Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Vol 4 Chapter 1912: Fang Xing, this is the good place you said

The three boats sailed alone on the sea, the wind was not strong, but it was frightening to look at the surrounding islands and reefs.

The people who carried the boat were terrified, but Zhu Gaoxu cursed on the deck for the weather that tanned his face.

"... Gou Ri, if you have the ability, just turn this king into dried meat!"

Zhu Gaoxu took a sip of water after a few curses. It didn't take long for the water in the water sac to drank. He cursed and threw the water sac on the deck, and then stepped on his foot.

If Zhu Gaoxu appeared in the capital at this moment, probably no one would know him.

Touching his black face, Zhu Gaoxu cursed: "How long will it be?"

The guide tremblingly said, "His Royal Highness, it will take a few more days."

Zhu Gaoxu wanted to curse, but this matter had nothing to do with the guide.

He wanted to hit someone, but he didn't want to move.

So he went to the warehouse, took out the wine Fang Xing had given, drank Lingding drunk, and fell asleep.

As for whether the fleet will encounter danger, this is not in Zhu Gaoxu's consideration at all.

Because his water quality is not good!

So he woke up and drank, drank and slept, and within a few days he became decadent.

When he woke up from a hangover again, no, he was woken up to be precise, so he got angry.

"Shut up!"

Zhu Gaoxu got up from the plank angrily, then staggered and kicked open the cabin door, shocking Chang Jianxun outside the door.

"What's the noise?"

Zhu Gaoxu rubbed the corners of his eyes and rubbed off a large pile of eye feces.

"His Royal Highness, see the land!"

Chang Jianxun said a little bit of joy and sorrow.

He doesn't like the sea. He always feels helpless on the sea. He prefers the reality of stepping on the earth.

It can be seen from the emperor that Zhu Gaoxu will be sealed off overseas if he fails to deal with it. Then he will definitely follow...

"you are not happy?"

Zhu Gaoxu asked with a stare, but he didn't feel too happy because he saw no buildings on the coastline.

Chang Jianxun hurriedly said: "His Royal Highness, please! Everyone is happy."

Yes! After taking this route again, even the guide was not sure about it, and now seeing the land, the feeling of escaping from death made people ecstatic.

So now everyone is cheering, and a sailor is proud to pee into the sea, shouting: "This is a meeting ceremony!"

"This is the big island Fang Xing said?"

Zhu Gaoxu looked around and found that there was indeed no end in sight.

"Where is it?"

Zhu Gaoxu pointed to the gradually clear shore and asked: "Where are the people? Where are the natives Fang Xing said?"

Chang Jianxun wanted to say that he didn't know, but he was afraid that Zhu Gaoxu, whose eyes were full of bloodshot eyes, would go crazy, so he said, "His Royal Highness, it's probably not at the beach."

The fleet slowly moved towards the shore, Zhu Gaoxu dressed neatly, ready to meet the natives and put on the spectrum of Prince Daming, exuding a domineering spirit.

The pilot ship landed, and a group of sergeants came ashore, adjusted to the land, and began to search forward.

"His Royal Highness, please wait a moment."

The shore was green with towering trees. Chang Jianxun was worried that the natives would live together. When he suddenly rushed out, the Ming army who had just gotten ashore still had soft-footed crabs could not stop him.

Zhu Gaoxu pushed him away with one hand and shouted: "Change the boat and get to the shore!"

The boss of this fleet is Zhu Gaoxu, so no one dares to disobey his decision.

As soon as the ship reached the shore, Zhu Gaoxu stepped on the plank first and frightened Chang Jianxun half to death.

As soon as Zhu Gaoxu stepped on the land, he raised his eyes and looked around, then carefully looked at the various traces on the ground.

"Made! Someone!"

Zhu Gaoxu saw the footprints, apparently barefoot, and the direction was toward the sea.


Zhu Gaoxu, who had been held back on the boat for a long time, led people into the woods. The sailors looked at each other, and one of them asked: "His Royal Highness did not arrange for us!"

