Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Vol 4 Chapter 1931: Wretched, invincible

Fang Xing just wanted to sleep late, but Wuyou woke up as soon as dawn was outside.

This girl is lively and innocent, she is the pistachio and treasure of the whole family.

Fang Xing yawned and walked out with Wuyou.

The big bug and the little bug followed lazily. As for potatoes and Ping An, the two boys have already gone to class.

"Father, yesterday the empress dowager asked the eldest brother and the second brother to bake something to eat!"

Worry-free wears a thin light green jacket, and her hair is combed into two pony tails, flicking in the back of her head.

How can Fang Xing not love such a cute daughter, he said softly: "That is to look forward to it!"

Wuyou raised her face and asked curiously: "Father, what is the hope?"

Fang Xing smiled and said, "I just think good things, think good things can be done."

No worries, and then turned around and shouted: "Big bugs, little bugs, go catch the hare!"

The two big dogs immediately rushed to the front in vigor, turning their heads to see worry-free from time to time.

This girly grandeur!

Fang Xing's heart was soft, and she took her all the way to the field, watching the two big dogs running wildly.


Fang Xing turned around and waited for Mo Chou to hug Huanhuan and touched his face and said, "Huanhuan is called Dad."

But Huanhuan turned his head and buried it heavily on Mo Chou's chest.

Mo Chou coaxed him in a low voice, but Huanhuan still refused to call him father.

"Master, the child is a bit stubborn, so I turned around and taught him a good life."

Mo Chou said apologetically, and Fang Xing shook his head: "The child has a lot of forgetfulness. I've been out for so long, and he won't recognize it. Just take it easy."

"Brother! Brother!"

Wuyou stretched out his hand and shouted, turned his head happily, and then struggled to get to the ground.

"This little kid!"

Fang Xing asked Mo Chou to put the child down, and then the two of them walked with Huanhuan in the lead.

The farmers were working in the field in twos and threes. They all smiled when they saw it, and shouted when a child followed.

Fang Xing glanced sideways at Mo Chou, and saw that she was a little bit shy, and said: "The child is still young, don't force him to learn anything, let's play first, I will naturally arrange it here when I get older."

Mo Chou responded, feeling full in his heart, and happiness was almost overflowing.

If you are not a strong woman, women want to have a shoulder to lean on.

And Fang Xing is the shoulders of their mother and son, and they are very stable.

Fang Xing felt her loving gaze, so he coughed and took her hand quietly.

The two dogs ran back, their tongues spit out the old man, and then chuckled around the two children in a circle.

The scenery here is unique, and Chen Mo's life is also good.

He got a holiday, but as an official, he reported to the Ministry of Rites today.

The head of the Ministry of Etiquette is considered the backbone, so Hu Yi came to the ‘interview’ himself.

As soon as they met, Hu Yi had a good impression of Chen Mo, who was honest-looking, and asked: "What is the most important thing for foreign exchanges?"

What rice?

Chen Mo looked at the ground awkwardly, not knowing how to answer this question.

This is like a soldier who is suddenly promoted to general, and then the superior asks him strategic questions. It must be at a loss.

An awkward atmosphere filled the room. Chen Mo raised his head and saw the disappointment in Hu Su's eyes. He gritted his teeth and said, "My lord, the lower officials think it should be for the benefit."

Hu Su was still disappointed, because this kind of remarks were common in Fang Xue, but as long as it benefited and over a long period of time, the Wai Fan would definitely renounce his morals, and Daming could only rely on force to maintain his position as the leader.

"As long as it's good, friends don't want it?"

Hu Yi's dissatisfaction made Chen Mo almost desperate. He blurted out: "My lord, if you want something, you have to be able to coax people. They coax people and let them give benefits willingly, thinking that they are taking advantage..."

Hu Yi turned his head slightly, and at this moment he just wanted to curse someone.

But after he thought about it, he discovered that Chen Mo's words were actually a vernacular interpretation of foreign affairs.

This person...

