Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Vol 4 Chapter 1915: The sturdy imperial family (Thanks for reading in hell...

What is the Warrior like?

Bastian remembered that there was a warrior beside the prince, who could split the heavy armor with a two-handed sword and one sword, and then blazed a line of assault, leading the subsequent troops to defeat the enemy.

But does that warrior dare to face more than a dozen crocodiles ahead?

Bastian shook his head, thinking it was impossible, not at all possible.

But Zhu Gaoxu slowly walked towards the crocodiles with a machete, and there were only three guards behind him. The four of them slowly dispersed with the machete.

The crocodiles watched the people slowly, and then slowly began to move.

The huge body gave people a great sense of shock, but Zhu Gaoxu's face was flushed, as if he had just been beaten with blood.

"He is dead!"

Daming's death of a prince is a good thing for Bastian, he just wants to see Daming's action.

And he didn't notice more than a dozen people walking behind. They held muskets in their hands. As Zhu Gaoxu and the crocodile approached, they raised their guns to aim, and gradually, their bodies slowly stabilized.

"The crocodile has accelerated!"

After an exclamation, Bastian turned his gaze to the beach. The crocodiles were crazy and were speeding up towards Zhu Gaoxu.

"He's done!"


The muscles of Zhu Gaoxu's upper body were flared, and he sprinted forward with knives in both hands. Just when he was about to touch the crocodile, he turned around, thinking about running to the right.

The guards behind him immediately separated from both sides, and the crocodiles rushed forward for a while, then stopped and prepared to turn.

At this moment, Zhu Gaoxu turned back, rushed to the front of a crocodile, faced the open mouth, and slashed with a knife.


Someone in the mission was exclaiming, even turning his head too far, afraid to watch the **** coming.

Bastian's face was pale, he had never seen anyone who dared to face these monsters, and this Prince Daming made him a little frightened.

Is Daming's royal family so sturdy?

Then he raised his eyes, ready to see the tragic situation of the prince.

After a flash of blood and a muffled roar, the crocodile whose head had been chopped off was tossing frantically. It opened its mouth and the blood blurred its face.

The crocodile who was about to pass it behind was bitten by a mouth, and suddenly two huge creatures bit each other on the beach.

"Is this hell?"

Wang He watched this scene blankly, with blood rushing, wishing that he could follow along and kill a crocodile.

Zhu Gaoxu was walking on the beach. He never collided with more than one crocodile. Instead, he used to walk around the crocodile, and then rushed up to the lone crocodile to quickly resolve the battle.

The three of Chang Jianxun adopted the same tactics, but the two guards were a little weak, and looked dangerous.

A guard struggling to chop a crocodile, and when he was about to escape, the injured crocodile shook his head and bit his trouser leg between the bite of his teeth.

Just shaking his head slightly, the guard dragged to the ground.

The crocodile's mouth was cut in half, and it dragged the guard back.

When the crocodile feels that the environment is not safe, it will choose to return to its old nest-the water.

They are overlords in the water, no one dares to provoke.

"His Royal Highness..."

The guard struggled and shouted in despair.

But how powerful is the crocodile?

Its teeth can easily bite human bones and eat it as a snack.

The guard fell to the ground, half raised his head, watching two crocodiles coming in front of him, he fell heavily on the beach, his eyes looked back.

Blue sky, and a figure...

The light of the knife flashed, and the crocodile biting the leg of the guard slumped on the beach. The guard was saved, so he hurriedly got up without taking care of anything else, but he felt that his feet were heavy.

He looked down and saw that half of the crocodile's mouth was still biting his trouser leg.


Behind Bastian came a stammering exclamation and the sound of teeth bumping.

It's too fierce!

Seeing Zhu Gaoxu slashing quickly, the two crocodiles flicked their long tails behind the knife, but Zhu Gaoxu jumped high and escaped, and then retreated quickly.

The remaining crocodiles began to turn, they wanted to escape, which subverted Bastian's perception of this overlord monster.

When do they run away?

Zhu Gaoxu led the guards to chase after him. The guard who had just escaped from the dead ran the fastest. He probably wanted to kill a crocodile to prove his bravery.

"His Royal Highness..."

Wang He felt that Zhu Gaoxu definitely inherited the blood of Emperor Wen, and he was brave and brave.

Fang Xing turned around and walked in front of Bastian, smiling and asking: "This is my Da Ming's Royal Highness, the uncle of today's majesty."

Bastian leaned down respectfully, put his hand on his chest, and said in a deep voice: "After seeing His Royal Highness Wu Yong, I think I need to get to know Daming again, and Frank also needs to get to know Daming again. This is very exciting. Exciting country."

Fang Xing nodded and said, "This requires frankness. I hope Frank can tell his true thoughts, and then Da Ming will give the answer sincerely."

"I came with sincerity. There is no doubt that Daming deserves Frank's sincerity."

Bastian's face is full of sincerity.

Fang Xing also said sincerely: "Yes, I think Ranke is also a great country, worthy of Da Ming's respect."


The **** Zhu Gaoxu came up with the knife, he threw the knife casually, and then wiped his face with his hand, suddenly becoming a bit more hideous.

Bastian was staring at him so much that he was numb, but he could only smile.

Zhu Gaoxu said contemptuously: "He likes to pretend, Fang wakes up, go down to the river for a bath!"


Zhu Gaoxu didn't stay in vain for these days, he took Fang Xing and the others and easily found a small river.

The river is clear, and the banks are full of white flowers and green grass.

Zhu Gaoxu was naked and jumped into the river immediately, and suddenly there were more blood stains on the surface of the river.

Fang Xing also stripped naked, and Zhu Gaoxu floated up from the river and said contemptuously: "Looking at your face and hands are black, but your body is as white and tender as a woman, you don't look like a man!"

Fang Xing jumped into the water, floated up after diving for a while, yelled comfortably, and then said disdainfully: "You are jealous, I know you must be jealous."

Zhu Gaoxu slapped the water vigorously, and laughed: "This king wants to be here, Fang Xing, go back and remember to speak for this king."


Dinner is crocodile meat. There are five ways to do it. Fang Xing’s favorite is braised.

Bastian's mission didn't want to eat this, but the sergeant who brought the meal didn't listen to their complaints at all, threw a big pot of crocodile meat and left.

"Gosh! Mingren's recipe is too exaggerated. Can this food be eaten?"

"Bastien, go to the earl, even if it's dead bread, we can accept it."

"No, I think they... are they barbarians?"

An entourage pointed at the red crocodile meat and said, "There is no such thing as beef that is delicious. I saw that they killed more than a dozen bison today~www.wuxiaspot.com~Let’s eat beef."

Bastian sniffed the smell and found it very fragrant. He glanced at the sergeants who were eating around - they were surrounded by a group of sergeants, unable to see Fang Xing and Zhu Gaoxu.

These sergeants were all eating crocodile meat, some even had bread, but most of them just ate meat.

"Try it, it's better than starving to death."

Bastian was not used to chopsticks, and finally pierced through the meat slices, which successfully tasted the taste.

The people in the mission stared at his face and looked at his expression.


Yes, Bastian’s expression is joy and surprise.

"Yes, no, it's excellent."

Bastian poked several pieces of meat with chopsticks, and praised: "I think Ming people should be gourmets. Yes, the chefs of His Royal Highness can't cook such delicious dishes, but they are a bit...spicy?"

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