nose and deep purpose, frowned and asked, "Which country's mission?"

   "Frank, comes from the great country of Taisi."

   Most of the people on this day lived in Frank, and they were obviously reserved when talking about Frank.

   Fang Wu is a little embarrassed. He didn't understand what he said nonsense just now. Now this...

   At this moment, the man with high nose and deep eyes walked over and leaned over slightly and said a lot.

   translated and translated: "This is Frank's envoy Bastian, who came on behalf of Prince Frank. We have gone through hardships along the way. In the end, only these people were left in the delegation of more than 100 people."


   Fang Wu frowned and looked at the man.

   The man said a lot of joy, speaking very quickly, and the translator thought about it before translating: "The messenger said he wants to go to Daming as soon as possible, and he wants to meet with His Majesty Emperor Daming."

   Fang Wu took a step back and said, "Is there anything to prove his identity?"

   Bastian took out a piece of paper, which was actually parchment.

   Taixi already had paper at this time, but they still used parchment paper for important things.

   There were many curvy texts written on the parchment that Fang Wu couldn’t understand. He looked at the last

Then he nodded and said: "You are very lucky, then... I hope you are telling the truth, otherwise Daming will let you know what the heavenly kingdom is!"


  Shi Jinqing was a little nervous, and ran to the pier in the morning, urging people to clean up.

   "Father, uncle is very kind."

  Second sister Shi came over to help him, watched Zhong Pin directing people to sweep around, and said, "Uncle doesn't like this ostentation. He probably wanted to see our neighbors during this trip."

Shi Jinqing glanced at the left, and said worriedly: "If Sumatra goes to Daming, who will manage it? If the DPRK sends someone to the center, what should we do? Because the father is getting older, his body is getting heavier and heavier, and you will be the master here in the future. .Second sister, do you think about it?"

  Second sister Shi helped him walk to the pier and said with a smile: "Father, don't worry about this. No matter how you change Chaozhong, we are most familiar with it here."

Shi Jinqing patted her hand with satisfaction, showing kindness, and said: "Your brother is a worthless man, and I will see you here. Do it well, and then our family can become a distinguished family here. ."

   "Ship! The ship is coming!"

   Shi Jinqing hurriedly looked sideways, and saw sails appearing on the distant sea~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Then, a ship slowly appeared in sight.

   "We are all standing! Line up!"

   Shi Jinqing happily turned around and ordered, so the people on the dock lined up in two rows according to their status, and then looked at the approaching fleet.

   The fleet slowed down slowly, and when Fang Wake appeared on the bow, Shi Jinqing and his daughter hurriedly greeted them.

   mooring, frame board.

   Fang Xing walked onto the pier, and said, "Master Shi looks in good spirits, it's hard work."

The three exchanged greetings, Fang Xing slowly looked at this brand new pier, and then at the small castle in front of him, and praised: "Yes, there will be a fleet of ships here in the future, which will bring a lot to the old port. For business, Master Shi can prepare early."

  Shi Jinqing laughed and said, "Uncle, Daming, is this going to control the strait?"


   Fang Xing said: "Seal this strait, and the sea from here to Daming is the inner sea. When the time comes, with the outside world, Daming's sea frontier will be as solid as golden water."

   Shi Jinqing said cautiously: "Uncle, then... the next official would like to resign from this official position sooner, so he can go home and recuperate..."

"You think too much."

   Fang Xing calmly said: "Daming won't cross the river to demolish the bridge, so you can do it with ease. As for the future, isn't the second sister Shi doing it now? You are respected, and you have to come and stare at the old port."

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