Hu Su suddenly gave Chen Mo a smile, and then asked, "Where did you hear this?"

Seeing the smile, Chen Mo suddenly became excited like a chicken blood, and said incessantly: "My lord, this is the experience of the subordinates who have been outside for many years!"

"When I was in the country of Japan, the officials were ignorant of things, just watched them act, but after learning, in the end, the officials unknowingly went to coax those outside the feudal vassal, and then they got out of control..."

Hu Su was already dumbfounded. He had never seen any official who had said so much about the deception. He was not ashamed, but rather proud.

Chen Mo continued to say, and he was more energetic: "My lord, we need some people to pretend to be fierce, some people to pretend to be honest, soft..."

What Chen Mo said was so excited that he forgot where he was before he knew it.

He trivially raised his eyebrows at Hu Ye, and said, "One soft... one hard, sir!"

Hu Wei has never heard such vulgar metaphors. He feels that the Ministry of Rites has become a Qingpi concentration camp, and even feels that he will probably leave a name in history books that makes people laugh...

After Chen Mo realized that he had gone too far, he immediately pleaded guilty, but Hu Wei just waved his hand.

Chen Mo thought he was finished, so he said with a bitter face: "My lord, the officials are just used to talking like this. When I was overseas, the natives...you have to know that if you talk to them seriously, the natives will think You are hypocritical, so you're an official... You've become vulgar for the sake of Daming!"

Hu Yi said weakly: "Go, your majesty has promised you a holiday, and come again when you arrive."

When Chen Mo heard this, he said with joy: "My lord, then the next official is going! If you are free, dismiss the official... the next official knows that the food in a restaurant is delicious. My lord, the next official...somewhat Net worth, I implore you to show your face."

This person is too familiar!

Hu Wei felt that he had really met the nemesis, so he sternly said: "Bring the officer face to face, are you going to visit Jinyiwei?"

"Don't, my lord, it's wrong to be an official, it's wrong!"

Chen Mo ran away as soon as he slid. People who met the Ministry of Rites along the way took the initiative to greet them, not enthusiastic ~ www.wuxiaspot.com~ as if he had been in the Ministry of Rites for many years.

"Who is this person?"

Yan Dajian felt that this smile made him a little irritable, and the people around him replied: "My lord, this is the Chen Mo who was praised by His Majesty yesterday. He flew to the position of the head of the Ministry of Rites and seemed to be proud."

Yan Dajian whispered: "This person looks frivolous, how can he work in the Ministry of Rites? The officer went to an adult and asked if he could move his errands."

After seeing Hu Wei, Yan Dajian put forward his own thoughts. He felt that Hu Wei himself should also have the same meaning. This is considered to be in sync with Shangguan.

But Hu Ye's face was strange, but he said something: "This person is a bit...rogue, but there is such a person in the Ministry of Rites, and this official doesn't think it's a bad thing."

Yan Dajian frowned and said, "My lord, Daming's image can't be ruined by others!"

"will not."

Hu Wei said playfully: "Since the late Emperor Wen, Daming has no longer treated the messengers favorably, but the people in the Ministry of Rites always feel sad, and the official feels that this trend should be suppressed."

These words involved Zhu Di, and Yan Dajian was awe-inspiring and nodded hurriedly.

Hu Yi smiled and said: "The details of the Frankish mission are unclear. The tactics of the Ministry of Rites may not be effective for them. This official will ask your Majesty for instructions, and then let Chen Mo go."

Yan Dajian was dissatisfied, but he didn't want to oppose it anymore. Out of Hu Wei's duty room, he looked at the sky above the Ministry of Rites, feeling gloomy in his heart.

There is something in Hu Su's words, Chen Mo's head, can be used as Fang Xing who brought Frank's mission, how can he stay out of the matter. What is the bottom line of the mission and how Frank is going? Naturally, they can be tested one by one.

This was a cooperation between the Ministry of Rites and Fang Xing, and Yan Dajian was completely excluded.

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