Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Vol 4 Chapter 1907: Prince of Reversal

   Sumatra guards the strait and is called the center of the South China Sea.

   Since Zheng He's first voyage to the West, this is the focus of his attention, so much so that Shi Jinqing was used to clamp the strait.

   The rain forest is densely covered here, and the sky is blue, making people think that the world should be blue.

   The emerald green mountains undulate, occasionally dotted with lakes and rivers. The river stretches until it flows into the sea, returning to the deep blue.


   The waves hit the reef violently, flying beads splashing jade.

   The waves are not one wave, but three consecutive waves, one wave after another, hitting the coast.

   More than 300 people stood on the beach, listening to the sound of waves hitting the rocks, quietly.

   Most of these people were naked, and the man in the lead wore a bright man's robe. He looked at the dense forest in the distance and gritted his teeth and said, "Does the fishing kid only dare to hide in the dense forest?"

   The man sneered and said, "I killed the old fisherman. The little fisherman was as timid as a mouse, but he actually dared to seek rebellion. Someone was instigating and somebody was accomplices! Go kill them all and set off!"

   A group of people rushed into the dense forest fiercely. Their goal was the top of the mountain, where the old fisherman, or the son of the old country lord of Sumatra, was on it.

   And the man headed here naturally killed the old fisherman and was almost killed by the Ming army. Finally, Fang Xing deliberately let him go for some purpose and let him take over as the son of the former lord of the lord.

   The old fisherman avenged his father, and then his mother fulfilled her promise. Since then, there has been a fisherman’s countryman.

   As the abandoned prince, the man naturally refused to give up, so he looked for an opportunity to kill the old fisherman, and then got the permission of Daming.

   But although the old fisherman has gone, his son is there.

   After fighting on both sides for a long time, in the end the old fisherman’s son, the former prince, was defeated, so he fled to the mountain, prepared to recharge his energy and start all over again.

   But the current lord wants to cut the grass and root out the roots, so today he has assembled the most elite fighters in the country, ready to kill this opponent in one fell swoop, and dominate Sumatra.


   The dense forest is rich in vegetation, pine trees, ebony trees, camphor trees, sandalwood trees... the birds chirping on the trees are crisp and sweet.

  Occasionally, a red-haired orangutan suddenly appeared above the intruders and roared at the intruders, and then disappeared quickly.

   More than three hundred people were murderous along the way, and even the most fierce Sumatran tiger could only avoid it.

When    reached halfway up the mountain, there was a scream in front of him. The lord waved his hand and said triumphantly: "He can't help it anymore, he can't help it! Kill it! Who killed him is rewarded!"

   The reward here is not only wealth, but also women's food, so these small but flexible sergeants rushed up with simple long knives.

   The Lord of the Kingdom slowly climbed up with his hands, like a leisurely mountain climbing. He even stared at a tapir that rarely appeared in the mountains for a moment.

  Tapir was startled by these people, its nose stretched out, then it looked at the lord for a moment, turned around and ran down the mountain.

   It will return to the water, then hide in the water and stretch out its nose to breathe.

   The country lord smiled. He will reach the top of the mountain and judge the rebellion.

   Just over a hundred steps above him, two groups of people are fighting desperately.

  Hate eyes, heavy breathing, sharp screams...

   The number of people on the mountain is smaller, only less than two hundred people, but they are condescending to use bows and arrows to abuse their opponents below.

  The country lord stepped forward to see this scene, and couldn't help but angrily said: "Kill up! Those who are back are killed!"

   So a tall sergeant rushed up on the side of the host. Holding a knife in his right hand and blocking the arrow, he rushed into the enemy group at a very fast speed.

   The long knife was swung, and those archers in a panic could only use the longbow to block it, but it was in vain.

   The archers were in chaos, and the morale of the landlord was greatly boosted, and they rushed up one after another, and the two sides began a melee.

  The people of the country lord are all elites, but the little fisherman prince’s men are miscellaneous.

   It was only a quarter of an hour, and the little fisherman's subordinates were defeated, and he was defeated cleanly.

   The country lord has been watching with his hand, reserved and contented. Upon seeing this, he also drew out his long knife sent by the Ming army and rushed up.

  The lord of a small place, you have to learn to do both soft and hard. Of course, taking the lead is the best way to build power and inspire.

   And there is no possibility of any reversal in a battle of this scale, so the lord ‘fearless’ rushed into the midst of the fleeing enemy army, cutting open the muscles and breaking the bones with a sharp long knife.

   The blood was splashing, and the line of sight was all red.

An enemy slipped and fell to the ground. He struggled to remember, but was stepped on his back by a barefoot. Then a sergeant grabbed his hair with his left hand and pulled it hard to lift his head. .


   The sharp pain of the condyle friction at the back of the neck made the enemy scream, and then the sergeant who stepped on him grinned like a tapir.

   The country lord paused and panted, nodded with satisfaction when he saw this scene, and then shouted: "Kill it! Kill the fisherman!"

   The sergeants cheered, but the enemy army began to flee in embarrassment.

   The country lord followed closely, and he vowed to personally end up with the little fisherman who humiliated him today, in the most cruel way!

   Those who broke out in chaos, most of them scattered to both sides.

   As long as the little fishermen are killed, these people are not enough to prove, and most of them will die on the mountain in the end.

   The Lord sneered contemptuously and saw the front left

An enemy ran into a big tree in a panic and fell to the ground, couldn't help laughing, and then walked over.

   He needs a head to show his martial arts, and with the head of the little fisherman, he can even annex the newly constructed place in Old Port after the Ming people are weakened.

   Thinking of the brand-new port and the castle, the lord knocked down the Venus-eyed enemy that had been hit, and then glanced at the direction of the old port.

   Then he swung his knife!

   The enemy on the ground shook his head. Everything in his line of sight was blurred, but he still saw the light reflected by the long knife.

   He stretched out his hand in despair to grasp and planed on the ground, and accidentally touched an arrow, he grasped it smoothly, and while the long knife fell, he stabbed it from the bottom up.

   The long sword fell, and the arrow also stabbed smoothly from the lower part of the lord.


   There was only one scream, which came from the head of the country.

   The sergeants who were chasing the defeated enemy turned around and glanced at ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and could never forget this picture.

   The Lord of the Kingdom stood there, with a corpse separated at his feet. And the lower part of him seemed to give birth to something, and after he knelt on his knees, and after a pop, the arrow penetrated into his abdomen.

   When people stare, some look cute, such as girls. But staring before dying, it is not aesthetic at all, but it will make people feel horrified.

   The Lord’s subordinates watched this scene blankly, they couldn't believe that the Lord would die in the hands of a stupid tree-hit fool.

   When the fleeing enemy saw no one being pursued, they looked back, and then the ecstasy began to spread.

   At this moment, someone shouted: "The rebel is dead!"

   Yes, both sides regard each other as rebels. Now that the lord is dead, who is the rebel?


   Morale suddenly turned upside down, and the enemy began to counterattack.

   The little fisherman prince waiting to die on the top of the mountain also saw this scene.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

   Along with the wild laugh from the top of the mountain, the lord’s subordinates began to counterattack, and drove down the moraleless opponent.

   The little fisherman slowly descended the mountain, walked to the front of the lord, stretched out his hand to touch his wide-eyed eyes, and couldn't help but scream up to the sky.


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