Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

: North Travel Notes: Zhang Bei

Starting from Jiming Station, we headed straight to Zhangjiakou, where we were going to have lunch.

Zhangjiakou was just a fort in the Ming Dynasty, Zhangjiakou fort.

The original function of Zhangjiakou Fort was armed, that is, defense.

From the topographical point of view, there is indeed a danger here.

Only in the later period, Zhangjiakou Fort gradually changed and became a small business town. With the pains of the late Ming and early Qing, some people ascended to heaven and some people drew grass.

What used to be a fortress, and a concentration of merchants later, has now become a city, a big city beyond my expectations.

Searching all the way, I finally found a noodle restaurant.

The name of the noodle shop is very interesting, I called a bowl of bashful noodles. The soup is good, so I made an exception and did not add chili.

One's attitude towards life can be seen from eating noodles.

I just drank alcohol and drank it all in one go. I just ate the noodles without stopping. Sister Yu is the same. I think we are probably supporters of the argument that ‘food is only sustaining life’.

The leader is slow to eat noodles. He is more like enjoying life than good food.

Is it better to maintain life or to enjoy life? I think this is a problem.

There is food in my belly, so I don't panic in my heart. We set off again, all the way to the grassland Tianlu easily.

Before I came, I had heard of the Grassland Road. I thought it would be a vast sky, a vast expanse of wildness, and the wind and grass can see cows and sheep.

"Take you to see the snow."

The leader said so, but the reality has let our ideas fall to nothing.

The north in early spring gave us a lot of face, and the sun was shining brightly.

The wind is not too strong. For a person temporarily living in the coastal area, such wind is just normal.

But what's the matter with the withered yellow in front of me?

Yes, it's all withered.

The south is already a time when peaches and plums are fragrant, and young grass branches are competing for their heads, but here is still a cold winter scene.

A little disappointed, but since I'm here, I naturally have to take this heavenly road.

Long-distance driving was very tiring, so this car changed its driver, Sister Yu took a rest, and the teacher's daughter was in charge.

"I got my driver's license test."

The introduction of the leader gave me a chill. I glanced at the new driver and found... a little excited.

Sister Yu, the old god, sat in the back, just said some precautions for this car, and then began to rest.

And I was also driven to the front co-pilot, and the leader teased: "For my safety, I just sit in the back."

The start was a bit slow, but at least I didn't use the accelerator as a brake, so I gradually felt relieved.

The sky is very narrow, all the way is withered, and some of the withered grass looks as neat as wheatgrass.

I almost never encountered a car on the road, because at the entrance it was written: closed.

After choosing a place, everyone got off the car and started taking pictures.

The group of people is probably the least good at taking pictures. I felt awkward to pose, so I was criticized.

On the right is a slope. After taking the picture, Xiao Bai went down and took a look, and then said that the scenery was good, so I followed.

The soil is very loose and floating. I leaned over and squeezed the withered grass and shattered it!

This is the north!

Unlike the south, where small bridges, flowing water and drizzle like silk, can make literati and poems prosperous, the natural environment here is obviously much worse.

And those are like planted grass, I think it should be used to stabilize the soil, otherwise the floating soil will go away with the wind and turn into dust when the wind blows.

The **** stopped abruptly at a cliff ahead.

The following is like a grand canyon born out of thin air, no, it can't be called a canyon.

When I returned, I asked the leader that this type of terrain is called under the dam.

From both sides of the road, you will never see this kind of terrain, it's like...a basin with undulating mountains and small rivers below it. Residential dwellings are dotted in it.

The first impression is the shock, the shock brought by the completely different landforms.

It's like a new world suddenly appeared in front of your eyes, making you want to explore it.

We have been here for a long time, only then continue to set off reluctantly.

Because withered yellow occupies the line of sight, we decided to go to another place.

——Zhang Bei!

Zhang Bei has a long history and has been changing ownership in the back and forth between the nomads and the Central Plains. He was once the central capital of the Yuan Dynasty.

In the early Ming Dynasty, this place was Xinghe Mansion. Then it went through a counterattack, regained it again, and returned to the territory of the Ming Dynasty, becoming the Xinghe Guarding Qianhu Suo of Ming Dynasty.

This is the final point of our trip-Xinghebao in the book!

Xinghepu was naturally invisible. Standing on a high slope, looking at Zhangbei County, there was a small river below.

The icy river looks white. If it is not time constraint, I think I will go down and take a look and re-experience the fun of breaking ice by the river as a child.

There is a windmill on the top of the slope, and the huge fan blades are blown by the wind, making a whining sound.

Naturally, there are no historical sites to be seen here, except for some buildings in the county town, the surrounding fields are vast.

"Xing He Bo has cast Jingguan here, let's have one too."

The leader suggested that everyone used stones to build a pile of stones and talked about it.

Just mentioning Yanniang's eye, she was helpless. Did 8000 or Xiaobai carved an eye on the stone, and he was done.

The Cavaliers started live broadcasting and asked Sister Yu: "Sister Jazz, is your next book female?"

Sister Yu replied solemnly: "Yes, female frequency."

A group of people laughed and leaned back together.

Happiness is never complicated. When you feel relaxed, all you see are beautiful scenery, so naturally you will be happy.

Come with happiness, and return with happiness!

I think this is the highest state of travel!

We started to return. When we entered a hilly area, I thought this should be the Yehuling area back then.

I still remember that the origin of Yehuling is that there are many foxes. The mountain ridges ups and downs in front of me, the fox has no trace, but is silent.

This is the dividing line between nomadism and farming, and entering this place is farming.

When the nomads are strong, this is the entrance to the south invasion.

When Zhongyuan is strong, this is the exit for attacking.

Looking at the gray mountains ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ witnessed the rise and fall of the millennium, and witnessed countless joys and sorrows.

All the way back to Zhangjiakou, the room has been booked here.

On the last day, there was always a little bit of dismay, and then the leader was happy again, because he found that he had lost his coat, and that he had lost it during lunch, and left it at the noodle restaurant.

Don't worry about the coat, but the ID card inside is a headache.

Fortunately, I was lucky. I contacted me by phone. The clothes were there and my ID card was there.

After drinking and chatting, there were only three people left, which lasted until more than two o'clock in the morning.


In order to avoid the rush hour, we set off to Beijing before dawn the next morning and ended the trip to the North.

Thank the leader and sister Yu for their preparation and hospitality. This is a successful party as well as a joyful party. I think no matter how long it is, I will find it out from my memory from time to time, and slowly aftertaste...

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