The sailors had no choice but to return to the ship, and then began to repair the various places.

Two hours later, the sky was a bit dark, and Zhu Gaoxu came out of the forest embarrassedly.

The sailors saw that they were a little embarrassed, and some were even injured, so they hurried ashore. After I waited a little closer, I was shocked when I saw that Zhu Gaoxu's arm was bandaged, and there were more than ten people behind him.

This is Daming's Titan King! Was actually defeated?

"Made! Cook! Cook quickly!"

As soon as Zhu Gaoxu reached the shore, he sat on the ground and sulked.

Everyone had been on the ship for a long time, and there were some acquaintances, so a sailor quietly asked a familiar sergeant.

"Those natives have a weapon that can fly back when thrown out. Our people have suffered. Your Royal Highness was furious and brought people... you know."

"Will fly back?"

"That is, seeing that the thing is not directed at itself, so special it will turn to..."

Even if Zhu Gaoxu suffered a loss, he was extremely depressed.

"This is what Fang Xing said, there are beautiful and fleshy places everywhere?"

As the smoke rose, Zhu Gaoxu kicked and beat his hands and told them to go to the boat to move the tent down.

"This king never wants to live in that stuffy cabin anymore. It can smell like a fart for a long time!"

Zhu Gaoxu grabbed a handful of grass with soil and threw it out, looking extremely depressed.

The meat on the boat was dried meat, which was in line with Zhu Gaoxu's heart. He ordered dried meat and a large bowl of noodles, plus a water bag of wine, and sat on the grass to eat.


A blast of thunder came out of thin air, and Zhu Gaoxu raised his head and cursed: "God thief, I have the ability to kill this king with a thunder!"


Thunder came again as he wished.

Zhu Gaoxu took a bite of dried meat, then ate a chopsticks of noodles, looked up at the thunder and thunder, and cursed: "Come on! It's my grandson!"

He continued to work hard, and the sailors and sergeants stared blankly at the horizon.

No, it's not the horizon!

Lightning is ahead!


A flash of lightning struck the woods ahead, and the tallest tree slowly fell in thick smoke.

Zhu Gaoxu scolded while eating, and the lightning became more intense.

"Your Highness, Your Highness... Your Highness!"

Zhu Gaoxu was biting at the jerky and cursed after hearing the words: "What are you trembling for? Lao Tzu...er..."

Zhu Gaoxu slowly raised his head, and then murmured: "Fang Xing, you Gou Ri, is this a good place for you?"

The setting sun on the horizon turned orange, but now the orange was gradually blocked by things.

"It's like... a big mushroom!"

In this dreamlike exclaim, a huge ‘mushroom’ appeared on the horizon.

This large mushroom looked as white as snow in the setting sun. The umbrella on the top was indescribable, and the handle on the bottom was also very thick.


The thunder kept falling, and the lightning fell from the big mushroom, looking pale.

But the faces of the Ming soldiers who were sitting on the ground eating were paler than lightning.

"what is this?"

The big mushroom moved slowly, getting clearer and clearer.

In the setting sun, the thick canopy made of clouds looked at the fluttering white.

But below ~www.wuxiaspot.com~, the bottom of the umbrella cover that was blocked from the sun because the umbrella cover was hanging down, was strangely dark.

The huge umbrella handle was pulled a bit askew, no one knew what was under the umbrella handle.

"what is this?"

Zhu Gaoxu got up, carrying a dried leg of lamb that had been bitten in half in his left hand, and a wine pouch in his right hand.


A sailor knelt down, trembling, and shouted, "The dragon **** water! This is the dragon **** water!"

Another sailor murmured: "It's not like dragons absorb water, it's not that big."

"No, it's not the dragon sucking water!"

A sailor suddenly turned around and ran, shouting as he ran, "This is a monster! This is a monster!"

Various legends of gods and monsters have been popular in the Central Plains since many years ago, and then they have been added from generation to generation, and finally a systematic myth has been formed.

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