Take the Warehouse To The Great Ming

Vol 4 Chapter 1932: Franken Angel Face Saint

Sanhua daughter-in-law, happy birthday.


Bastian never felt that he was a bun. After seeing the Da Ming Treasure Ship, he comforted himself and Frank would sooner or later.

After seeing Tianjin Wei Dock, he felt that it was not difficult for Frank.

When he saw Beiping City, all his pride was knocked out.

He could not imagine that there would be such a huge city, and never thought that there would be such a prosperous city.

What saddened him the most was that Beiping City was very clean, which made Bastian, who was used to the smelly and full of garbage in the city, really unbelievable.

"Damn it! Is this heaven Bastian?"

The mission was lucky. Since Zheng He's fleet has not yet returned, there is only one mission like them in Beiping City, which can settle down calmly.

Living in an exquisite yard, eating delicacies that make people doubt their taste buds, and taking a shower every day.

Such days are really impossible to say, at least the other members of the mission have been in shock and have not recovered.

"What about interpreters?"

Several entourages circled in the yard, like those drunks who drank too much, and Bastian felt confused by their dizziness.

"This is a great country. No, this is a rich country. Frank should be able to benefit from it. Bastian, will we benefit from it?"

Bastian sat on the steps, watching the translator come in with joy, and then asked, "What did the Ming people say?"

The translator happily said: "Bastien, Mingren promised you to go to see His Majesty the Emperor."

"This is a good thing, it shows that Ming people value us."

Bastian breathed a sigh of relief, thinking it was a good start.

. . . . . .

Entering the palace is actually the process of Bastian becoming a bunny again.

"These are incredible!"

Bastian murmured, and the **** who led him and the translator in sternly said: "Regulations, don't be rude!"

"What is he saying?"

Bastian felt that the **** was not very friendly, but the interpreter said in embarrassment: "He said let us behave a little bit, don't talk nonsense."

There is a towering palace ahead. Bastian has forgotten the embarrassment. He opened his mouth and stared blankly at everything in front of him.

However, the interpreter couldn't help but exclaimed, and the **** who led the way in front of him cursed secretly, and then quickened his pace.

Today, there are two rows of Han generals standing outside the Qianqing Palace. They are all about the same height, wearing armor that can dazzle others' eyes, holding shiny weapons, and looking serious.

A **** stood in front of the main hall of the Qianqing Palace. He looked up at Bastian and asked, "But is it the Frankish messenger?"

In this solemn and mighty atmosphere, the interpreter could not help but shouted: "It is the Frankish messenger, Bastian."

The **** was Yu Jia, and he said coldly: "Your Majesty summons the messenger!"

The **** who led the way stretched out his hand, and Bastian stepped on the steps of the Daming Palace for the first time, feeling a little nervous in his heart.

Entering the hall, the good design made Zhu Zhanji on the throne appear extraordinarily majestic.

On the one hand, Wu Xun, while the civil servants, both turned to look at Bastian and the interpreter. A huge pressure suddenly made the interpreter sweat.

This is a huge world empire, and their fleet has not found an opponent on the sea; although their army is just a glimpse, but the old power of Halle fell under their horses, which shows that they are also on land. Rare opponent.

There was no doubt in Bastian's heart. He knelt on one knee and said: "The Frankish envoy Bastian, it is an honor to meet the great Emperor Ming."

Yang Rong frowned and went out of class and said, "You should kneel down, kneel down on both knees!"

Fang Xing did not go to the civil servants to make trouble today, but stood on Wu Xun's side. He went out of class and said, "Master Yang, they are indeed like this."

Hu Ye said dissatisfied: "This is disrespectful to your Majesty."

Fang Xing smiled and said, "The people who respect and disrespect are not here. What Daming respects is the invincible army, the fleet of ships covering the sea, the confident monarchs and the people, this is more recognizable and convincing than the five-body cast."

Civil and military disputes, the emperor will come to make a decision.

Zhu Zhanji said solemnly: "Da Ming's majesty does not need to be forced to reflect it."

There are no idiots, everyone knows what the emperor meant: to kneel is to make these people kneel down willingly, instead of letting the other party bow their knees by arguing.


Yang Rong was convinced to return to the class, and all the officials felt that the Ming imperial family had never made the same mistakes of the Tang and Song dynasties since Emperor Wen, all of them were Ming monarchs.

As the official book of the Ministry of Etiquette, Hu Ye took the lead in questioning.

"Da Ming welcomes friends from Taixi, but the two countries are too far away and have never been in contact. Please tell us about the situation in your country so that Da Ming can make a decision."

After listening to the translation of the interpreter, Bastian said sincerely: "Frank is a big country in Taissi, the number one big country, but in recent years there have been conflicts with neighboring countries. The war between the two sides has been going on for decades, but Frank It still exists and is getting stronger and stronger."

After Zhu Zhanji heard this, he nodded slightly, then turned his eyes to Fang Xing.

This shit-chucking stick is about to play!

The ministers looked at Fang Wake up from class, with a serious expression on his face, which is the so-called ministerial manner.

"Your Excellency Bastian, in this war between your country and the gorse, it is said that the gorse has the upper hand?"


The ministers wondered in their hearts, thinking that there are still such countries?

But Bastian was already sluggish, and he looked at the interpreter. . . . . .

The translator was pale and avoided his gaze, Bastian felt cold, and wanted to rush over now and choke the idiot to death.

What did you say?

Bastian thought about it ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and said: "Yes, your Excellency, Gorse has won some victories, but Frank has launched a counterattack. We will drive those guys back to the other side of the sea."

This statement is similar to Fang Xing's judgment. Zhu Zhanji said indifferently: "Then the Frankish Lord sent you here. What is the purpose?"

Bastian said: "Your Majesty, Frank is now under the control of His Royal Highness the Crown Prince. His Royal Highness sent us to hear about the conflict between Daming and Halle, and further west, the fleshy charm is eyeing the East and the West. This is where the common interests of Daming and Frank lie. Your Majesty, Frank sincerely hopes that the two countries can become friends and long-term friends."

Fang Xing coughed dryly. At this time, Zhu Zhanji should not be allowed to face each other, as this would lose room for buffering.

"What can Frank help Daming? Or, what can Frank get out of this?"

It's too fruity!

The civilian officials felt that Fang Xing was like a street vendor, vying with customers for the benefits of a few cents.

Bastian felt that this couldn’t be more normal. He said frankly: “Frank hopes that both sides can give each other the greatest and only support in the East and West. For this reason, Frank is willing to sign a treaty with Daming. Become the closest ally within a year, one party will encounter an attack, and the other will give unconditional assistance."

This is not bad!

Frank is far away in Taixi and Ming is in the east. There is no direct conflict between the two countries. Only such an ally can make people feel at ease.

"So the purpose of your visit is to sign an alliance treaty with Daming?" Fang Xing asked.

Bastian nodded and said, "Yes, Lord Earl, this is the reason why I ventured through countless hardships and came to Daming."

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