Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Vol 4 Chapter 1911: This is the strength of Mingren

   Bastian didn't expect Fang Xing to be so direct. He said in amazement: "Yes, we are here to seek the friendship of the great eastern countries."

   Fang Xing frowned and said: "If you want to seek friendship, then I don't care about this matter, supervise the army, you come."

   Fang Xing turned and entered the palace, Wang Hehao smiled, and said in a gloomy way: "What friendship? What kind of friendship did you say when you first met? Who knows if you guys are thinking about getting some benefits from Daming."

Seeing that Bastian woke up, he said dissatisfied: "This is not in accordance with diplomatic etiquette! I heard that Daming is a country of etiquette, but what I saw was not. This disappointed me. I believe the news will go back. The whole Frank All will be disappointed because you rejected our hand extended."

   Wang He said disdainfully: "Don't do this, the civil servants of Daming are more fake than you, so go live first and take you back a bit later."

  Bastien still wanted to argue, but Wang He took out his father-in-law's style and ordered: "Take them in and arrange for them to watch, and they are not allowed to run around."

   "It's not fair!"

   Bastian yelled, and then a few Sabre sergeants walked over and pointed to the palace.


   "They should be messengers."

   Fang wakes up eating roast chicken. The chicken here tastes very good, whether it's fried or roasted.

   Wang He sat opposite him and unceremoniously twisted a chicken leg and bit it.

   Fang Xing drank a sip of the local wine, looked at Bastian and others who were escorted in from a distance, and sneered: "It's just a shabby settlement. Do you dare to compare with Daming?"

   Wang He chewed the chicken and said vaguely: "So you did it on purpose?"


   Fang Xing wiped his hands with a towel, and said: "Tessie is in chaos at the moment, but has always been bred with the seeds of innovation. It only takes an opportunity and they will become wild wolves, so why should I give them face?"

   Wang He thought for a while, and felt that this was wrong, so he said: "When the time comes, they will say in the court that you humiliate foreign envoys. And...huh! They actually use sheepskin without paper?"

   "It's just getting used to it."

  Fang Xing didn't know what Frank was like now, but the Hundred Years War should still be going on, but when the country was about to be destroyed, they still had the intention to send an envoy, which made Fang Xing feel very puzzled.

   The missions who got into the two wooden houses were discussing.

   "Bastien, that prince is really a Ming man? But looking so young, is he a prince? He must be the emperor's favorite."

   A man looked outside the door, and then analyzed Fang Xing’s identity, but Bastian shook his head, disapproving of this analysis.

   "Did you not pay attention just now? The natives are being driven, and the buildings here should be the original ones, which means that they have not occupied this place for long."

   Bastian reservedly said: "What does this show? This shows that they are expanding, and the meat is charming..."

   He stopped talking suddenly, and then pointed out the door.

   No one is guarding the door, but Bastian believes that someone must be staring at them in secret.

   A man quietly touched the door, then looked around abruptly, turned his head and shook his head.

   Bastian felt relieved, and said in a low voice, "Be careful when you speak, and don't let the Mingren hear it."

Everyone nodded heartily, and Bastian said: "The glamorous flesh is in restlessness. Sooner or later the Mingren will feel the pressure, and we, we will become distinguished guests. You may be a little... Thing happened."

   A deep laughter echoed in the room...


   The knife on the roof quietly touched the edge, then turned over and landed on the ground.

   "Master, they don't understand what they are saying."

   Xiaodao frowned and reported his findings to Fang Xing. As a scout, language was the worst enemy, and what Bastian and the others said was nonsense to Xiaodao and couldn't understand it.

   "It's okay, no need to pay attention."

   Fang Xing also had a headache, but Frank's language was understood by no one in the entire Ming Dynasty.

   "How about... tortured?"

   Wang He pointedly swung it down like a knife, and made a vicious suggestion.

   "No need, we will leave here when the people from Old Port arrive."


   Half of the people brought by Shi Jinqing were from Daming, and half were natives who had been devoted to Daming. Everyone was fully armed.

   "Is it so calm?"

   Shi Jinqing reached the palace all the way, Fang Xing received the news that he was already taking people to pack things and was about to leave.

   "A bunch of chickens and dogs."

Fang Xing picked up his long knife casually and said, "My methods are harder, you can relax a little bit, and then stare at them to build the road. In a word, build the road, understand? All the way, I want to pass through Sumatra. path of."

   Shi Jinqing nodded subconsciously and murmured: "The people here used to be fierce and vicious, but now that they are so obedient, the lower officials feel that they can't believe it!"

  The sergeants around were staring at the prisoners carrying things, mostly food and water.

   When a group of natives came out carrying the box, Shi Jinqing couldn't help taking a few more glances with their strenuous steps.

   "This is gold and silver."

   Fang Xing finally exhorted: "Remember, what Ben wants is a road. Without a road, we can't do anything!"

   Shi Jinqing nodded and watched as a group of natives lifted the box out of the palace and sent it to

Go to the bullock cart.

   There are a lot of cattle and cheese in Sumatra.

   Rows of bullock carts set off slowly, surrounded by Ming army escorts with live ammunition.

   This is the trophy, and it will return to Daming with the fleet, as the most powerful proof of the huge wealth overseas.

   The last one that came out was the Frankish mission. Fang Xing glanced at them, then mounted his horse and said: "Ben Bo is going to look for His Royal Highness the King of Han. You are optimistic about Sumatra. Prepare more food and provide supplies for Zheng He's fleet on the return journey."

   Fang Xing beat his horse out of the palace after finishing, and the family members behind him followed suit.

   "We are going to Daming."

   Although he was under house arrest for a day, Bastian was not panicked. He felt that this was Fang Xing's failure to give him a chance to communicate, otherwise he would tell the other party how great Frank is.

   "Get in the car!"

   Behind him came the cry of the Ming army~www.wuxiaspot.com~ The interpreter felt that he was on a thief ship. He had known that Mingren despised the Frankish mission so much, and he would not risk it for money.

   Everyone got on the bullock cart, and the interpreter was still regretting it.

   They have experienced too much hardship along the way, escaped many times, and used money to buy roads. But even so, there were still heavy casualties.

   The ox cart swayed all the way to the beach. Along the way, I saw that the natives had resumed their normal work, and when I saw the Ming army, I just stood on the side of the road and bowed my head.

   "No one dared to take another look, these natives are really timid."

   Someone in the mission muttered, and Bastian nodded. He also felt that these natives were too weak.

   Someone was rubbing behind him, and then he approached Bastian.

   "Bastien, it's so rich here, and these natives are very weak..."

   There was greed and bewitching in the voice, and Bastian was fiery in his heart, and whispered: "This place has been conquered by the Mingren, yes, it has been conquered."

The companion behind    regretfully said: "Yes, such a wonderful place..."

  Wonderful place...

   Bastian felt that this analogy was correct, until he saw the huge treasure ship after he reached the seashore, he felt that the fire in his heart met the ice.

   "This is the strength of Mingren..."

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